Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 94: A Wood Elf's Vengeance

Chapter 94: A Wood Elf's Vengeance

A full on monstrous threat was being fought outside of the City of Gloria. A group of [ Players ] were working together in besting the beast that terrorized and wreaked havoc across the plains.

However it didn't mean that all was well within the city that was protected by their activated barrier.

Surprisingly or unsurprisingly to the ones aware of the happenings or were enjoying the spectaclethe city was in a state of turmoil as well. One could thank the certain arrival of three [ Players ] earlier on that shook the guards of the city, the news of them being defeated had already spread fear and caused a mob of people to run away from the area where it happened.

And then the barriers were activated suddenly.

Activating the barrier only added more firmness in the minds of the crowd that impending doom was just around the corner. Indeed the trouble and chaos didn't simply belong to a young man encountering a fair maiden who had no place to return to and neither was it only the administrators of the academy who were directly contributing to the safety of the entire cityeveryone was aware of it.

Even the usually impenetrable Kraelonia Academy wasn't fully separated from the news.

Information was spread across the entire vicinity in hopes of preventing students from leaving: "It is our utmost priority to keep the future [ Warriors ] and [ Mages ] duly informed of the happenings within and outside of the Kraelonia Academy. A Colossal Wyvern is on the loose outside of the Capital. All students of the Academy are requested to stay within the premises for their own safety. Despite the already present city-barrier, let us avoid any further complications. Thank you."

And so a frenzy filled the air.

Worry permeated even until here.

Reluctant it may be for some to admit.

Donovan stopped mid-strike and placed his axe down as he frowned and looked at the nobleman in front of him, "What?" He wasn't sure if he had heard it correctly. His voice dropped lower as he watched the other students already leaving the courtyard and heading back inside the castle. "Those two aren't here yetdo you think they got caught up in any trouble in the city?"

He wasn't worried, but the idea of two students getting in danger was bad for the reputation for the Academy.

Sir Leon de Harrington sheathed back his rapier, a thoughtful expression on his face. He looked towards the already darkening sky and sighed, he rubbed some sweat off his temple. "I hope that won't be the case surely they're already heading back. I trust that both of them were able to read the atmosphere and respond properly."

Reluctantly, the two of them were asked to enter the buildings.

"A Colossal Wyvern huh? There shouldn't be anything like that in our area."

If one was able to check out a bestiary from an Adventurer's Guild then they would be able to take note of the difficulty it took to best a Colossal Wyvern. 

'Mostly found in precipitous heights or lurking in the deepest of jungles, the wyvern is a flying predatory beast that preys on livestock and even people. Mostly people if possible. A normal wyvern grows around from twenty feet up to seventy feet long from its head to its tail. A group of wyvern flying together is referred to as a weyr and the young children of wyverns are referred to as wyrms. If allowed to grow and placed in favorable conditions, then there is a chance for them to turn into a colossal one that would be able to cover even a large city. Such creatures of that size are able to wreak havoc and endanger thousands of people if one is unable to respond properly.

Wyverns are often mistaken for Dragons.

They share similarities to the Race of Dragons but hold less intelligence than the former. Unless one of them were to reach a certain age, then most of them are instinctual and act like birds of prey. The features already known to these creatures are having thick scales that even enchanted weapons would have trouble piercing through if not used in addition with strength related [ Skills ] or sword-enhancing related ones.

Depending on the specific environment they grow from, variants of the wyvern also occur. Some examples are fire, frost, poison. These variants, in addition to high physical resistance also show a high degree of resistance to magic.'

That amount of information was also available to whoever studied in a prestigious academy like Kraelonia Academy. Elliot flipped the next page of his book and frowned as he read about the encounters of former adventurers and their advice. He took it all in with silence. Even with all the information available in one's lap, there was no doubt that winning was still easier said than done when besting a Colossal Wyvern.

"What are you reading, Eli?" His older sister, Penelope asked from behind his shoulder. She was braiding his hair, in the corner of their room, their eldest sister was snoring and completely unaware of the happenings that were occurring just outside of the city.

He paused and looked over his shoulder, "The introduction to an adventurer's guide to facing monsters."

"You don't have to worry too hard about things like that though." She patted his head and managed a smile before it faltered, "Still, something like a Colossal Wyvern shouldn't be too troublesome, right? We have the capital's barrier and its durability can withstand much more creatures than that in addition to all the high-leveled individuals here."

"And yet they're staying here instead of going out." The younger man frowned. "The question is why though?"

.. .

The [ Wood Elf ] and the [ Mermaid ] were both entrapping the creature under the best of their abilities, and the former had already leveled up abundantly before. Among all the [ Players ] involved here, he was the oldest one and yet even he was wary of how things were somewhat going in their favor. In the previous time before, the memory was

He shook his head and concentrated in regrowing and strengthening the plants that were binding the Colossal Wyvern. It struggled and writhed and continued to break free the vines and branches that were keeping it in place but it was unable to do much damage right now. He was holding its mouth shut, its lightning was its greatest attack.

However beyond from this, unless actual damage was to be dealt on it they were all sitting ducks. A battle of attrition would soon be their downfall. The creature could decide to wait it all out even though it was already getting attacked by his other companions. The [ Shadow Elf ]'s daggers were somehow able to deal some amount of damage but it wasn't enough.

The [ Tiefling ]'s infernal energy could help but they were currently down. Lack of communication was rather troublesomethe attack of the [ Cleric ] or [ Paladin ] from the city had tried to help defeat the Wyvern for sure but it also downed one of their combatants and now they were gone as well? 

They clicked their tongue. He couldn't spare any more time as he began to try and lift the creature's head up. Attacking it from its top scales would take much longer, its belly and throat were still protected but would prove much easier to pierce through. He glanced towards the [ Mermaid ] and whispered his idea, the wind carrying it towards her.

She looked at him and nodded her head. The young one would do her best to cover as many weak spots with his skills. He now had a little more leeway to make an attack.

But there was still someone he had to check, he glanced over his shoulder and watched his daughter lift up his ally. They were already moving away and that covered at least his mission of making sure that they would stay alive. He had already failed before. The man couldn't do it again. 

If magic couldn't damage the creature then the forest's resources would have to do. Although he was already depleting and expending them far quicker than they ought to be used. [ Rapid Growth ] to speed up the plants growth and ensure their quality with [ Nature's Finest ]. The [ Wood Elf ] had to do two things at the same time: Maintaining the binding on the Colossal Wyvern but also inflicting debilitating damage. The former was being shouldered majorly by the [ Mermaid ] now and the [ Light Elf ] was attempting to do the same, every bit would count.

Now it was time for him to focus.

In the back of his mind he was preparing it alreadymultitasking as he already was. [ Nature's Overseer ] was in effect as he took care of the attack. Within the forest, the trees began to uproot themselves and take shape into a weapon of his choosing. It didn't sit well with him, the backlash on both the forest and exerting himself was terrible to say the least but he moved fast.

Trees began to reinforce and mix together, lengthening and strengthening at the same time as other plants were added into it. The sound of vines snapping were loud in his ear, the Wyvern was no longer willing to wait any longer. He moved faster as he began to pepper the weapon with additional skills, reinforced wood wasn't enough. It had to be something more as the weapon finally took its form. 

The Wyvern broke free and unfurled its wings.

Thunder and lightning crackled around them.

He whispered one final thing as the weapon launched itself across the air:

"[ Gaia's Vengeance ]."

A spear.

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