Re: Evolution Online

Chapter 1234  System Shop

Chapter 1234  System Shop

"What the hell just happened?" Rey stared at the exit unblinking as if he was scared of Gary popping up in front of their face again.

"Fuck. Whatever that was. Good riddance. I hope we don't see that bastard again." Madan swore.

"That guy is definitely not upto anything good." Lan Deming agreed.

Liam only smiled a little. "Unfortunately… we will see him again. I am willing to bet everything we have on that."

"Ah? Bro? Why are you saying that?" Rey rubbed his temples.

Liam's smile faded as he turned to face his companions. "Because, Rey, characters like Gary don't just appear out of nowhere and make offers like that." "He's clearly connected and knows things about this place that we don't. Moreover, he has marked us. Ignoring him will probably be useless. He will come after us no matter what."

"Shall we just use the teleportation token then?" Rey suggested with worry.

Liam shook his head. "If we do that, then we will be the ones losing out. Let's first pay a visit to the system shop and see what we can get from there."

Everyone nodded and the group quickly left the restaurant after ordering and swallowing one of the cheapest available delicacies.

The system shop was located in the heart of the island that was much more grander and opulent than most of the streets they had seen so far. The crowd on the streets thinned out and very few people were walking by.

But the shop itself wasn't as deserted as Liam expected it to be. It was quite lively and bustling. Liam, Rey, Madan and Lan Deming entered the shop, their eyes glued onto the people around them.

The shop was very different from the inconspicuous little thing back on Earth. This shop was a huge tall, towering building that was at least ten stories high, with each floor dedicated to different categories of items. The ground floor alone was a vast expanse filled with general supplies, basic weapons, and common artifacts, while the upper levels housed rarer and more powerful items.

The interior was sleek and modern, with holographic displays and floating shelves presenting the goods in the most enticing way possible. Various beings from different races and worlds browsed the aisles, their expressions ranging from excitement to deep concentration as they assessed the wares.

Liam and his team decided to split up to cover more ground. He directed each member to focus on different sections based on their expertise and needs.

Liam then navigated through the crowd, his eyes scanning for anything that might catch his attention. The prices were as high as they had been warned, with some items costing an astronomical amount of mana cores.

Despite the shock of the prices, the quality of the items was undeniable. Some artifacts had abilities and enchantments he had never seen before including rebirth attribute, offering incredible potential. It was one such item that the oracle had used to escape death the first time he had killed him.

And such a godly item was available for sale without any pomp and show. Naturally, it cost an insane number of mana core but it showed how much the newly integrated worlds were lacking.

Liam made a mental note of these items, considering which ones might be worth the investment. However, his main priority was still any soul healing pill or recipe or perhaps even item that could improve the condition of his soul.

Liam had hoped that accessing a higher grade shop would solve his problem but it looked like he was wrong. Unfortunately, nothing in the shop was was related to soul healing, leaving him slightly disheartened. He had hoped to find something, anything, that could aid in the recovery of his soul, but it seemed that such items were exceedingly rare, even in a place as rich and diverse as this.

The skill books related to soul were also the ones Tilia had given him already. On the whole, the ground floor was completely useless and he might as well be accessing the one back on earth.

However, this was not the only floor of the shop.

Liam's gaze shifted as he looked up at the staircase that was winding toward the first floor. Perhaps there was better stuff there. He began to walk towards the staircase when a fairy quickly flitted over to stop him.

"Excuse me, do you have the medallion of the shop? You cannot access the higher floors without the medallion."

Liam paused, looking at the fairy with a raised eyebrow. "Medallion?"

The fairy fluttered in place, her wings casting a slight shimmer in the air. "The medallion is a proof of membership, sir. Only those with enough status and wealth can access the upper floors." "It's where we keep our most valuable and rare items. You must have a medallion or be accompanied by a member to proceed."

"Alright, how does one obtain this medallion?" Liam asked, his voice calm and measured.

The fairy explained that the medallion was typically awarded to individuals who had spent a significant amount of mana cores in the shop or those who came from prominent backgrounds and had their status verified. Alternatively, Liam could be nominated by an existing member and would also qualify if his reputation in the shop was high enough.

"Thank you for the information," Liam said, nodding to the fairy. He almost forgot that reputation was a thing in these shops and it looked like his reputation from back on earth did not carry over.

He then remembered something else. "Would being a grandmaster help?"

"No, I am sorry, sir. That-" The fairy began to respond, annoyance flickering on her face but she suddenly stopped talking. "What did you say? Grandmaster?"

Liam nodded, maintaining a calm facade. "Yes, I'm a Grandmaster Alchemist. Would that qualify me for the medallion or at least some access?"

The fairy's demeanor shifted almost instantly, her annoyance giving way to a mix of surprise and respect. She gulped hoping that she did not inadvertently offend some big shot.

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