Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 121: The Wind Blows Where?

Chapter 121: The Wind Blows Where?

"[ WInd Breaker ]!" 

It was the sound of the young man's voice activating his skill. Donovan swung his axe at their Professor and similarly to when Han had thought he had dodged the boy's axethere was no apparent shift in the air or any sound. 

His axe didn't even seem to make contact with Professor Uriel's arms.

And yet the older man made a face and shifted slightly, "You made some improvements, but still not enough." Swordsman Uriel glanced down at his arms and there was a visible line that appeared in both of them but it drew no blood. Still compared to the previous attempts of the other students who used both sharp swords and even exploding arrows, only he had been able to even place a scratch.

Donovan swung his axe into his shoulder and grumbled back to his seat. He plopped back down in the grass and looked a bit annoyed at the results.

"That's actually a long way compared to the others," Sir Leon de Harrington said to them. "Great work, you clearly have a talent with your weapon, friend."

Donovan sighed and scratched the back of his head, "I doubt a scratch actually counts, thank you though, Sir Leon."

Han was quick to assume that the young man was nothing but a hotheaded and somewhat subservient man to Sir Leon de Harringtonbut it didn't make sense that they'd get simply a servile person right? 

If anything, he was the one who was getting distracted right now. He needed to focus on things. Money. Wealth. Levelling up. Because he needed and wanted to do so.

The people around him continued to talk and discuss among each other and a couple more students gave their try at attacking their Professor. If Donovan had managed to land a blow that actually made a scratch on the surfacesurely somebody else could achieve a similar feat?

"Are you still trying, Lady Primrose? I'm sure that you can do better than Donovan." The young woman who had cajoled Lu Rei earlier told the armored woman.

If anythingthat was the servile and sycophant attitude that Han imagined. Or he might be wrong. It was quick to give short and snappy assessments on others, it was easier to do that but he might be pleasantly wrong?

Lady Angelika flashed them a smile, "I'm not so sure myself, I've been hoping that the potion that Swordsman Uriel had drunk would have lost its effects now but it seems to be long lasting in addition that it's a waste. Class is nearly over."

"Ah, such a shame. It would have been nice to see how your swordsmanship skills have improved, Lady Angelika." Sir Leon de Harrington said.

The lady rolled her eyes, "I might change my mind if you do it as well, but you're clearly deciding to sit this one out, Sir Harrington."

"Well, I have unenchanted steel and look at Han, he's not joining either."

He was being included in their banter now? Han bit back a chuckle and shrugged, "I don't have a weapon, I told you."

"Will you borrow mine and try if you wish to do so?" Lady Angelika offered her sword immediately, "Perhaps you can make use of it."

"I don't think he can use that, his proficiency seems to lie in unarmed combat but I may be wrong?" Sir Leon de Harrington rubbed his chin.

Han tilted his head and gazed at the greatsword being offered. It was probably just for this occasion, and he doubted that it would match his desired fighting style unless he wanted to be a sword wielding Rogue. Not that was a bad thing, he should be flexible "I was actually thinking of going for knives and daggers. I was supposed to buy yesterday but we all know what happened."

"Taking advantage of your speed aren't you?" Donovan snickered.

Han managed a sheepish grin, "I'm not that fast"

"What was that?" Professor Uriel asked.

It was enough to make Han pause and look up. If this had been in the normal university, then he and the others in the front row would have been kicked out but the man didn't seem to have any problems with their discussion.

And yet the man wasn't talking to them, his gaze focused on someone in the back. One glance behind him revealed it to be the archer guy who had raised a hand.

"Professor, the Wyvern's hide is thick but surely magic will be able to pierce through it and most adventurers have enchanted weapons, don't they?"

Swordsman Uriel eyed them and nodded, "That is true for lesser Wyverns but danger comes when one least expects it, Calum. But this isn't some simple test to showcase how strong such a creature is or a chance for you students to show off your special [ Skills ], it's a lot more than that." 

It seemed like they were quite serious about this matter.

It was amazing when most of them had simply stayed within the Kraelonia Academy. Han didn't know what to feel about that matter well, the term hypocrite came to mind. Then again, even the other Players had difficulty dealing with the Colossal Wyvern.

How much more would they?

Regardless of his thoughts, they wouldn't exactly be shared aloud. And as for this Calum, the young man scratched his head before they nodded, "Understood, thanks Professor."

"I do hope that you guys aren't too reliant on [ Skills ] and [ Spells ] to land strong blows." The older man explained, he was a lot more talkative than yesterday. "There's a limit to how many you can do per day and so it's better to reserve them when the situation truly calls for it."

That raised questions for him.

Han hadn't actually encountered some sort of limiter in his [ Skills ] though he lifted a brow and took note of the fact. Another thing he needed to check, if such things actually applied to him and if it didhow many could he do in a series?

Professor Uriel gave a sigh and rubbed his face, "Alright, let's consider this as the end of our lesson. If any of you have questions, save them for tomorrow or another time. Have a good lunch."




Things wrapped up neatly in its own way, at least that was what Han thought of it. He and his companions soon made their way to the dining hall and there were other students who were travelling along with them.

It wasn't weird but they were more willing to converse freely.

Many were taking the opportunity to congratulate Donovan for his feat or trying to get to know him better. Or maybe it was something else?

"That was amazing! You're no longer a Fighter Class, right, Donovan?" One of them asked.

Donovan scratched the back of his head, "No, I already specialize as an Axe Wielder."

In Han's perspective, it didn't seem like they were liking the attention they were receiving right now. Which was a little silly considering how gruff they could be at most of the time.

"How'd you do that? And can I ask what level you are?"

"Er I'm not comfortable giving out information."

It was a great contrast to Sir Leon de Harrington who was also talking with the other students, "I wouldn't have done any better than Donovan, I'm actually wondering if I would have done badly. But I do admire how you use those gauntlets of yours, Diov?"

This Diov wore spiked gauntlets and his fighting style at that time was simply punching the hell out of Professor Uriel earlier. A sigh escaped their lips, "Please don't say that, Sir Harrington. It was useless. So useless. Terribly useless against Swordsman Uriel's thick skin."

Sir Leon de Harrington patted their back, "Not at all, you shouldn't say that. I believe you're on to something, most often, it's easy to disarm an opponent when they're wielding a weapon in their hands but it'd be difficult to grapple your spiked gauntlets out."

"Yes, yes. I am aware of that. It still feels useless though, but thank you for your words. Sir Harrington, you're quite kind." Diov flashed them a smile.

And for Lady Angelika, she was also in a conversation with some other girls in their class. The majority of students he encountered seemed to be Primary Combat or Mixed Curriculum, perhaps learning how to be a good Mage was quite an uncommon feat.

"Your weapon is quite interesting Lu Rei, is that what you and your people use in your kingdom?" Lady Angelika asked.

The young woman looked extremely bulky as she walked alongside Lu Rei who donned her rather loose attire. The latter simply laughed and held her long staff, "Well, somewhat. It's not all that different when you consider Mages can probably use their staves to attack too right?"

Han seemed to be the odd one out, nobody was exactly talking precisely to him. He didn't think too much on it, he was probably weird as the new kidand coming in midway during the semester.

Instead he focused on gathering resources from Oaken Ashwood and hoping that he would actually get something useful he could sell or craft together. And yet there was something else he was dreading.

The dining hall doors were in front of him, he pushed them open and took in a deep breath. Lunch time was in order he wondered if Timothy would be joining them or

He saw the young man seated somewhere else and with another person.

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