Real Man

Chapter 461:

Chapter 461:

He had an MBA from an American university, so he couldn’t possibly not know his name.

“Pa, Paul Graham? The former president of BCG (Boston Consulting Group)?”

“Yes. That’s right. You’ll meet him soon.”


Chief Choi Kyu-tae was so surprised that he opened his mouth and froze.

Yoo-hyun left him behind and walked ahead.

He had everything he had researched about Paul Graham in his head.

Paul Graham was the current president of Y Combinator and the former president of BCG.

He had met him through the opportunity of introducing Airbnb at the Apple presentation a while ago.

That was the start of this plan.

Of course, it was not an easy task.

It was harder than convincing Steve Jobs in terms of difficulty.

That’s why Yoo-hyun didn’t lose his concentration until the end.

When he lay down on the first-class bed seat, he recalled his past interviews and traced his whereabouts.

When he arrived at San Francisco airport and took a limousine, he reviewed the companies he invested in and derived a persuasion strategy.

That work continued until he arrived at Mountain View, California.


The black limousine stopped in front of a building.

The middle-aged white driver ran up to Yoo-hyun, who got out of the car, and greeted him politely.

“I hope you have a good time.”

“Thank you.”

Yoo-hyun naturally accepted his greeting and sent him away.

Chief Choi Kyu-tae stared blankly at Yoo-hyun.

All his actions, from using first-class to riding a limousine, looked too familiar.

He had never enjoyed such luxury in his life.

He noticed that his attitude towards him was the same.

No matter how much Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director, pushed him, he looked down on his chief position so naturally.

‘What the hell?’

Chief Choi Kyu-tae, who had no idea that Yoo-hyun was once a president, was bewildered.

Yoo-hyun turned around and called him, who didn’t seem to move.

“Aren’t you coming?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. Let’s go.”

He stuttered and followed Yoo-hyun.

The building Yoo-hyun entered was not a hotel, but an office building.

Yoo-hyun unpacked his luggage in an empty office of about 40 square meters on the fifth floor window seat.


When he pulled the curtain, the building across the street came into view.

It was the Y Combinator building where Paul Graham was.

Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director, said he would get it right, and it seemed like he chose a pretty good place.

Yoo-hyun, who sat on a large table chair, gestured to Chief Choi Kyu-tae, who couldn’t find his footing.

“Please sit down. We have a lot to do from now on.”

“Huh? Oh. What do we have to do?”

“One more person will come. Let’s talk then.”


Chief Choi Kyu-tae didn’t ask any more questions at Yoo-hyun’s words.

He felt like he really had to do that.

Soon after, the door opened and Manager Park Seung-woo came in.

He saw Yoo-hyun and shouted with his arms open.

“Oh, my mentee. Long time no see.”

“What are you talking about? I saw you a while ago.”

Yoo-hyun hugged him with a smile.

Chief Choi Kyu-tae blinked his eyes at the changed appearance of Yoo-hyun.

He was so cold to him, but he was so friendly to a mere manager.

Was Manager Park Seung-woo that great?

He looked ridiculous because of his poor consulting materials, but it seemed that was not the case.

Chief Choi Kyu-tae kept his mouth shut and watched.

The greeting between the two was brief.

Yoo-hyun explained the current situation.

Chief Choi Kyu-tae knew some of it, and Manager Park Seung-woo heard it for the first time.

“Based on the consulting materials you wrote…”

In the process, Paul Graham’s name was naturally mentioned.

Manager Park Seung-woo was surprised as well as Chief Choi Kyu-tae.

“You’re going to show him my materials?”

“Yes. That’s right. That’s the best way to get BCG to use your materials.”

“BCG is going to use my materials?”

Manager Park Seung-woo looked dumbfounded, and Chief Choi Kyu-tae felt a sense of camaraderie.

Anyone who had an MBA would know how absurd this was.

But the answer that came back from Manager Park Seung-woo was absurd.

“Yoo-hyun, you don’t have to do this for my graduation project.”

“Wh, what? Graduation project? What are you talking about?”

Chief Choi Kyu-tae stuttered at the absurd answer.

Manager Park Seung-woo calmly explained the situation.

“Oh, McKinsey came up with the exact opposite opinion on the same topic as me. My mentee is trying to cover that up for me.”

“Do you think it makes sense to convince Paul Graham for such a reason? Do you know how great he is?”

Chief Choi Kyu-tae finally burst out his doubts, and Manager Park Seung-woo shrugged his shoulders.

A positive answer that was too naive came out of his mouth.

“What can’t we do? He’s the one who convinced Steve Jobs.”


Chief Choi Kyu-tae lost his words and stuck out his tongue.

Yoo-hyun held back his laughter at the sight of his unique mentee.

He was a person who could laugh enough in this serious situation.

“Boss, graduation is not the main issue. There is another reason why we need to get the consulting report from BCG as soon as possible.”

“What is it?”

“The temporary shareholders’ meeting will be held in a few days. The McKinsey report will be presented then.”

“Wow. You don’t mean…?”

As soon as Yoo-hyun answered, Choi Kyu-tae’s eyes widened.

He was in the innovation strategy department and he knew the situation to some extent.

He realized that they needed the BCG report to counter the opposing opinion in the McKinsey report, and he understood the whole situation.

The agent in front of him was trying to pull off a tremendous feat.

Yoo-hyun confirmed his thoughts with a decisive answer.

“Yes. That’s right. We have to do this to save the innovation strategy department.”


Choi Kyu-tae was speechless in front of such a serious matter.

Park Seung-woo, who had been listening quietly, looked at Yoo-hyun with a strange expression.

He seemed to have something to say, but Yoo-hyun spoke to him first.

“Boss, how about going to a bar after this? Like we did at the European exhibition.”

“Pffft. Are you talking about the last day of the European exhibition?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

Three years ago, at the European exhibition, Yoo-hyun had secretly plotted to get rid of Lee Kyung-hoon, the director, and Park Seung-woo had accidentally found out.

He was upset that his mentee had taken the risk alone, and Yoo-hyun had promised him to share any difficulties with him in the future.

The place where they had drank together was a bar.

Park Seung-woo smiled faintly as he recalled that memory.

“So, it’s my turn to play the mentor role?”

“Yes. Please.”

Yoo-hyun nodded calmly with a smile, and Park Seung-woo clapped his hands and got up.

“Okay. Let’s do this. It looks like we just need to organize the data quickly.”

“No, what we’re doing right now is…”

Ignoring the flustered Choi Kyu-tae, Yoo-hyun answered.

“That’s right. You can stay with me until late today, and then go to Boston on a red-eye flight.”


“You have to go to BCG. You’ll get your flight tickets by email.”

“What about you?”

“I have to meet Paul Graham and persuade him.”

“Oh, a pincer attack. You mean to contact BCG as soon as you get his approval?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

Yoo-hyun smiled brightly at Park Seung-woo, who understood quickly.

He seemed to be positive, but he had his own calculations.

On the other hand, Choi Kyu-tae’s face turned pale.

“So, we have to go without knowing the outcome?”

“You have to act as if you’re sure to succeed. You know we don’t have time.”

Even if Paul Graham gave his full support, they would need time to exchange data and explain it to BCG.

Considering the schedule of the temporary shareholders’ meeting, they were short of time even if they started right now.

Choi Kyu-tae stuttered in front of the reasonable argument.

“But, but…”

“Yes. Then let’s start now.”

Yoo-hyun took it as a sign of agreement and laid out the documents he had prepared on the table.

Every minute and second was precious now.

At the same time, Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director, had a different meeting.

He was facing his uncle, Shin Myung-ho, the vice chairman, in his office.

Shin Myung-ho looked as experienced as ever.

He was calm even in the situation where his lifeline was at stake.

He quietly spoke first.

“Brother, you believe that the survivor is the strongest. That’s why I’ve been watching you silently.”

“I know. I never thought of reaching out.”

“Good. You should. But it’s unfortunate that they’re doing this while you’re away from the front line due to health problems.”

Shin Myung-ho frowned.

As he said, foreign capital wouldn’t have acted rashly without a reason.

There must be someone who was colluding with them, and this move was sharp enough to anticipate the end.

He smirked bitterly at Shin Kyung-wook, who declared his determination.

“I’m going to move Elliott.”

“You know you have to give up some of our management rights to move them at this point, right?”

“I know.”

“Huh. That sounds like you’re telling me to sell the company for my own sake.”

Shin Myung-ho glared at him with anger, but Shin Kyung-wook didn’t flinch.

He answered firmly without bending.

“There is a way to move them without giving up anything.”

Shin Myung-ho’s eyes softened at that single sentence.

The nephew in front of him was much more mature than before, when he showed his bold spirit.

“Do you have confidence?”

“Yes. I have reliable colleagues who are working with me right now.”

Shin Kyung-wook said with a sparkle in his eyes.

It was also a look full of trust.

At that moment, the clock in the Mountain View office in the U.S. pointed to 11 p.m.

The three people, including Yoo-hyun, had been sitting here for more than half a day.

There were empty food containers and coffee cups in the box next to the table.


Park Seung-woo typed on his laptop keyboard and said.

“Yoo-hyun, I sent you the revised data. Take a look.”

“Okay. Got it. Just a moment.”

Yoo-hyun checked the data that Park Seung-woo had polished.

On the monitor, there was a conclusion in the BCG format based on the data he had seen countless times.

He quickly scanned the content and pointed out.

“Boss, the content is fine, but I wish you raised the target numbers a bit more.”

“You can’t just raise them. What’s the basis?”

“Assuming that the smartphone penetration rate in China and India will be as high as the current U.S. market in the next two years…”

As Yoo-hyun explained step by step, Park Seung-woo clapped his hands.

“Oh, I see. If we link Han Sung’s strategy for the third market with that part, it will be possible. I’ll do it right away.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“Don’t mention it. We’re doing this together.”

“That’s a good attitude.”

Park Seung-woo winked at him, and Yoo-hyun gave him a thumbs up.

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