Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 12: 125: Woo (1)

Book 12: Chapter 125: Woo (1)

“Haven’t you been very bold over the last few years, why is it that you’re not saying anything now?”

A middle aged man stood in a dark dungeon with a savage expression on his face. He grabbed the bars like a madman, spittle flying from his lips as though he really had lost his mind. But, the most shocking part was that he wasn’t behind the bars, but rather before them. He was acting like this but he wasn’t even the one being imprisoned.

Behind the bars, a young man sat on the dirty, sewage filled floors with an expressionless visage. His white robes were dirtied, his long black hair was filled with dust, and his handsome face was partially obscured beneath grime. However, his back was just as straight as it had been the first day he was thrown in here.

He gazed without a single emotional fluctuation as he stared at the man who had clearly lost his mind.

This middle aged man was the patriarch of the Jones clan and the young man was, of course, Law.

It could be said that the Jones dukedom had suffered the most at the hands of Law. Others didn’t know, but this man definitely knew what kind of venomous, scheming character this usually amiable young man had. With just a few moves, he had completely crippled the Jones Clan which had stood for thousands of years.

Of course, though this man was gloating now, he knew that the Jones clan was forever finished. Even if the truth about what happened that day came out, it simply wouldn’t matter. This was the cruelty of the world of nobles.

After the Jones dukedom had been crippled to such an extent, it allowed many other families to swarm upward and occupy strengths they once possessed. Would those families give back the things that they had already swallowed? Of course not.

This meant that no matter what happened to Law, the Jones Clan was finished. Not just them, but the Arte and Fera Clans were finished as well. To say that they had a bone deep hatred toward Law was the understatement of ages.

Yet, while this once lofty dukedom patriarch had seemingly lost his mind, the culprit behind all his pain in the last few years sat before him and looked onward as though he was nothing but air.

Seeing this, Patriarch Jones began to laugh uproariously. There was endless pain and sadness in his tone. The way that his hair flew about completely unkempt, the look of his unevenly shaved beard, and the red tint of his eyes… He was clearly a man who had been pushed to the absolute edge.

“I knew that your reaction would be so lukewarm. This is exactly the same expression you had as you watched my Clan collapse. You didn’t spare even the women and children. It’s a good thing I was mentally prepared, or else I really would have lost my mind completely.”

The Jones Clan Patriarch’s visage somehow became even more savage in that moment. Under the dim candle lights, he really looked like a demon. Several cuts along his lips, likely caused by his very own teeth, began to drip with blood that flowed to his chin and then to the ground.

“I’ve sent assassins after Lady Mimi.”

Law’s gaze narrowed.

“Haha! Finally a reaction out of the ice demon! HAHA!”

The middle-aged man was practically hysterical. Just a minor eye movement caused him to lose his mind in happiness. It was as though the small movement was enough to fulfill his life’s greatest wish.

His palms flipped and two brown bags dripped with a liquid that was hard to discern the nature of under the dim lights. However, when he flipped the bags over and two dull thuds fell to the ground, Law closed his eyes as though he didn’t want to see anymore.

The man’s laughter grew wilder and wilder at this scene.

He kicked the two objects as though they were soccer balls. By chance, one of them got caught between the bars of the jail while the other rebounded away to the other side of the jungle.

Law opened his eyes once more to see a scene he wished he never had. The object caught between the bars of his cell was a head.

The head wasn’t caught upright. Instead, it was upside down. The ghastly cut from its neck dripped downward with thick blood as though trying to cover the face it was attached to in a crimson curtain.

However, even if the face was in a situation a hundredfold worse, Law would still recognize it.

It was his wife. Mimi.

He didn’t know exactly what she suffered before she died, however whatever expression was once there was completely ruined by the Jones’ Clan Patriarch’s kick. Her tongue hung limply toward her nose, her eyes were rolled back, and her once delicate skin had become a ghastly blue color.

The cut at her neck was irregular. It looked as though it had been slowly sawed off. No, it might have been even more accurate to say that it was slowly chewed off.

Law closed his eyes once more. All of his senses seem to have been cut off. The only thing that hadn’t stopped working were his ears. They were being repeatedly hammered by Patriarch Jones’ hoarse laughter.

“Alright, I’m tired of this game. Yin City can be buried with her.”

A violent surge erupted from Law’s body, causing the bars of his cell to crumble to dust.

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