Real Man

Chapter 479:

Chapter 479:

Yoo-hyun faced him in the strategy office with that in mind.

“Mr. Song, I apologize if I was rude earlier.”

Yoo-hyun’s words seemed to surprise him, as he relaxed his stiff expression and answered.

“I was going to say something to you too. Don’t forget that you’re just a pebble that rolled in here. If you don’t, you’ll have a hard time later.”

“I know. But I didn’t want to show a weak side when I knew you had a prejudice against me.”


“I don’t have a good academic background or studied abroad, and I came from a remote team in the LCD division.”

Yoo-hyun candidly revealed his weakness first, and Mr. Song felt a bit embarrassed as he opened his mouth.

“The work is important, not that stuff.”

“It’s okay. I can’t help how people feel.”

“Hmm, so that’s why you did that?”

“That was part of it, but I also thought you would dislike me because I have a connection with Vice President Shin Kyung-wook.”

Yoo-hyun brought up the sensitive information first again.

-I feel sorry for Han Yoo-hyun, but I’ll leave it for now. I need to figure out Director Shin Kyung-soo’s exact intention first.

Mr. Song Hyun-seung, who remembered Vice President Yoon Ju-tak’s request for a moment, looked at Yoo-hyun.

His eyes, which met him without a tremor, piqued his curiosity.

“That could be true. In that sense, I have a question for you.”

“Please ask.”

“Did you choose the group strategy office over the innovation strategy office just because of the promotion issue?”

It was a question that implied his real relationship with Vice President Shin Kyung-wook, but he also had a curiosity about Yoo-hyun and Director Shin Kyung-soo’s relationship.

Yoo-hyun gave a textbook answer first to the expected question.

“Of course not. That’s just a secondary reason.”


“Vice President Shin Kyung-wook lost his strong ally when Vice Chairman Shin Myung-ho left. He can’t handle Hansung Electronics and Hansung Display alone.”

“That’s probably true. But electronics is so big.”

“The influence of the innovation strategy office on Hansung Electronics is an internal matter, and external cooperation is the role of the group strategy office, especially the strategy department. That’s why I wanted to come to this department.”

Mr. Song Hyun-seung’s lips curled up at Yoo-hyun’s remark.

He was in a situation where he had been screwed over by the innovation strategy office, but he couldn’t help but feel good about the direct compliment.

Thanks to that, Mr. Song Hyun-seung’s voice became softer.

“What about the foreign executives in the middle?”

“The internal power of the innovation strategy office will soon be transferred to the foreign executives. Director Shin Kyung-soo planned it that way.”

Mr. Song Hyun-seung’s eyebrows twitched at the mention of Director Shin Kyung-soo.

It was clear that Director Shin Kyung-soo was behind this young manager, as he had guessed.

“Go on.”

“Eventually, the innovation strategy office will lose its power within Hansung Electronics. The only thing left is display, but what will happen in two or three years when China’s offensive begins?”

“It will be like the shipbuilding industry.”

“Yes. I think so too. In this situation, the only one who can win the game is the group strategy office.”


“Did that answer your question?”

“It was more than I expected.”

Mr. Song Hyun-seung smiled with satisfaction and stared at Yoo-hyun.

He was hoping that Director Shin Kyung-soo’s story would be mentioned more, but he couldn’t dare to mention it.

Shin Kyung-soo, who had completely taken over the royal family.

He was someone he couldn’t even utter.

As if it was time to wrap up, Yoo-hyun provoked his curiosity more directly.

“Mr. Song, as I said earlier, I want to show results here. I have a reason why I have to.”

“Do you want to show someone?”

“Yes. That’s right. That would be a good thing for you too. My results will be the results of the strategy department.”

The moment Yoo-hyun’s words fell, Mr. Song Hyun-seung’s eyes widened.

He realized the true meaning behind his words.

He lifted his shoulders as he imagined his promotion and future prospects.

“Hehe. That’s right. Of course. You’re part of the strategy department. I’ll have to take good care of you from now on.”

“Thank you.”

Mr. Song Hyun-seung laughed heartily for the first time.

At that moment, a grumble came from the corner of the external strategy team’s office.

“Team leader, the director personally appointed him as the person in charge, how can we back out now?”

“I told you, the director was excited. You know he doesn’t like that kid Han Yoo-hyun.”

Team leader Shim Byeong-jik reassured Deputy Shin Nak-kyun, who was still unhappy.

Then, Ji Won-ho, the deputy manager of the same team, clenched his teeth.

He had flattered all kinds of people to get the group’s best award this time, and Yoo-hyun was the object of his resentment.

“Team leader, that’s not good for our team’s reputation. That arrogant kid will keep acting like that.”

“Then what?”

“We have to crush him completely. We have to nip him in the bud.”

Ji Won-ho, who was called the grim reaper among the affiliates, said, and the cautious team leader Shim Byeong-jik tried to stop him.

“Deputy Ji, don’t make trouble for nothing. He’s someone the vice president is managing.”

“Who would say anything if I just point out his wrong attitude as a senior? And the vice president doesn’t care about this stuff.”

“Please, Deputy Ji. I’ll handle the rest.”

On the other hand, Deputy Shin Nak-kyun finally relaxed his face.

Ji Won-ho looked at him and smirked.

“Let’s show him the hierarchy of the group strategy office.”

“Yes, deputy.”

Team leader Shim Byeong-jik looked at the two people who finally agreed and made a worried expression.

Yoo-hyun, who finished the meeting, walked back to the office.

Mr. Song Hyun-seung was with him.

“Director, you don’t have to worry about me so much.”

“No. I have to help you. If I don’t say anything, those kids will mess around again.”

“That’s not true. They all seem like nice people.”

Yoo-hyun said politely, and saw the faces of three people behind the partition.

He could tell by their expressions that they were plotting something, and he chuckled.

“Why? Is there something wrong?”

“No. Director, I’ll go ahead and talk to the team leader. It might be a burden if you come.”

“I don’t have to.”

“They’re trying to look good, so please take a look.”

Yoo-hyun acted like a friendly subordinate and went ahead.

Mr. Song Hyun-seung, who was already hooked on Yoo-hyun, smiled contentedly.

Yoo-hyun walked into the office with a fast pace and acted differently from before.

He was polite.


Shin Nak-kyun, the assistant manager, twisted his lips at the sudden greeting.


“Did I surprise you earlier? I just wanted to work well with you, so please understand.”

When Yoo-hyun unexpectedly used honorifics, Shin Nak-kyun spoke in a low voice.

“Wow, you’re unbelievable. What are you trying to do now?”

“Mr. Shin, just a moment.”

As he tried to stop Shin Nak-kyun, Ji Won-ho, the deputy manager, approached Yoo-hyun.

Ji Won-ho, who had a tall stature and a dark face, was quite intimidating even with just a frown.

He was nothing compared to Kang Dong-ho, his gym buddy, but still.

Yoo-hyun suppressed a laugh and bowed.

“I want to adapt well to the Group Strategy Office. I will do my best, so please help me.”

“Huh. Help you? Yeah, you guys with no roots always want someone else’s help. You didn’t learn the basics from your crappy school. Right?”

“I just…”

Seeing Yoo-hyun retreat weakly, Ji Won-ho’s hidden nature was stimulated.

He poked Yoo-hyun’s forehead with his long index finger, as if he was scolding a subsidiary employee.

“Don’t make excuses. You brat, you have no skills and you got in here by luck, so just shut up and live. Do you think you can do anything here?”

“I will work hard.”

Yoo-hyun bowed again and glanced at the partition.

He could clearly see the hair of Song Hyun-seung, the senior manager, but he didn’t show himself.

He was obviously watching how far it would go.

‘He has a snake-like side to him.’

As Yoo-hyun chuckled, Ji Won-ho spat out a more threatening voice.

“Huh. You only say the things I hate. Work hard, what’s that. Just shut up, didn’t I tell you? If you talk one more time, I’ll…”

Seizing the opportunity, Yoo-hyun talked back in exactly the style he hated.

Of course, he didn’t forget to add the service of mentioning his position.

“But I promised to show the results to the senior manager.”

“I told you to shut up. Did I hear that again from your mouth…”

“I want to work hard as much as the senior manager trusts me. Please help me.”

As Yoo-hyun shrank but kept answering, Ji Won-ho finally exploded.

“Stop talking back. Senior manager or whatever, if you move your mouth one more time, I’ll flip you over.”

His roaring voice echoed in the large office, and Shim Byeong-jik, the team leader who was watching, flinched.

Even Shin Nak-kyun, who was cheering from the side, blinked his eyes at the loud noise.

-You have to be always rational if you’re a Group Strategy Office employee. Han Yoo-hyun, you’re failing in that aspect, failing.

Yoo-hyun smiled at the low-level response, recalling the words he had spat out while acting all high and mighty.

‘Cold, my ass.’

By the time Ji Won-ho realized his surroundings, it was too late.

In front of him stood Song Hyun-seung, the senior manager, who appeared like the grim reaper.


Ji Won-ho quickly shut his mouth, and Shim Byeong-jik, who was behind him, turned pale.

“Se, senior manager.”


Song Hyun-seung’s face turned red and blue at the embarrassing scene.

Even someone who didn’t know him could predict that he was about to explode.

And then, he unleashed his fiery anger.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“So, sorry.”

“Sorry? You still haven’t fixed your old dirty habits.”

Song Hyun-seung, who had loosened his tie roughly, glared at Ji Won-ho.

Yoo-hyun also saw the extreme anger stage for the first time in a long time.

“Deputy manager Ji, you’re done.”

“It was a mistake… No, I committed a mortal sin.”

Ji Won-ho stuttered and bowed, but it was useless.

Song Hyun-seung uttered the words of horror.

“Run to my office. I’ll give you 10 seconds.”

Thud thud thud.

Ji Won-ho ran away without looking back.

‘He’s fast.’

Maybe it was because he was tall, but his stride was very wide.

He seemed to be good enough to represent the Hansung Group in the biennial sports festival.

As Yoo-hyun secretly admired him, Shim Byeong-jik, the team leader, still didn’t straighten his back.

Song Hyun-seung asked him a sharp question.

“Team leader Shim, do I look funny?”


“Then do I look easy? Do you want me to get out of here?”

“Absolutely not.”

“If this happens again, you’ll follow Kwon Sung-hae, that bastard. Got it?”

“Gasp. I, I won’t do that again.”

Leaving Shim Byeong-jik, who was scared and nodding his head, behind, Song Hyun-seung turned his head sharply.


The team members, who were watching the situation, quickly straightened their postures.

They looked just like the previous Product Planning Team, who were wary of Jo Chan-young, the senior manager.

They thought the Group Strategy Office guys were nothing special.

Song Hyun-seung raised his hand to his forehead, as if he had a headache, and said.

“Let’s talk about work later. My head hurts.”

“Yes, senior manager. Thank you for your concern.”

Yoo-hyun politely greeted him, and he took a breath and turned around.

He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

He seemed to be preparing for a second round in his office.

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