Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 150: Alternate Methods

Chapter 150: Alternate Methods

“No, no, there’s no chance that will work.”

“Why not? I’ve done it a bunch of times.”

“Really? Who the fu—ha! I got it, you’ve fucked your own ass!”

Dys gave a laughing Kerr a withering look. The therion’s distraction wasn’t helping in her conversation with Aila.

“Shut up horn-dog, you know you would do it given half a chance.”

“Fuck yeah I would,” Kerr breezily brushed the accusation aside. “But you actually did it! That’s so messed up!”

Anyways,” Syd pushed past Kerr’s cackling, “It’s not like it isn’t fun. I promise it doesn’t hurt, not really. A good kind of stretch, I guess? Different from the normal way, but not bad at all.”

“Jadis, there is no way your dick is going to fit in my ass. I know you have a skill to make things… easier in that regard, but in Valtar’s name, that’s too much!”

Jadis pouted, feeling a bit stymied by Aila’s rejection. Having rushed through to get to some lewd ritual fun, Jay had stripped out of her armor and everyone else had gotten out of their clothes and onto the obscenely large bed. Just as things were starting to get hot and heavy, Aila had asked what requisite sexual actions were required for Wanton Replication. As it turned out, the redhead had rather strong reservations about the idea.

“It’s not that big of a deal,” Kerr said, finally calming her laughter down to more controlled giggles. “I’ve been doubled up on by a couple of handsome and well hung mercs before. Very enjoyable, feeling those two dicks pump in and out, in and out—”

“Thank you, Kerr,” Aila cut the lecherous archer off. “I’m sure you had a good time. But even putting aside the idea of, of both at the same time, Jadis is more than a little bit larger than literally anyone you’ve ever had sex with. Unless you’ve fucked a horse at some point in your life.”


“Shut up, I don’t want to know.”

“It’s fine,” Syd interjected, putting a hand on Aila’s shoulder. “If you aren’t comfortable with it Blue, then you’re not. I’m not going to push you into trying something that you don’t want to do. Testing boundaries is one thing. Forcing you is absolutely not an option.”

“That goes for all of you,” Jay added while meeting Eir and Thea’s eyes. “If Wanton Replication sounds like it’s too much for you, then forget about it. I don’t ever want any of you to be uncomfortable when we’re together like this.”

Even though Jadis had been looking forward to plumbing Aila’s depths, especially from two different sides at the same time, she was not willing to push Aila past any lines she was uncomfortable with. Jadis had found that she liked anal sex, both giving and receiving, but she understood that not everyone would feel the same way. It was just a shame that the replication ritual required double penetration of that sort. With Aila unwilling to give anal, much less two cocks at once, a try, Jadis wouldn’t be able to replicate her Nephilim Wellspring ritual. That did suck since she was looking forward to being able to rapidly recoup her spent magic the same way Aila could. At least Kerr seemed down to try the ritual, as did Eir. Thea looked far more hesitant, though.

Jay turned to Kerr, ready to pick up from where they had left off before things had gotten a little awkward, when the horned woman tilted her head and sent her a sly smile.

“Hey, just a thought, but does the ritual specify who has to be the one to get double pounded? I only ask because I recall you telling me you had that other new ritual, too. What was it called? Duality something?”

“Duality of Flesh?” Jay replied. “Yeah, that’s the one that’ll let me give you a cock of your own. Absolutely a crime we haven’t done that yet, but I don’t see—”

“I think I see where she’s going,” Eir chimed in. “Most rituals of this, ah, ‘nature’ have more than one method to them, since the wielder of the skill could be male or female or have different sexual attractions. As a Nephilim, you’re both male and female at the same time. Maybe you have an alternative method you haven’t realized?”

That was an interesting thought. Jadis hadn’t considered the possibility that her strange and exceptionally lewd rituals might have been designed for more than one person. They had always seemed so tailored to her, but she supposed there was nothing about the class that precluded it from being gained by people other than her. For all she knew, there very well could be a few other sex ritualists out there with some of the same ritual spells as her. Though she doubted there would be many, considering how powerful her rituals were and how few people seemed to know about them.

Concentrating on the instinctual knowledge that taking the skill had granted her, Jadis thought about the ritual requirements. It did, by the nature of the ritual, require double-penetrative sex. However, when she thought about it from the perspective of only being a woman, rather than a dual-sexed entity with multiple bodies, she found that, yes, she did not need to be the one doing the penetrating. She didn’t even need to be the one to do the penetrating exclusively. It was just the act itself that needed to happen, so long as she was involved in one capacity or another.

“Okay, so, you don’t want my cock in your butt,” Syd said, turning her grin on Aila. “But how about putting your cock in mine?”

“That…” Aila opened her mouth, then closed it, her blue eyes thoughtful. After a moment, she continued. “I feel a bit hypocritical, but yes. I think I’m more comfortable with trying that.”

“Don’t worry,” Syd laughed, giving Aila a quick kiss. “It’s not hypocritical. Besides, once you see how much fun I’m having, you might change your mind about giving it a try yourself.”

“I want to fuck your ass!” Kerr leapt up, wrapping her arms around Dys and pressing her naked body against her. “I know I said I’m on board with you fucking me and I still am, but there’s no way I’m skipping the opportunity to grow a cock and cram it in a fucking sexy giant!”

“Fine,” Dys agreed, her own shaft throbbing at the thought of what was to come. “But I’m giving Aila her own cock first. And you have to help.”

“Sure,” Kerr agreed eagerly.

“What do we have to do for that ritual?” Aila asked, her brow furrowed.

“Don’t worry,” Syd assured her with a cheeky grin. “I’m positive you’ll enjoy this one.”

A minute later and Jay, Dys, Eir, and Thea were all leaning their backs against the headboard, propped up by a mountain of pillows and nicely snuggled together to watch the show. Further down the bed, Kerr was posed on her hands and knees, ass in the air and gray-furred tail wagging. She looked over her shoulder, green slitted eyes sparkling as she growled out a few taunting words.

“Come on there, freckles. Fuck me hard and make me moan!”

Behind the therion, Aila knelt with one hand on Kerr’s toned ass, the other stroking the massive cock sticking out from between her legs.

“This feels so weird,” Aila mumbled, her face flushed with heat and embarrassment, though as per usual she did her best to maintain her dignity.

“Pretty exciting though, right?” Syd whispered behind her, pressing her hips a little harder into Aila’s ass.

For Duality of Flesh, Syd had positioned herself behind Aila, letting her cock stick out from between the woman’s legs so that it looked like it was Aila’s massive shaft that was about to ram into Kerr. Of course, due to the size difference between her and them, both Aila and Kerr had needed some pillows to perch on top of and Syd had widened her stance to accommodate the height disparity as well. It was awkward but they made it work.

Jadis had fucked Kerr many times since those tense days down in the demon tunnels, but something about the idea of Aila taking control and being the one to fuck Kerr, Syd’s cock only being a tool used in the licentious act, had her really worked up. A stream of precum was already dripping from Syd’s cockhead, making the archer’s ass slick and slippery while also filling the air with a pungent sweet smell. Her other selves were dripping as well, but Jadis was willing to let those parts of her wait. This was supposed to be a show.

Aila shifted her hips forward, her thighs squeezed tightly around Syd’s shaft as she rubbed it against Kerr’s ass. Keeping pace, Syd shifted forward as well, letting Aila set the speed and force of her movement. Syd put her hands on Aila’s hips, but otherwise did nothing to guide her.

“All yours, Blue,” Syd whispered huskily. “Make her squeal.”

Aila affected an air of cool indifference that clashed horribly with the way her pussy soaked the base of Syd’s dick, but Jadis didn’t call her out on it. Aila wanted to feel in control, so she wasn’t going to spoil that for her.

“Fine, let’s see what kind of noises I can draw out of you,” Aila intoned as she gave Kerr’s ass a hard squeeze.

Drawing her hips back, she positioned her borrowed cock at the entrance of Kerr’s slick core, her movements awkward from never having had to do them before. Syd let her figure things out at her own speed, keeping her hands firmly on Aila’s waist and her lips sealed. Though, once Aila finally aligned her shaft and Syd’s cockhead pushed against Kerr’s tunnel, she couldn’t help but let out a delighted moan from within her chest.

Kerr, meanwhile, was offering up her own version of vocal encouragement.

“C’mon you tall bitch, shove that fat cock in me! Can’t you feel how wet I am? I’m so fucking ready right now, just do it! Or don’t you have the balls—”

Kerr’s obscene taunts were abruptly cut off as Aila forcefully, almost violently rammed her hips into Kerr’s ass, creating a loud slap that echoed in the mostly empty room. Keeping her groin pressed firmly into her backside, Syd followed along, the force of her own thrust meeting paltry resistance as well more than a foot of cock was buried deep into Kerr’s core.

“Fuck! That’s the stuff!” Kerr gasped out, her breath heavy and her claws digging into the pillows beneath her. “Do it again!”

With a grunt, Aila pulled back, forcing Syd to as well, then shoved forward again, even harder than before. The meaty thwack of her flesh slapping against Kerr’s echoed again, making Jadis’ hearts beat even faster.

“Again!” Kerr cajoled and was promptly given what she wanted as Aila drew back and slammed forward a third time.

Over and over Kerr repeated her taunts of encouragement, though as seconds passed they became less coherent and more broken by gasps and moans as Aila found her rhythm. Long, hard, powerful strokes that crammed as much cock into Kerr as possible with every thrust, each movement creating a symphony of erotic sounds as Syd groaned and Kerr cursed, with all of those sounds underpinned by the beat of sweaty skin slapping together.

“You like having my cock shoved in you?” Aila growled out, her voice dark with lust.

With a deft reach of one long arm, she grabbed hold of one of Kerr’s horns and pulled back, using the horn as a handle to fuck the therion harder.

“Yes! Gods yes!” Kerr cried out, panting and moaning around a wide, ecstatic grin. “Fuck me! Fuck me harder!”

“I’ll fuck you,” Aila told her, her blue eyes slitted. “I’ll fuck your lecherous brain right out of your ears.”

“Sweet promises!” Kerr called back, green eyes shining. “But, ah! I’m still able to think over here!”

Aila doubled down, quickening her pace even faster, necessitating shorter strokes that were nonetheless still powerful enough to bounce Kerr off of her hips with jarring force.

Jadis was glad Aila had picked up speed since Syd was absolutely nearing her climax. The dirty talk that Kerr liked to spew out of her foul mouth absolutely wound her up every time, but hearing Aila show such a dominant side was just too much to handle on top of everything else. Syd wanted nothing more than to take control and pound down on top of both of the sexy sluts, but Jadis was committed to letting Aila steer the wheel.

“Fuck!  Je vais jouir!” Kerr shouted as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

The impossibly tight heat of Kerr’s cunt suddenly became even tighter as the therion came, triggering Syd’s own building tightness to release unexpectedly. Hot ropes of cum were shot out of Syd’s cock with force as she climaxed, but there was no stopping despite the overwhelming sensation. Aila was still going.

Not letting up despite either of her partners’ reaching their peaks, Aila continued to relentlessly pound her hips into Kerr. With no stop to the onslaught, Kerr went from one orgasm to another, the second one starting mere seconds after the first ended. As Kerr screamed out her pleasure in a multitude of languages foreign to Jadis, Aila let go of the therion’s horn to shove her head down into the pillows, angling her hips higher to keep up the forceful fucking.

Having never stopped thrusting despite her orgasm, Syd’s cum had overflowed Kerr’s pussy and turned her and Aila’s crotches into a sticky mess. Thick white fluids poured out between them, stretching obscene bridges of cum between their bodies as Aila continued. Syd was letting out her own half-stifled curses as she kept going, her cock overly sensitive from the continued fucking despite having come.

Still, Aila continued her ravaging pace, not letting up until Kerr had climaxed another four times and Syd had cum a second time. In fact, Jadis was fairly certain that Aila would have kept going even longer if her legs hadn’t suddenly given out and she’d collapsed forward in a panting, groaning, sweaty mess on top of Kerr.

Syd fell back and away, her cock popping free from Kerr’s depths to release a torrent of thick cum. The therion moaned, insensate and breathless from Aila’s unexpectedly spirited ravishing of the woman. Still, her moans were drowned out by the sharp intake and curse that came from Aila as she rolled off of Kerr’s back to flop off to the side.

A half hour had passed and the ritual requirements for Duality of Flesh had been met. There, sticking up from Aila’s groin as though it had always been there, was a foot long throbbing cock, with a smooth, heavy-looking set of balls underneath it to boot.

“Wow,” Jay and Dys exclaimed, looking at the exhausted Aila, a sentiment that Eir and Thea echoed.

“So that’s what you’re like when you have a cock,” Syd panted out.

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