Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 76: The Kingdom Project XII (1)

Chapter 76: The Kingdom Project XII (1)

After the military parade was over, the warriors of the Black Legion return to their respective camps.

All of them had smiles full of joy and excitement on their lips.

I still cant believe it. I never thought I would taste this glory again in my lifetime.

Isnt this all thanks to Your Majestys will and the help of that merchant named Bahamut? We are truly grateful for giving us the strength to defend our country again in this dangerous time.

Just a month ago, they were in despair and lamenting their misfortune.

The Sakiel Knights were gathering their forces, and the Dragona Empire was starting to show its sharp teeth.

At this time, even though they wanted to give their lives for the country, they were not even given proper weapons, and the food distribution was also insufficient.

No matter how patriotic you are, you cant do something with your bare body while starving. 

Butin the short span of a month, everything changed.

Empty stockpiles were filled with grain, and rusted weapons were replaced with gleaming weapons made from Luganos finest iron ore. In addition, they received the newly issued black cloak and armor, which were the symbol of the Black Legion. 

They were no longer a shabby and poor army, but were able to regain the glorious appearance of the past when they shook the continent.

Although, those who spent their youth wielding swords for Hangury are now middle-aged, the fire of the past was still not extinguished, and their strength and skill as soldiers were still deeply imprinted on their bodies.

Such seasoned middle-aged warriors and the newly formed young recruits were united under the single-mindedness of protecting their country, and as a result, after a short period of rigorous training, they were able to once again show off the might of the Black Legion of the past.

There is nothing to be afraid of anymore! Whether its the Sakiel Knights or the Empire, whoever comes, we will show them our mettle!

We wont let them do whatever they want any more. You dare to step on the Kingdom of Hangury, we will make them pay the price!

No matter what. Now, when Your Majesty orders it, everyone will know our strength!

The soldiers burned with fighting spirit for the upcoming war.

Their morale literally pierced the sky, and even more than that, their enthusiasm to protect their country was burning hot.


Okay, with this you dont have to worry about the Black Legion anymore.

Yes, I saw the parade as well, and it seemed really great. I know very little about war or the military, but I can definitely feel that they are incredibly strong.

Yuria spoke in a slightly excited voice.

In response to her words, Isolda also nodded.

I have heard about the majesty of the Black Legion since I was a child. It was a powerful army that had a stellar reputation on the continent until just 10 years ago. Now that weve brought it back to life, weve succeeded about half of our work.

To be honest, at the beginning, Isolda thought it was a bit reckless, but after watching the parade this time, she came to admit that she was wrong.

In the eyes of others, the Black Legion had become insignificant, but within it, there was always a seed that was only looking for a moment of revival.

Then, all that remains is to finish the matter with the noblesits about draining the Sakiels power, right?

Yes, there were things I ordered in regards to that, is it going well?

Yes, according to the report, it seems to be working smoothly without any issues. Of course, it will take some more time to see clear results.

Due to the nature of the job, that is unavoidable. Anyway, good job. Anything more to report?

With those words, Isolda wanted to finish her work.

And looking at her, Yuria spoke in a slightly cautious tone.

HeyLady Isolda. In fact, there is still one thing left.

Yes? What is it?

Since there was nothing else that came to her mind, Isolda tilted her head, and Yuria asked in a voice filled with questions and a bit of frustration.

You know, the thing that still hasnt progressed since then!

Ahwhat is that?

Ah, I mean, about Mr. Bahamut! Lady Isolda, I heard that things worked out well, but why are you still so passive?


At Yurias words, Isolda finally realized what she meant.

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