Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 98: Telepathy?

Chapter 98: Telepathy?

"Are you insane?!" The [ Wood Elf ] called out to him. 

A moment of doubt manifested itself and made Han waver as he stared into the creature's large eyes. What exactly was he doing? Did he really think that was some guy like Ash? Or he could become the father of Dragons...well a Wyvern in this case? And yet people were counting on him didn't they?

He sighed and regarded the Colossal Wyvern before him.

Instead of chatting them, the [ Wood Elf ] was clearly showing that they were against their idea audibly. Audible. His vision flitted towards the blue menu in the edge of his sight, inaudible communication. Almost telepathic in its way.

No need for words.

Think hard.

He stared down the creature and thought hard. Thoughts. Inaudible. Communication. Freeing the creature's mouth meant that they could eat him, but this was an option right? Think. Think. He kept his gaze at the Colossal Wyvern and noticed the crusted blood at the edge of its eye and shuddered, that probably hurt

Of course it did!

Han blinked. And looked at the Colossal Wyvern again, did it work? Could the Colossal Wyvern hear its thoughts now? Hello?

A piercing wave of roaring blared down him as Han stumbled back into the grass. He gripped his head for a moment and glared at the creature, why you

"Are you alright there?" Soft and gentle, a warm breath brushed over his ear.

Han jolted forward and yelped, "Ah!" It was the [ Mermaid ] who had kneeled down to check on him. He managed a sheepish smile and stood up, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just surprised me."

A snort sounded.

The young man stared at her before glancing back towards the Colossal Wyvern. The [ Wood Elf ] said that they were stubborn creatures who wouldn't work Han frowned as he looked at the creature, its mouth was shut but they could have still snorted. Still, he wondered. Was it really possible to talk with them? Sure dogs were smart, but this one was a snake like

A shriek throbbed within his mind.

Han clutched his head once again and glared at the creature, he was sure that he could have understood it before. But now all it could hear was snorts and shrieking? How did he tap into the mind in the first place? Words? Thoughts? The Colossal Wyvern didn't budge.

Wind blew towards his direction,"Han, what are you doing?" It was Ellynn's voice.

Han glanced at her and she was a distance away from them, she was using some kind of wind skill to carry her voice into his direction. He doubted that he could do the same unless he wanted to see himself as some boy screaming

So noisy! Noise!

Another blast of roaring within his mind sounded, albeit less mind-staggering than before. And he even caught some words this time around unlike before, so what was making the difference? He needed a skill as soon as possible, but it seemed like he should at least gain some basics of his skill.

But once again he was interrupted by the screen in front of him:

Wood Elf: We don't have all night!

Han: How do you talk to animals?

Wood Elf: Are we trying to talk to the Wyvern when you don't even have the skill for it?

Han: ...yes, but I think I'm getting the hang of it!

Wood Elf: Five minutes. That's how long I can hold on.

Han: You got that. If not, try to make it out with the others.

A timer began at the edge of his vision.

[ 5:00 minutes countdown... ]

That was fine. It was all fine. Han tried to be confident. Before they would know it, he could already see himself atop the Wyvern with a harness and

Filthy fleshbag!

Han's gaze snapped away from the screen and back towards the Colossal Wyvern. He frowned and thought hard, 'I can hear you! What's your problem!'


A growl slipped into his mind as he watched the creature with a more thoughtful expression. There was something that one could call this, telepathy was one thing, but there was another term to use. Han shook his head, he had to concentrate. Noisy? His thoughts flitted towards the shriek that the Colossal Wyvern had made, now that was noisy

Sound and image flickered into his mind.

An annoying giggle and darkness filled Han's vision and quickly disintegrated after a moment. Now what the heck was that? He didn't know what that


Han scratched his cheek and glanced at the Colossal Wyvern, so they were communicating with him now? Somewhat? If this creature didn't want any noise then why was it even here? The creature didn't respond at all. Or rather maybe it did and Han couldn't hear it again. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, this was kind of annoying

Yes! Annoying!

'Alright I get you!'

Annoying fleshbags! He was only sleeping! The giggles were annoying! He'd kill them all!

It made the young man falter for a moment, the image of bloodshed appearing in his mind for a moment as he shook his head. 'No kill! Sleep yes!' He tried not to think too hard'You want sleep? Go away!'

Noise! Giggle!

And it was there that Han lost it, as he felt his brain tire for a moment as he turned away from them and sighed. Once again he met the sight of the [ Mermaid ] near him, somehow she suddenly popped up at the last minute and didn't leave? "Uh, thanks for saving me. You must have high charisma or something."

It made the woman in front of him turn red like her hair, "No, I just used something innate with my people. Our voice has its own abilities to soothe, suggest and"

"Can you make people sleep?" Wait. That was kind of different. "Can you make something like this creature sleep?" Han moved back and motioned to the Colossal Wyvern.

"Make it sleep here?" The [ Mermaid ] blinked and motioned around her, "Isn't that dangerous?"

"A lot less dangerous than keeping it loose and awake. We don't have much time." Han tried not to look at the timer and dismissed it. Instead he turned back to the Colossal Wyvern, 'You want sleep?' A roar blasted into his mind and made him wince. 'I'll take that as a yes.' His thoughts needed to be clear and precise. 'No kill?'

Kill! Then sleep! No annoying giggles!

He imagined a Wyvern that was fully awake. 'So no sleep?' Han would have to decipher what exactly the Colossal Wyvern meant by giggles.


The Colossal Wyvern glared at him, or at least from how it looked and moved. Its muscles and scales twitching, it seemed more displeased. Han needed to bargain. Wait, maybe. If they hadn't

He summoned the universal chat:

Human: @LightElf are you there? Do you still have a teleportation scroll?

Gnome: Huh, long time no see youngkin, what do you need a scroll for?

Dwarf: That's expensive brat

Wood Elf: You're not going to run are you?!

At the bottom of the screen he saw [ Demon Lord is typing... ] but it quickly stopped. Well he was just something he observed, instead he waited for the other to reply fast. He had to hope he was lucky. And if not

'Sleep first then leave?'

'Sleep??? Kill then sleep!'

Why was it bent on killing them? Han rubbed his face and stared down the creature, 'Sleep then kill?' In the back of his mind, if it were able to sleep, then they could at least escape and hide in the city wait the city had been hit by the attack of the [ Wood Elf ] but seriously. Maybe they could postpone further actions for later?

'Kill first. Then can sleep!'


Now that was something. Han needed to expand on that, 'Must kill, so you can sleep?'

Yes! Kill All! Then No Annoying! No Noise!

Han frowned and nodded his head, somehow that meant something else entirely. Someone was controlling this Wyvern to attack them? A form of provocation? What kind of person would do that? He sent a message towards the [ Wood Elf ] in private and waited for a bit. But he also wondered if he could make some kind of bargain. The Colossal Wyvern wanted to kill them so it could sleep. Annoying giggles.

So it wasn't a spell or something?

"Hey, uh, so I think you can make it sleep." Han glanced back at the [ Mermaid ], "It wants to kill us so it can sleep, but maybe once it gets some rest, it'll decide to leave us alone?" It really sounded kind of stupid and a bit insane now that he was explaining it to someone in the flesh.

"Oh?" The [ Mermaid ] tilted her head, before she raised a brow. "Are you sure? Wait, you can talk with it?"

Han scratched his head, "That's what I've been trying to do? And I think it worked unless I was hearing auditory hallucinations you know?"

"I assumed you were panicking or some sort, staring into thin air or perhaps intimidating the creature." She giggled before clearing her throat, she assumed a more serious look, "But if I want it to sleep, you might need to get away or else even you'll fall asleep. I'll be singing a lullaby."

"Alright, you got that." He should have thought of something like this in the first place as he stepped away. He glanced one last time at the Colossal Wyvern, 'Let you sleep. Then maybe don't kill us?'

Maybe. If good sleep. No giggle.

Yes, Han was going to bet their safety on a lullaby. That was the way to go, he covered his ears and looked at the [ Mermaid ] once more, "Hit it! I mean sing it!"

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