Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 72: Marathon

Chapter 72: Marathon

Syd pulled out of Aila and a torrent of sticky white cum flooded from her tunnel, making a lewd mess all over Syd’s stomach. Not that Jadis minded. She’d made much bigger messes in the past and was planning on making a bigger one shortly, presuming Aila was on board with continuing to the second ritual.

Getting to her feet, Aila walked on unsteady legs to her pack and searched around inside, looking for something. Jadis savored the sight of her pert, heart-shaped ass as Aila bent over, seed still dribbling out of her from her pussy lips. It was an immensely tempting sight; one she wouldn’t pass up on in most circumstances.

In fact…

Aila let out a surprised yelp as Dys buried her face in her behind, hungrily licking Syd’s sweet cum from her pussy.

“What are you doing?” Aila asked in an almost comically serious voice. “We aren’t doing a ritual at the moment, are we?”

“No, just cleaning you up,” Jay answered from her spot next to Syd, casually swiping a finger through the puddle on her double’s stomach and taking a taste.

Aila said nothing for a moment, then went back to rummaging through her pack.

“Carry on then.”

Jadis was fairly certain Aila found what she was looking for after the first minute, but she didn’t object to the extra time she gave her to finish cleaning up her mess.

When Aila eventually straightened up and turned around, her condition less soaked in seed but no less wobbly, she held up a small glass vial with a yellow liquid sloshing inside.

“To prevent pregnancy,” she explained before popping the cork off and downing the mouthful in one go. Her nose wrinkled at the taste. “Ugh. So sour.”

“So, you always carry a potion like that around?” Dys asked, her hands holding onto Aila’s waist as she kneeled before her. Aila was taller than Dys when she was kneeling, but not by much.

Aila frowned and recorked the bottle, then tossed it into her backpack. “No, but I wanted to be prepared just in case after our last conversation about what your rituals could possibly entail.”

“I’m glad one of us has some forethought,” Dys grinned before planting a kiss on Aila’s left breast.

“Ready to continue? If we do the two-hour ritual now, we should be done long before dinner as long as we don’t make any mistakes and have to start over,” Syd asked, sitting up from her prone position in the blanket nest.

“What does that one require?” Aila asked, one hand playing with Dys’s hair and she continued to shower her supple flesh with kisses. “This first one wasn’t too bad, actually.”

“Constant skin-to-skin contact for the full two hours,” Jay explained, getting up and making the blanket-nest more spread out and comfortable. “And concurrent climaxes. No specific timing or number of climaxes, but you’ll need to let us know when you’re getting close cause if you cum and we don’t, or vice versa, the ritual will fail and we’ll have to start over.”

“I’m still amazed by the peculiarities of your class,” Aila murmured.

“And I’m still amazed by how beautiful you are,” Dys said between loving pecks on Aila’s breasts.

A small blush spreading across her face, Aila put one hand under Dys’ chin and raised her head up. Planting a kiss on her lips, she whispered, “You don’t need to flatter me, I’m quite on board with all this after that first hour. Also, I’m always in favor of efficiency and there’s good reason to continue now, little point in delaying for later. Besides,” she reached down then and wrapped as much of her hand as she could around Dys’ throbbing member, “I get the feeling you’re going to need to release soon or this’ll get painful, won’t it?”

Dys grinned as Aila took the lead and confidently led her by the dick back to where the rest of Jadis waited in the nest.

It seemed Aila’s initial passivity in the bed was a temporary condition. While nowhere near as forward as Jadis knew she herself was, Aila wasn’t the type to just cede all control, at least not for long. Joining the other two, she pushed Dys down onto her back the straddled her thighs, letting her cockhead slap against her chest between her breasts.

“This is literally anatomically impossible,” Aila pointed out, her left hand running up and down Dys’s dick, spreading her dripping precum all along her length. Her right hand she held around the base of her dick, then used her fingers to measure it in an odd spider-walking motion. “You’re six hands long, Jadis. Utterly absurd.”

“Yeah, but knowing how my class works, pretty sure it’ll work out regardless,” Jay said, watching the show appreciatively.

“We don’t have to go all the way if you think it’s too much,” Syd assured Aila, hand rubbing her back. “There are lots of other ways to handle this ritual.”

“No, I want to give this a try,” Aila said, giving Dys’ cock a tentative kiss on the tip, drawing a small moan of approval from her. “I want to know the limits of your skill at least.”

Aila stood and positioned herself over Dys’ shaft, angling the head to rest against her heated lips. Jay and Syd put their hands on her arms and legs for support, but did nothing more, letting the redhead run the show this time.

Slowly, she lowered herself down onto Dys, her pussy allowing her cock entrance not with ease, but with less difficulty than the first time. Once Dys’ cockhead had fully penetrated, Aila held still, eyes closed, accustoming herself to the feeling.

Dys also had to close her eyes to concentrate on not blowing her load right then and there. She’d been erect for more than an hour without release and since Syd had gotten off, Jadis’ other two bodies were feeling more than a bit pent up.

Without warning, Aila moved again, forcing more of Dys’ length inside of her. The sudden and unexpected movement caught Jadis off guard and she almost lost control right then and there, holding back her need only through intense willpower.

Not bothering with the sawing, back and forth movement Jadis had adopted the first time, Aila simply pressed down, driving more and more of Dys inside of her, one hand gripping tightly to Jay’s hand while the other followed the upward progression of the visible proof of Dys’ intrusion. After an agonizing minute of bearing down, Aila reached the point where she had sunk far enough to settle on her knees, legs to either side Dys’ hips. She hadn’t managed to get all the way to Dys’ base, but she’d gone more than halfway.

“This is insane…” Aila whispered, her hand rubbing the tip of Dys’ cock where a bulge in her chest between her breasts indicated it had reached.

“That’s so fucking hot,” Syd praised Aila, hand running across her back and ass. “You’re amazing.”

“Sexy as fuck,” Jay added, planting a kiss on the side of Aila’s neck, her hand running through her long hair. “And that’s not flattery. I fucking mean it.”

Aila smiled weakly, then moaned as the cock inside her jumped and throbbed. “Ah! Um, yes, that’s something,” she mumbled, her focus lost for a second. She then leaned forward, putting her head between Dys’ breasts before murmuring something against her chest.

“What was that?” Jay asked, unable to hear what Aila was saying despite having an abundance of ears to hear her with.

“I said, you’re very sexy, too,” she clarified, face blushing so red her ears looked like they were on fire.

Somehow, Aila made it seem as though complimenting Jadis’ attractiveness was far more embarrassing than having a dick shoved over a foot up inside her. That odd bashfulness was infectious and made Jadis’ three selves blush as well, though on her inhumanly pale skin it looked more like she was glowing.

“Ahem. Well, thank you,” Jay answered clumsily, trying to dispel the awkward atmosphere.

“I’m going to start moving now,” Dys said, putting her hands on Aila’s waist. “Just, make sure you tell us when you’re getting close.”

“We’ve got to time this carefully for the ritual,” Syd reminded, one hand still on Aila’s back.

“Okay,” Aila nodded, burying her face between Dys’ breasts again. “I’m ready.”

Dys started slow, her hips pulling back just slightly before pumping up again. Even pulling out by an inch felt wrong to her, the intensely hot, tight depths of Aila practically crying out to Jadis, demanding she stay within her forever. Still, she pressed on, pulling out and pushing in, creating a slow but steady rhythm.

She wasn’t sure she could last long. Even the relatively slow pace was making Jadis want to abandon herself to sweet release, especially with the cute little grunts and moans Aila was making with each movement of her hips. She could feel the pressure in the pit of her stomach rising with each passing moment and there was no stopping it. Since it seemed like she wasn’t going to be able to slow herself down, she needed to find a way to speed up Aila’s release.

Jay’s hand wormed between Aila and Dys and found her clit, gently rubbing at the little nub to try and coax Aila along faster.

Letting out a startled cry, Aila’s hands unexpectedly latched hold onto Dys’ breasts, prompting her own startled yelp which turned into a moan of pleasurable dismay.

Dys cursed as she came, her seed instantly filling up Aila’s already overstuffed womb. Thick cum leaked out around her cock, the pearlescent liquid having no room to go anywhere but out. Aila let out a choked gasp as her tunnel tightened and spasmed around Dys’ pulsing shaft, her climax coming a few moments too late.

Belatedly, Jadis realized that while Dys had reached her peak and was now floating on cloud nine, her other two selves hadn’t. Both were painfully erect, but nothing more. Considering how the ritual had gone last time, Jadis was fairly certain that she’d failed to meet the criteria. Her suspicion was confirmed when after both a panting Aila and heaving Dys came down from their highs, there was no tell-tale glow present in any of her selves’ skin.

“I think I fucked that one up,” Jay admitted, catching Aila’s attention.

Sitting up and wiping some sweat from her brow, the redhead frowned and asked, “What? How?”

“Our climaxes weren’t concurrent,” Jay explained her suspicions to Aila in a quick few words, also pointing out that she hadn’t came with all of her bodies either.

“Oh. I didn’t warn you either,” Aila pointed out, wiggling her hips slightly. “That was a lot more, um, stimulating than I expected.”

“You feel pretty fucking good too, Blue,” Dys laughed, leaning down to plant a kiss on the top of Aila’s head.

“Still, sorry I fucked the ritual up,” Syd apologized.

Aila sat back up, groaning a bit as she felt Dys’ still stiff shaft throb inside of her, the bulge in her torso now looking less defined and slightly more rounded. Her hands were still on Dys’ breasts and she idly played with her nipples for a moment, seeming to just then realize that she was holding onto two of the more outwardly visible evidences of Jadis’ female aspect.

“Hardly something to apologize for, is it?” Aila commented, flicking a finger across Dys’ nipple and smiling faintly as the gasp she drew from her. “It’s still early in the day. Plenty of time to get this lewd ritual right.”

Jadis grinned, Syd and Jay leaning in from both sides and kissing her on either cheek.

“Love it when you talk dirty,” Jadis teased, then moved in to try a new position.

For the next several hours, Jadis and Aila explored each other’s bodies, stroking, kissing, licking, and sucking in a variety of different positions. There was no rush, only a guiding principle of trying to feel each other out and better learn each other’s tells. There were more than a few mishaps and poorly timed climaxes on both their parts, but it was a learning experience for them both, one that neither was willing to back down from. In the end, after many, many tries, they got their timing and their communication right and the ritual was completed.

In a bid to keep herself under control, Jadis refrained from going all out on Aila the way she had on her selves in the past. She kept her fucking movements generally slower, making small strokes and never going all the way in. Her will to restrain herself was tested throughout the marathon sex spree; Aila’s sexy, willing body was a tantalizing temptation, but for the sake of the ritual, Jadis had to focus just as much on timing as on having a good time.

Five hours later, Aila lay on top of Jay, sandwiched between Dys and Syd who lay on either side of her, arms and legs thrown across her. All of them were sticky, sweat and cum covered messes. Jadis felt as though both her mind and her muscles had turned to mush after the hours long debauchery. Aila, for her part, looked about ready to pass out.

“Hey, check your menu,” Syd poked Aila in the side, prompting an exhausted groan.

Bleary eyed, Aila wiped a stray strand of cum from her brow and stared blankly at Syd from her spot on top of Jay, her sore pussy still stuffed with Jay’s slowly softening cock. After a few moments, her brows shot up and a tired smile bloomed across her face.

“It worked! The bonus you gave me went up to forty-three instead of thirty-nine,” she said, stifling a yawn. “That’s amazing… You’re amazing, you know that?”

“Aw, thanks Blue,” Syd grinned, giving Aila’s cute nose a small kiss. “Not so bad yourself.”

Aila’s smile turned thoughtful. “Forty-three… That means your eldritch attribute is at eighty-six, right?”

“Yup,” Dys confirmed, her hand brushing lazily across Aila’s back. “This ritual gave our stats a big boost, gotta say. Thanks for the help, literally couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Hm.” Aila mused, one hand idly stroking Jay’s muscled arm. “This might be forward of me, and feel free to reject, but if you’re willing, can we discuss our attributes? Maybe talk about our class skills? I’d like to compare and plan, if possible.”

“That’d be great, actually,” Jay said, shifting to pull her member out from within Aila. “I’d love to get your take on our build. We’ve grown a lot without any educated guidance on what we should do. I admit to having made a few mistakes in my build early on.”

“I’d be happy to offer what guidance I’m able,” Aila agreed, stifling another yawn.

“It’s a plan then,” Syd nodded, stroking Aila’s long, damp hair. “But maybe a nap first. I can’t think straight right now, not until I get some rest.”

“Pretty sure I won’t be walking straight without a long rest to recover first, either,” Aila murmured sincerely, burying her face in Jay’s chest.

Her attempt at rest was only disturbed for a few moments as Jadis struggled through a fit of laughter.

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