Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 12: 177: Friend (2)

Book 12: Chapter 177: Friend (2)

The Phoenix Hegemon was washed with complete silence.

There was something familiar about this suffocating feeling. The feeling of being completely outclassed in every way, shape and form.

They had all felt this before. Well, the oldest of them had. And the young felt suffocated just by hearing the stories he left in his wake.

Could it be that another Nameless Immortal God was being born right before their eyes? Was it even possible for them to accept such a thing? How could they let another monster like that rule their Immortal Plane again?

They thought that they were free from the pain, the turmoil. But here it was again.

Others might think that this was too exaggerated. At the end of the day, they were still Immortal Gods. Was there a need to react in this way to a mere mortal boy?

If one thought this, they simply didn’t understand enough about that man’s terror.

As though the Immortal Plane was nothing more than a toy, he played with them to their deaths.

The Hegemons he didn’t like? He destroyed. The worlds he didn’t see eye to eye with? He destroyed. They had all been beneath his shadow, slinking away in day to day life, hoping that they didn’t accidentally offend him in anyway.

The suffocating pressure he gave them wasn’t just superficial. In his era, the dao hearts of the Immortal Gods practically stagnated. One of the reasons he was so powerful was due to the size of his own fists. But, the other reason was that his presence actually made them weaker.

However they strengthen their hearts and resolve themselves to cultivate, if there was one opponent they knew they couldn’t defeat no matter how hard they tried, how could they resolve themselves in their dao?

In the end, these people stagnated. Those far from his power were better off, but those at the top of the world found that let alone fight back, they couldn’t even improve themselves.

This… This was the true terror of the Nameless Immortal God.

In his presence, there was no improvement. It was as though they were background characters to his story, mere pawns in his little game.

Many believed that he would eventually fall. But as the legends grew and he seemed to only grow more and more powerful, it spiraled out of their control. Eventually, even neutral hegemons began to sweat, old monsters who hadn’t stepped into the world in billions of years were alerted, and the Immortal Plane was united in a singular wish to see him fall.

The shadow he cast over their hearts was impossibly large. Even his master, a king of an era in his own right, grew old and weak… So why the hell didn’t he!?

“It was always impossible for the Time and Space Immortal God to take a normal boy as his disciple. Which of those under his wings weren’t monsters in their own right? He even subdued the First White Mother. I’m sure you all see that I wasn’t exaggerating just now, right? Even I, who warned you all, still ended up falling victim just like the rest of you.”

Gilpin’s gaze blazed like two torches.

“We cannot fail to act in time again. This time, we need to sever the problems from the root. This is the only way.

“The Time and Space Immortal God has been behind the scenes, pulling the strings of our Immortal Plane for too long. Every time he takes action, another monster is born. Can we really allow this to happen again?”

GIlpin struck while the iron was still hot. This was his best chance. After witnessing a mere mortal do something they deemed impossible, the hearts of the Immortal Gods were in complete disorder. They could already faintly feel that their dao hearts were rippling. If things continued, a ripple would become a wave, and eventually, a wave would become a tsunami.

“What is your plan, Gilpin? Don’t tell me that you just plan on just trying to take advantage of numbers? We’ve tried this before, to no avail. I won’t send my Ice Phoenix Clan to death.” Imaigne stared daggers at the high elf.

But, hearing these words, let alone being intimidated, Gilpin was ecstatic. The previous embarrassment he felt for his failed prediction vanished. In fact, he would be willing to be humiliated several times over if the result was the whole Immortal Plane turning against that man.

His revenge. He could almost smell it.

“Maybe if this was a normal gathering, it wouldn’t be worthy of saying that numbers won’t do much… But did you ever think that our Immortal Plane isn’t the only Planar World that hates him to his core…?”

Gilpin’s words were slow and deliberate. The more he said, the wider their eyes became.

“… You… Madman…. You want to allow other planar worlds passage into our lands?! Have you lost your mind?!” Imaigne roared.

In her rage, a barrage of ice cracked beneath her feet as her blue hair whipped about violently.

“Of course not.” Gilpin sneered. “Who said they would have to come here? The void is infinite and expansive… The possibilities it opens are endless…”

Gilpin caused their pupils to constrict. To them, a seemingly high-class elf of noble stature had become a madman. But… None of them had any objections any longer.

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