Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 152: POV Voyeur

Chapter 152: POV Voyeur

Aila and Kerr had grown penises.

Thea could honestly say she’d never in her life thought that she would see something so bizarre. She knew, from an intellectual perspective, that Eldritch magic was capable of doing some strange things to a person’s body. Certainly she had seen some grotesque examples in the past, both on and off the battlefield. She’d heard of even stranger things whispered among the barracks, the kinds of spells that made a person shudder and thank the gods they hadn’t drawn the ire of some insanely powerful witch or ritualist. But a woman growing a co—a penis? The idea had definitely not ever occurred to her.

Not that she was complaining, now that it had happened. Thea had initially been a little hesitant about the idea of a woman sporting a man’s rod when she’d first been confronted with the possibility, but having spent some… memorable times with Jadis and her more masculine side, Thea had become something of a fan. At least, she’d become a big fan of what Jadis was equipped with.

Or maybe she’d just become a big fan of Jadis.

Thea blushed at the thought. She and Jadis had a sexual relationship, for practical work purposes as much as for the fun it provided. There was no reason to let her mind stray towards the romantic. Aila had fairly well claimed Jadis as her lover. Thea could be happy just standing watch on the side. Of course she could. Why wouldn’t she be?

Which was exactly why Thea was sitting off to the side while Aila and Kerr prepared to double up on one of Jadis’ bodies, namely Dys.

“C’mon, you don’t want me in your butt?” Kerr whined, the flamboyantly crude woman openly stroking her flared cock. “I promise I’ll make you feel good!”

“I’m certain of that,” Dys laughed while pushing Kerr onto her back. “But Aila has her sights set on my back door and who am I to get in the way of my girlfriend’s dreams?”

“It’s not ‘my dream’ you buffoon!” Aila shot back, giving Dys a poke to her side. “I just—I want to try it the one way. Before…”

“Before you let me try it on you?”

“I haven’t agreed to that,” Aila responded, her freckled face cross.

“I know, not saying otherwise,” Dys grinned and shrugged. “But I’m glad you don’t hate the idea.”

Thea wasn’t so certain of the idea herself. Anal sex was not a new concept to her, but it also always seemed like the kind of thing that men wanted and women put up with. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe Jadis when she said she enjoyed it, but Thea just couldn’t imagine it being as pleasurable as she made it out to be. Maybe her enjoyment of the act had something to do with her being a Nephilim?

“I am willing to try it,” Thea overheard Eir whisper to Syd in whose lap she was currently sprawled in. “I am not experienced in the practice, but I’ve heard it can be quite pleasurable when done correctly.”

“And where exactly would a priestess be hearing about the pleasures of getting fucked in the ass?” Syd murmured back while running her fingers through Eir’s hair.

“I have my sources,” Eir replied while affecting an air of mystery.

In the meantime, Dys had climbed on top of Kerr’s prone form, making the tall and powerful therion look tiny in comparison. Thea quietly shifted her position on the bed so she could see what was about to happen a little more clearly. She didn’t want to distract anyone from what was happening, so she said nothing, but she wanted to see as much as she could. Her heart was already beating fast from her last climax. Watching Jadis pleasure the others elicited a heated response in her like nothing else ever had.

“Before we get started,” Dys said, sliding her groin against the ridged base of Kerr’s new cock.

“I’m drinking this, just in case,” Jay finished the sentence.

Having momentarily departed from the giant-sized bed, Jay had returned at that moment carrying a flask of a yellow-colored liquid. It took Thea a moment to recognize it for what it was. An infertility potion, the kind made by alchemists. Thea had thought Jadis didn’t need such things since she had a skill that allowed her to choose the level of her seed’s virility. Then she remembered that for once, Jadis was the one who was about to be penetrated, not the other way around.

Dys took the potion from her other self and downed the liquid in one smooth gulp.

“Ugh, tastes so sour,” Dys commented, smacking her lips.

“Aw, first I don’t get to fuck your ass, now I don’t get to even risk putting a litter in you?” Kerr complained, running her hands up and down Jadis’ thighs. “I was really, really looking forward to seeing if I could breed you…”

“Maybe someday,” Dys chuckled. “But I’m not ready for kids yet. Besides, if anything, I’m the one who’s going to breed you!”

Before Kerr could argue further, Dys lifted her pelvis up in a quick, smooth motion, then just as smoothly lowered herself down on top of Kerr’s erection. She stopped about halfway down, engulfing Kerr’s cock, then stirred her hips around in a circular motion.

Merde! Not fair,” Kerr hissed, sounding almost like she was in pain. “Distracting me from sex with sex! Gods, you’re way tighter than I thought you’d feel!”

“You feel big too,” Dys huffed out, still stirring around her hips. “I guess Anatomical Adaptation doesn’t extend its effects to whatever penetrates me, only the other way.”

Thea leaned forward, trying to get a closer look at where Kerr was sliding inside Dys. She couldn’t quite see and was considering a change of position when a pair of strong arms suddenly lifted her up. She hadn’t even heard Jay sneak up on her, either too engrossed in what was happening before her or Jay showing off a level of stealth she hadn’t demonstrated previously.

In one smooth motion, Jay had laid her almost directly on top of Kerr. The only reason why her head hadn’t collided with Dys’ cock was because Dys had lifted it up and kept it pressed to her belly with one hand. Thea’s head was placed right on Kerr’s stomach, her cheek pressed against her sweat-soaked abs.

“If watching is your thing,” Jay spoke from behind her, “then you should at least get a good view. You don’t mind, do you Kerr?”

“Go for it,” Kerr allowed in a strained tone.

The therion’s clawed fingers found Thea’s head and began flexing through her brown hair, making her spine shiver and the tingle in her nethers increase. With permission granted, Thea wasn’t going to let the opportunity go to waste. Her own hand slipped back between her legs to rub gently at her wet nub as she stared intently at where Kerr and Dys were joined.

Kerr’s cock, a very strange idea, was slick with juices as Dys’ continued rotation of her hips had caused a small flood of sweet-smelling lubrication to stream out from between her petals. Now that she was close enough to see in detail, Thea could make out just how tightly Dys was gripping Kerr’s thickness. While certainly physically larger than Kerr in all other respects, Dys’ pussy had latched onto the therion with a strength that brooked no thought of looseness.

Finally, Dys lowered herself down, slowly sinking to the base of Kerr’s erection. Once she was fully down, she rocked forward and back a little more before lifting back up again. She rose until all but Kerr’s flared head remained inside her tunnel before sliding back down again. She repeated this slow, sensuous motion several more times, each rise and fall eliciting a litany of delighted noises from Kerr.

Thea felt like she had died and gone to one of the gods’ great halls. Seeing something so private, so lewd, so wildly sexually tantalizing was making her gush with excitement. Her fingers couldn’t move fast enough as she panted out her hot breath mere inches away from where Kerr penetrated Dys.

Behind and above her, she felt Jay’s hands on her back, on her arms, on her ass, stroking her along. She loved her strong touch and reveled in the feel of her as well, though she nearly jumped when Jay’s lips kissed her ear.

“Don’t you want to see it when Aila enters me?”

Oh, yes. Yes, Thea did want to see that.

Thea scrambled off of Kerr’s stomach, hindered by not removing her left hand from where it busily worked away at her little bud. She got up and in position just in time to see Aila lining her own huge cock up with Dys’ asshole.

“Hold on,” Jay interrupted, halting Aila’s movement.

A second later, Thea saw Jay’s hand rub across Aila’s member, spreading a slippery fluid all over the veiny shaft as it throbbed angrily. By the smell Thea could tell it was some of Jadis’ slick precum she had lubricated Aila with. Once Jay’s hand withdrew, Aila resumed her press forward, firmly pushing her tip against Dys.

In that moment, Thea was vaguely amused to see that even Aila’s newly grown cock had a couple small freckles on it.

Dys arched her back, pushing her ass out towards Aila while stilling her motions on top of Kerr. Despite her obvious willingness, Dys’ back entrance still resisted the intrusion, not opening up immediately. For a moment, Thea thought that they would have to cancel the ritual until, suddenly, Aila’s cock popped in the tight hole, the head disappearing inside.

“Oh fuck,” Aila whined out in the least controlled voice Thea had ever heard the tall woman utter.

Glancing up, she saw that Aila’s eyes were squeezed shut and her face was twisted in what looked like a mix between pain and pleasure. Her left hand grabbed at Dys’ back, scrabbling at her slick pale flesh and finding little purchase. Her right hand gripped the base of her dick tightly, holding it in place as she panted heavily.

“Fuck, I think I’m going to cum,” Aila cursed, trying to hold her body back from what it so desperately wanted to do.

“Do it,” Jay encouraged her from somewhere behind Thea. “Let it go. I know you’ll have more in you to keep going. Just let it out inside me. I want to feel you pump your cum deep in me.”

Aila cursed again, then shifted slightly more forward, her cock sinking deeper between Dys’ perfect cheeks. She began humping forward in small, jerky motions and Thea could tell by the way the exposed flesh of her cock pulsed she was releasing her seed inside of Dys’ bowels.

Her right hand having let go of her own cock, it too scrabbled for purchase on Dys’ back.

Thea wasn’t sure what came over her, but seeing Aila in the throes of ecstasy, Thea felt a deep connection to the intimidating mage. Switching which hand she was rubbing herself with, Thea grasped onto Aila’s right hand, holding it tight as the redhead climaxed. Aila gripped her back, fingers intertwining with hers as she came and for some reason that simple touch was enough to send Thea over her own edge. She came hard, letting out little hiccupping gasps as she clutched onto Aila, her head leaning against Dys’s side and her watering eyes locked onto the lewd tableau on display mere inches from her face.

As she slowly came down from her peak, Thea heard a taunting voice come from her right.

“Ha! I knew I’d last longer than you, freckle butt.”

“Shut up slut,” Aila heaved out breathlessly. “Jadis didn’t keep you worked up for almost twenty minutes.”

“Girls, please,” Dys spoke up from between the two strong-willed women. “It isn’t a competition. And even if it was, there’s lots more opportunities to prove how good at fucking me you both are. So, speaking of…”

“Oh, I’ll show you,” Aila murmured, pulling herself a little closer to Dys.

She released her grip on Thea’s hand then and, surprisingly, ran her hands through her brown hair before giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. Thea froze, not entirely sure what to make of that.

“Thanks,” Aila murmured quietly to Thea, “but I’m going to need both hands for this.”

With that, Thea shifted back, making room for Aila who immediately and without further preamble gripped Dys’ hips and began rapidly thrusting forward, driving her hips into the Nephilim’s backside with wild abandon.

“Fucking hell,” Dys said, using an unfamiliar curse. “That feels… fuck!”

Dys fell forward, hands going over Kerr’s head as the crude therion put her clawed hands on Dys’ waist. She shifted her legs so her knees were bent, giving herself more purchase as she began her own thrusting, driving her cock up into Dys’ wet core. The two women began a synchronized assault, joining their rhythms together as they dove as deeply as they could into Dys’ depths.

Thea leaned back into Jay’s arms, having without even knowing it fallen back into the giant’s lap. Something hard and sticky throbbed against her butt, but she couldn’t pay attention to that minor detail while she watched the three incredible women go at it. Thea’s fingers kept playing with her soaked pussy all the way up until a much, much larger set of fingers gently pushed hers aside and began firmly stroking her. Even just one finger felt like a massive intrusion, sending shivers through Thea’s body as she rapidly neared another climax. Freed to go elsewhere, Thea’s hands went to her breasts, kneading and pulling at her nipples as she gasped her pleasure into the air. A second finger entered her too tight tunnel and Thea practically sobbed as she peaked again, eyes still glued to where Aila and Kerr were rutting like animals into Dys’ holes.

“Fuck!” Kerr shouted, her voice raw.

She fell out of rhythm with Aila then, arms wrapping around Dys as best she could as she pressed her body up against Dys, her legs shaking as they strained to keep her buried as deeply inside Dys as possible.

“Oh my god,” Dys groaned, teeth clenching. “You’re so fucking big right now!”

Knowing that Kerr was spilling her seed inside of Dys set Thea off again. She shuddered in a smaller, but no less satisfying climax that left her feeling utterly wrung out by the time it finished.

Exhausted, Thea lay on Jay’s lap, the giant’s fingers motionless but still buried inside of her pussy. She made no attempt to remove them, enjoying the feeling of fullness they brought to her languid state of mind. Before her, Kerr looked as limp as Thea felt, her back on the bed but her crotch still buried to the hilt inside of Dys. Oddly, it looked to her as though Kerr was no longer supporting herself with her legs at all, and if she had to guess, the woman was hanging from Dys solely supported by her connection to her pussy via her thick, flared cock.

“Now isn’t the time to rest,” Aila announced sternly, her hand slapping against one of Kerr’s knees. “This ritual isn’t done until Jadis says it is.”

“And it isn’t,” Dys confirmed, her voice sounding uncharacteristically weak. She let out a shaky laugh. “Fuck, I wasn’t expecting you to knot me, Kerr.”

 “Give me a minute,” Kerr pleaded, one hand tiredly waving from underneath Dys. “My ridges are still swollen.”

“No,” Aila said simply.

Shifting so that she was no longer on her knees but instead crouched behind Dys, Aila began pumping her hips again, slamming into her lover’s ass with even greater force and speed than before.

Cyka!” Kerr cried out in an eastern tongue, a sentiment echoed by Dys.

With a sharp curse, Dys shuddered and convulsed as her cock jumped and pulsed. From the tip of her cockhead sprayed ludicrous amounts of thick white seed. The first sticky rope arced over Kerr’s head to land on Eir’s lap where she still rested on top of Syd. More obscene strings of cum followed after, coating Kerr’s face and upper body in a veritable deluge of the sweet-tasting stuff. All the while, as Dys climaxed, Aila humped her ass with an almost obsessed fervor.

It was only after Jay’s two large fingers shifted inside of Thea’s tunnel that she noticed that she’d subconsciously begun stroking her clit again.

The frenetic fucking from Aila went on for several more minutes until Kerr eventually resumed her thrusting. All three continued for much longer, a length of time Thea was a poor judge of but she knew it had to be longer than an hour. How they all had the energy to keep going despite their own multiple climaxes, she couldn’t guess. The licentious display brought Thea to her peak twice more with Jay’s generous help before the three women all climaxed one final time together. By then, Jadis’ bodies had begun glowing in that strange way they did when nearing completion of one of her rituals.

As Dys reared back, coating Kerr with even more seed while Aila hung onto her from behind, Dys gasped and opened her violet eyes, revealing an intense glowing light. For a moment, all was still as Dys stared into nothingness, her mind no doubt wrenched away from the carnal to the mental as the god-given system allowed her to chose what skill she wanted to replicate from what Aila had to offer her.

Suddenly, all three of Jadis’ bodies slapped their right hands to their foreheads with a violent synchronized smack.

“What?” Kerr groaned, wiping away the coating of cum from her face that had practically drowned her. “What’s wrong?”

“What happened?” Aila echoed in a concerned voice, her tone still breathless from the exertion she’d just undertaken.

Jadis shook her heads, all of them, and answered in a unified voice that made Thea jump.

“Passive skills! Passive! I can only duplicate passive skills!”

Everyone else was quiet for a few moments longer.

“Oh,” Eir finally broke the silence. “Well, I suppose we might have gotten a little ahead of ourselves, didn’t we?”

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