Real Man

Chapter 449:

Chapter 449:

The atmosphere in the Apple conference hall was ripe with excitement.

Steve Jobs continued his presentation under everyone’s attention.

He introduced a new photo app and demonstrated a video editing app as he moved on to the software part.

He never missed a chance to praise the Retina display.

“The Retina display makes all these experiences more innovative and special.”

And then he mentioned one more example.


Steve Jobs entered the App Store and clicked on the Airbnb logo, instead of an Apple app.

Half of the developers who visited the exhibition in San Francisco were using Airbnb.

They all recognized the logo.


As the audience cheered, Steve Jobs chuckled.

“I see that many of you know it. I guess I made a good choice. I picked one out of 10,000 excellent apps on the App Store. I was lucky.”

He didn’t just respond, but also showed some concrete numbers on his iPhone.

It wasn’t prepared, but improvised.

As Yoo-hyun admired him again, the app opened and a map unfolded.

Steve Jobs zoomed in and out of the map, highlighting the advantages of the display.

“Let’s experience the power of high resolution for ourselves. How is it? Pretty smooth, right?”

There was nothing better than a map to showcase the ultra-high resolution display.

The audience applauded the realistic demo.

Clap clap clap clap clap clap.

-Oops. There’s a problem with the internet. Let’s do this demo later.

Yoo-hyun recalled a past demo that Steve Jobs did.

He opened the map app, but a network error left a stain on his presentation.

It was also something that Steve Jobs worried about when he did the demo this time.

But Airbnb’s app solved that problem.

It supported offline maps, and optimized the UI for the ultra-high resolution panel, maximizing the exhibition effect.

Plus, Airbnb had an image of ‘innovation’.

From Steve Jobs’ perspective, it was an offer he couldn’t refuse.

“Look at this. When you click on the map, you can see various information at once. This is something that can’t be done on other smartphones.”

Nathan Blecharczyk had stayed up for several nights for this, but it was worth it.

Steve Jobs even mentioned the innovative aspects of Airbnb.

“If you press here, you can make a reservation right away. Oh? That’s our next door. I guess I’ll have to sleep there tonight.”


Everyone laughed at Steve Jobs’ humor.

This short demo left more than just laughter.

Even though Steve Jobs didn’t mention Airbnb separately, many articles were produced.

The presentation effect of Steve Jobs was clear.

The presentation was nearing its end.

When the price of the iPhone 4 appeared on the screen, applause sounded everywhere.

The moment he mentioned the free video call feature, the audience gasped.

“Wow wow wow wow.”

He adjusted the speed and surprised them with a twist, making the hour disappear like magic.

They all knew that the end was coming, but they didn’t relax.

Steve Jobs’ trademark was still not in play.

That’s when it happened.

Steve Jobs scanned the surroundings and raised his index finger.

“One more thing.”

At the same time, cheers erupted.


Steve Jobs smiled satisfactorily and laid down the card.

“The iPhone 4 is here thanks to you, our customers. Especially thanks to our loyal fan base.”

He spoke to the people who were full of anticipation.

“We want to offer a special service for the first batch of limited edition products, for our loyal customers.”

“Wow wow wow wow wow.”

The sticker was placed on the bottom right of the iPhone 4 on the screen.

The sticker sparkled with a lighting effect.

“This shiny sticker.”


This was too weak for a finale.

Who would be satisfied with just a sticker, after expecting so much?

He needed to provide some extra advantage for the limited edition.

Yoo-hyun was curious about Steve Jobs’ choice.

Then Steve Jobs made a bombshell announcement.

“And as a token of our gratitude, we will provide Apple software for free to the limited edition products.”



Cheers and applause erupted from the seats.

It was already amazing to have a limited edition, but he also gave them software for free.

Yoo-hyun admired him inwardly.

“I thought he would at least give a discount, but he really gave it away for free.”

Steve Jobs knew exactly what the selling point was.

Buzz buzz.

The presentation was over, but the heat didn’t subside easily.

That’s how great Steve Jobs’ presentation was today.

Kim Young-gil, the manager, spoke with a flushed face.

“This is really serious, isn’t it?”

“Yes. It’s better than I thought.”

As Yoo-hyun nodded, Park Seung-woo, the manager, walked briskly.

“What are you doing? Hurry up. You won’t be able to get into the iPhone 4 test room if you’re late.”

Then he joined the crowded crowd.

He was the most active person who complained about coming here early.

Yoo-hyun tilted his head.

“Why is he like that?”

“Steve Jobs is coming to the test room, so he’s like that.”


“I don’t know. He wants to get his autograph. I can’t believe it.”

Kim Young-gil, the manager, snorted and Yoo-hyun disagreed.

“Manager Park is a fan of Steve Jobs. Of course he should get his autograph.”


“I’ll help you out. Let’s go.”

Kim Young-gil, the manager, blinked his eyes as he saw Yoo-hyun stand up.

It was a moment that reminded him of the saying, “Like mentor, like mentee.”

The first floor of the Moscone Center, the special exhibition hall, was decorated as an Apple test room.

The place was quite spacious, but there was no room to step on because of the developers and media representatives who flocked to see the iPhone 4.

Yoo-hyun got out of the crowded room and took a phone call in the corner of the hallway.

The voice of Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director, came from the other side of the receiver.

-I’m so excited. I was thrilled when they talked about the Retina.

“Me too.”

-Didn’t you expect it?

“It was much better than I expected. It was different when it came out of Steve Jobs’ mouth.”

Yoo-hyun expressed his honest feelings.

Steve Jobs’ presentation today was also a big stimulus for him.

-Yeah. I think the world will be shaken by this.

“Yes. I can feel it clearly from the atmosphere here.”

-They still don’t know here. They say there’s no innovation in Apple, judging by the articles that come up.

The media will talk about innovation for a while, but the change has already begun.

The appearance of the iPhone 4 would turn the Korean mobile phone ecosystem upside down.

Yoo-hyun thought of the huge storm that would soon hit and answered.

“They’ll find out when they see the results.”

-Right. When are you coming back?

“I’m going to stay a little longer. I have to meet Jin-gun too.”

-That’s a good idea. I’ll make sure to support you, so take a break and come back.

“Yes. Thank you.”

Yoo-hyun answered happily.

The next words of Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director, touched Yoo-hyun’s heart.

-You worked hard. And thank you for being with me.

“Thank you more, director.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and answered.

Yoo-hyun hung up the phone and entered the test room.

Exclamations were heard from everywhere.

“It’s really different with the Retina.”

“I feel like my iPhone 3 became obsolete right away.”

“It looks like there’s a three-year gap between this and other smartphones.”

The specs were already revealed, but it was different when they touched it themselves.

The iPhone 4 was well made with a tight fit.

Yoo-hyun approached Kim Young-gil, the manager, who was touching the iPhone 4 as if he was enchanted.

He had also collaborated with Apple for quite some time, but it was his first time to see the iPhone 4 in person.

“Is it good?”

“Yeah. It’s really good. It’s going to be a hit.”

As Kim Young-gil, the manager, nodded, Park Seung-woo, the manager, looked at the buzzing side.

The attendees cheered whenever Apple executives came out.

Buzz buzz.

Among them was Jon Norman, who was gaining attention for his design lately.

But those people were not Park Seung-woo, the manager’s interest.

Yoo-hyun asked as if he understood his mind.

“Where do you want to get the autograph?”

“On the back. How is it?”

Park Seung-woo, the manager, took off his jacket and showed his back.

“Not bad.”

Yoo-hyun chuckled as a loud cheer was heard.

“Wow wow wow wow.”

It was a different dimension from when Tim Cook or Jonathan Ive came out.

Everyone’s heads turned at the sound.

Sure enough, Steve Jobs was walking through the crowd.

Trudge trudge.

He made eye contact with Yoo-hyun and changed his direction.

The eyes of the people around him moved along.

Steve Jobs stopped in front of Yoo-hyun and reached out his hand.

Yoo-hyun grabbed it without hesitation.


The two smiled at each other.

Snap snap snap snap snap.

Many cameras captured the scene.

But the news that came out was not that picture.

There was still excitement in the office on the 13th floor of Hansung Tower.

Choi Min-hee, the team leader, peeked over Jang Jun-sik, who was looking at the overseas news.

“Hey, Jun-sik, can you click on the news for a moment?”

“Oh, this one?”

“Yeah. The article about the weird guy with his back up.”


Jang Jun-sik clicked on the article that was posted on CNN IT.


A picture popped up, and Choi Min-hee, the team leader, was surprised to recognize the person in the picture.

“That’s right. Park Seung-woo.”

“Where? Where?”

As Lee Chan Ho, the assistant manager, made a fuss, people gathered in an instant.

“Wow, he lost a lot of weight.”

“Hahaha. Look at him smiling like a fool.”

“He’s still the same, even after going to MBA.”

People laughed and chatted from here and there, and Jang Jun-sik blinked his eyes.

He knew the name Park Seung-woo very well.

He was the mentor of his respected mentor.

But the image he imagined and the image he saw in the picture were too different.

He looked too immature.

‘Is that him?’

A question mark popped up in Jang Jun-sik’s head.

Yoo-hyun, who came out of the presentation hall, took the wheel.

Park Seung-woo, the manager, who sat in the back seat of the car, checked his phone and snickered.

“I got a call from Team Leader Choi just for getting an autograph.”

“How many did you get?”

“Already five. If I add the messages, it’s over ten.”

“Haha. How does it feel to be a CNN star?”

Yoo-hyun asked with a smile, and Park Seung-woo, the manager, answered seriously.

“Yoo-hyun, you have to be humble. There’s a time to go up and a time to go down.”

“You’re kidding.”

Kim Young-gil, the manager, who was listening, said incredulously, and Park Seung-woo, the manager, spat out a sound with his mouth sticking out.

“Manager, you too. I’m trying to teach my mentee something good, why are you like that?”

“Lee, the assistant manager, is much better than you. What are you teaching?”

“Manager, if you keep doing that, I’ll order a lot of room service.”

Park Seung-woo, the manager, threatened not to threaten, and Yoo-hyun laughed.

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