Re: Evolution Online

Chapter 1213 Once a traitor, always a traitor

Chapter 1213 Once a traitor, always a traitor

"Lan Fen, your sector is once again short on revenue." A tall muscular man snorted coldly as he twirled his mustache. "In front of the Lord, you talked a big game but your performance has been repeatedly lacking."

"At least your useless brother is meeting his quota every month." Another man laughed loudly, his comment making the rest of the people sitting at the conference table also laugh. Their derision filled the room, only Lan Fen and Lan Deming not participating.

Lan Fen's face remained impassive, but her eyes betrayed a flicker of anger. Despite the laughter and mocking tones, she maintained her composure.

"I assure you, the shortfall is temporary," she said, her voice steady. "My strategies are long-term, and the results will be evident soon."

The muscular man leaned back in his chair, his expression one of skepticism. "Long-term? We need results now, Lan Fen. This is not a charity. Every sector is expected to contribute equally. Your excuses are wearing thin."

After him, a woman with sharp features, chimed in. "And let's not forget the rumors about your... sympathies. People say you're too lenient with the local populace. Remember, our goal is profit, not popularity. Lord Crawford was very clear about this."

Lan Fen clenched her fists under the table, feeling the weight of their accusations. "My methods might differ, but my loyalty to our objectives remains unwavering. I will address the revenue issue."

"Very well. You have one month to turn things around. If there's no improvement, we'll have to reconsider your position and I might have to clue in Lord Crawford about these things." The muscular man gave a mysterious smile and stopped talking.

However, the woman did not seem satisfied. "Hmph. Favoritism."

"If I had my way, you wouldn't even be here in the first place. I don't like traitors very much. Just like how you betrayed that loser Liam, you would definitely not hesitate to throw us under the bus tomorrow. People like you should be executed on the spot."

"Nina!" Lan Deming who was silent up until now suddenly spoke up. "Don't push things too far." Dark shadows played around him, ready to tear apart anyone whom he despised. And right now, he clearly despised the woman in front of him.

But before things could get out of hand, the mustache man intervened. "That's enough. Settle down. We are all elites here. Our world has chosen us and Lord Crawford has anointed us. There is no reason for us to fight with each other."

"Lan Fen, please make sure to turn in the deficit next time. Lan Deming, you are free to help her. Instead of creating a scene here perhaps you should do that."

After the heated exchange, the meeting ended and the room slowly emptied, leaving Lan Fen and Lan Deming alone with their thoughts.

Lan Deming's expression softened as he turned to his sister. "Don't let Nina's words get to you. She's always been bitter and power-hungry. We need to focus on our plan."

Lan Fen sighed, her gaze distant. "I know, but the pressure is mounting. We can't afford to make any mistakes now. Crawford's regime is ruthless. We need to tread carefully."

Lan Deming placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We've survived worse, Fen."

"Remember, our ultimate goal isn't just to meet quotas. We're gathering strength, allies, and resources. When the time is right, we'll make our move against Crawford and rescue the rest of our friends."

Lan Fen nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. "I haven't forgotten. And I haven't forgotten Liam's sacrifice either. We owe it to him to fight back."

The siblings shared a knowing look, their resolve unwavering. They were playing a dangerous game, but the stakes were too high to back down now.

They needed to be smart, patient, and most importantly, united in their secret rebellion against Crawford's tyrannical rule. The guy was far too strong for them to let their guard down.

The two of them silently walked in tow after the other members as they exited the main building.

Thankfully, Crawford seemed to be someone who believed in power. As people who were naturally blessed by mana, it was easy for them to convince him that they did not really care about Liam all that much.

The old man had welcomed them under his authority with open hands. All they had to do was…

Lan Fen did not want to think about that.

It was only because she had stood next to Crawford when he tossed a random body as Liam's body, Alex was quick to believe him.

She had betrayed Alex, Liam, and everyone in the guild but she had to. Otherwise, the man would have simply wiped out all the families. What was she supposed to do?

In some situations, the life of one was worth more than the lives of many but in some situations, the lives of many were worth more than the life of one.

But she hadn't given up yet. She knew that the petty man had Alex alive somewhere in the castle. She would rescue her one day or the other. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to rest in peace even after her death.

Lan Fen silently walked out of the castle gates, several thoughts swirling in her head. Lan Deming too silently walked by her side.

The two siblings had managed to level up at an astounding pace, even making the other mana-blessed geniuses burn in envy. But only they knew that the burden on their shoulders was that heavy.

As they left the castle grounds and ventured into the streets of the city, they could see the effects of Crawford's regime everywhere. Oppression, fear, and despair hung heavily in the air.

Many pairs of eyes fell on them but people everywhere looked down on them in disdain.

People whispered about the Crimson Abyss, about how they had stood up against Crawford and fought bravely. When they did, they did not forget to talk about the two traitors Lan Fen and Lan Deming.

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