Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 73: The Kingdom Project IX (1)

Chapter 73: The Kingdom Project IX (1)


Looking at the people approaching them with their raised swords, a frown appeared on Bahamuts face. Considering that it was daytime, and they were at the capital of the Kingdom, the number of assailants were unusually high, at least twenty.

Sh1t! I knew they would attack, but I never thought that they would attack me in broad daylight like this

Normally, at night or whenever he had to travel a certain distance, not only Ophelia, but also other guards belonging to the Company accompanied him, making the security as solid as possible.

But this time, the distance they were traveling was short, and above all, it was daytime when the sun was in the middle of the sky.

No matter how daring they were, no one would choose such a time to attack, so Bahamut only took Ophelia as his bodyguard.

And, that careless decision came to bite him back, resulting in such a dire situation.

I never thought they would even have a strategy to separate Ophelia from me. This is really dangerous.

The fortunate thing was that if they managed to cross the alley, they would reach the castle. So Bahamut pinned his last hope on that fact.


However, Isolda suddenly stopped.

You go ahead. IIll try to buy you some time.

She spoke up while holding a wooden stick she had picked up from who knows where.

Hearing her words, the expression on Bahamuts face changed.

Muh what are you talking about? I how could I

I am your s1ave anyway. I am merely a tool. Is it not normal for a tool to be used for the sake of the master?

With those words, Isolda showed a slightly lonely smile on her lips.

In response, Bahamut still seemed hesitant, and at the same time he felt a bit guilty about the past.

However, Isolda once again spoke to Bahamut in a determined voice.

Come on! Dont waste your s1aves life in vain!


Bahamut forcibly moved his footsteps, while his mind rushed to think of a solution.

If things continue like this, we will both die for surethe only possibility for survival is if I bring the soldiers guarding the castle back to rescue her.

Hold on for a little while, Isoldadont die!

After seeing Bahamut disappear from her sight, Isolda let out a small sigh.

HaahhreallyIm not fit for this kind of act

With those words, Isolda looked back at the assassins who had now stopped, and were looking at each other while Bahamut was running away.

Then, as she slowly approached them with the stick, the atmosphere began to stir up a bit.

What what are you doing? Why isnt anyone attacking?

The next moment, another confused voice was heard.


At the same time, as if something unexpected happened, voices began to emerge from among the twenty assassins.

What are you talking about? What else is there after this?

What! Of course we have to ki1l him! Why are you standing there blankly and just letting him go?

Ahno, I didnt see anyone stepping out, so I

What? Hey there, what the hell are you talking about? Who are you going to assassinate?

Ki1l Mister Bahamut? Did you really want to do something crazy like that?

This is just mock training, right? Dont be swept away by the atmosphere and say strange things!

What? Training? Did you really think this was a training? Do you even consider yourself a Sakiel?


What nonsense are you talking about? We are adventurers from the Beden Merchant Company.



Thus continued the inconsistent conversations between the 20 or so people.

Seeing the situation in which two groups with different goals had accidentally gotten mixed up, Isolda fell into a daze for a momentbut soon after, she hurriedly organized her thoughts and gave orders to those in front of her eyes.

Stop the mock training! Members of the Beden Merchant Company take off your masks! Those with their faces covered are the real assassins!


As soon as Isoldas words ended, the adventurers of the Beden Merchant Company took off their masks.

Immediately after that, the 20 people were divided into two groups, and a fierce battle ensued.


Dam*n! I dont know whats happening, but ki1l them all! Bahamut must be ki1led!

Stop them! Dont let them chase after Mister Bahamut!

Even though they still couldnt figure out the situation, the two groups began to swing their swords.

Their numbers were similar, and their skills were equal as well, so the fight reached a stalemate.

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Check out my other projects: Flower Stealing Master, Rehabilitating the Villainess, I Picked Up an Amnesiac Witch, My Summons Are Special and Dual Cultivation with a Fox Demon,

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