Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 118: Tis But A Flesh Wound!

Chapter 118: Tis But A Flesh Wound!

There were a few things that could make him terse and upsetand one of them was being unable to help despite having the capacity to do so. The Kraelonia Academy and even the City of Gloria may have come out relatively unscathed but there had been other places that were devastated with the sudden migration of wyverns.

Swordsman Uriel trudged to the courtyard with a heavy heart and saw the students awaiting him. Young men and women who were choosing to pursue the path of an adventurer or a soldier and yet completely unaware or uncaring of what happened beyond their walls.

It was a little annoying to teach his class todaymore than usual.

He had already trained his earlier class in a much more strict manner because of last night and this class before him would face the same treatment as his previous one, "Alright folks, your Professors may have already told you of the incident earlier in your first classes but I doubt that they've fully explained the whole situation."

A few groans would erupt in the courtyard.

And that simply tested his patience once more. Were these truly the ones who would make part of the adventurers and soldiers of the King in the future? Weren't they supposed to overcome his generation? He bit back his tongue and shuffled in his belt pouch and brought out a pamphlet.

It was the Adventurer's Bestiary.

Uriel would flip through the pages and soon found the description on the Wyvern and then chucked it at the student in the front row, "Go read this aloud."

Nobody of the other Professors would complain about him not having learning materials at all. He cocked a brow as the young man stood up from his spot on the floor and gave them a sheepish smile.

It was the newcomer.

"Wyverns are winged beasts with thick scales and hide that are nigh impenetrable except for the sharpest of weapons along with [ Skills ] or [ Spells ]. Their main technique in both fighting and hunting are surprising them from out of the skies and diving in to catch their unsuspecting prey. When there are multiple wyverns flying or gathered together, they are referred to as a weyr and their offsprings are"

"Enough. Focus on the first portion of the text." He motioned for the young man to cease his reading.

The boy stood awkwardly for the moment and held on to his pamphlet before sitting back down. Their expression on their face told him that they weren't sure if they should return it now orUriel chose to ignore them for a moment and gazed out at the students.

Not all of them were paying attention, or fully paying attention.

"How many of you have ever seen a wyvern from up close?" He asked and received silence as a response.

Although he knew that not one of them had ever probably faced such a creature, it was a little frustrating to still be faced with such quiet students. He inwardly sighed and continued, "As many of you may have heard from last night, a Wyvern arrived in our city."

Some murmurs began to sound. Have they absolutely forgotten it and even turned to deaf ears during announcements?

"And it wasn't a simple Wyvern but a Colossal Wyvern." He eyed the young man in front and wondered if he should ask them to read again but decided against it. He could sum it up himself without the text, "Creatures and monsters such as these have the ability to obtain special traits and features, almost similar to gaining a [ Skill ]. Some Wyverns can do an elemental breath attack whilst others live long enough to reach another stage of developmentthat is the Colossal Wyvern."

Some were paying attention but of course he was quickly losing them as well. It made sense that most of them who were taking a Primary Combat curriculum would find boredom in lengthy speeches. He was almost falling asleep in his own voice honestly.

But how could he portray to them he paused and remembered another item in his belt pouch. One of the recent concoctions given to him by Professor Lavelda

"Alright, I'll stop yapping. Everyone here must already have gotten how dangerous such a thing was and yet the entire student body here didn't even need to worry because all of you were here inside the Academy."

A few of them were shameful enough to look away, and the young man with the pamphlet even flinched at his words.

It wasn't actually his intention but that was fine.

He continued, "But let me demonstrate to all of you, how truly difficult it is to defeat a regular Wyvern." Uriel grabbed for the flask in his belt pouch and took a quick swig of it.

It tasted like stones. Grinded stones. Something like lime?

He tried not to hack and cough in front of the students and instead offered them a grin, if the potion's effects were truly effective and it was aided by his own physical boosting [ Skills ] then this would be an interesting lesson for them.

"Alright, if any of you students can inflict a singular flesh wound on me with your strength or weaponI'll dismiss the entire class early."

Of course these were the words that piqued everyone's interest. All of them were eager for an early break and started to nudge and cajole one another.

It would be a little fun to see those expressions be wiped out when they realized how difficult this would truly be.

.. .

The Professor's words were indeed something that managed to make each student unsure if they had heard correctly. Or perhaps it was only Han who was feeling a bit surprised at such a challenge.

He still clasped the Adventurer's Bestiary in his hands as he heard the murmurings from the students as they discussed this opportunity.

What exactly had the Professor drunk? Well, it was easy to figure out that it was something that strengthened his skinbut it was still a little crazy for them. Han glanced around and saw that the other students mostly had sharp weapons.

Heck, Donovan seemed eager to swing his axe at their Professor, they were sharpening it now.

"Seriously, just because we have healing potions doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt." He muttered to himself and shook his head. Still, it didn't mean that the opportunity for their class to be over was something he didn't want the people here were sometimes a bit too much.

Somebody stumbled into his back and squeaked, "Ooof, my bad!"

He grunted and looked back to see it was the girl with the bamboo stick, but more than that, it was a little late for him to realize that she was different from everyone here. Most of the people here looked Western but she looked like

"Ru Lei, go ahead and test out Professor Uriel's challenge already." One of their classmates, a young man beckoned for her to go ahead.

"Your stick won't really do anything but help the others get the chance to actually wound him." A girl agreed with a nod, it was the one who had tried to talk with Lady Angelika.

Han was positive that he was the only Player here that was Human so why was there someone like her? Ru Lei sounded like a name he'd hear in his country. And with her golden hair and amber eyes, she looked like someone he'd seen in a Xianxia movie. 

She pouted and clutched the wooden bamboo stick in her hand to which he lately realized was a bang-staff, and one of its ends resembled a cudgel. She sighed and scooted away from him to give looks at her friends, "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give it a try? Maybe I can be first"

"Don't bother trying, I'll do it first." Donovan's voice cut through the conversation. He wasn't even looking back at the people behind them.

Instead the young man had a satisfied look on his face as he eyed his axe and nodded his head, Donovan raised his hand, "Professor Uriel, we can use our [ Skills ] when attacking you right?"

Han Jing tried not to slap a hand over his face. Of course they would try to do something like that, he felt his stomach twist and churn, Donovan had used a [ Skill ] and he ended up bloodied that time.

It wasn't a fun memory.

Professor Uriel gave them a shrug, "Sure, why not. But you can only have one try in hitting me with itmost people don't get the chance to use [ Skills ] in a sequence, especially when the creature hits back."

"Hmm, that sounds fair." Donovan nodded before glancing back at the second row and eyed Ru Lei once again, "You go first and hit him with your best [ Skill ], it'll be a chance for me to observe."

"E-Eh?!" The golden haired girl looked at him with surprise, but there was also a tad of annoyance in her expression. Perhaps because she had been willing in the first place and they made her back down.

As for Han Jing, he was only surprised that Donovan actually decided to forgo from attacking first for tactical reasons. They weren't exactly as hotheaded and rash as Han assumed him to be.

"What about you, Han? Are you trying?"

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