Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 70: The Kingdom Project VI (1)

Chapter 70: The Kingdom Project VI (1)

Black Legion.

It was a powerful standing army that boasted a reputation magnificent enough to make the entire continent tremble in the past with its numerous successful exploits. And, it was also the strongest force in Hangurys arsenal.

Even just a few years ago, the Black Legion boasted such strength that even the Rose Empress was reluctant to meet them in a head-on fight, and it had achieved brilliant results in blocking the Rose Empresss attempts to invade the Kingdom of Hangury for many years.

However, as the Dragona Empire swallowed the Northern Kingdom of Polena and grew its strength; the Kingdom of Hangurys national power suffered due to the aristocrats selfish actions instead. Naturally, the Black Legion was affected and weakened as well.

The decline of national power had a direct adverse effect on the defense expenditures used to maintain the legion. Therefore, even if it had talented warriors, it became impossible to maintain and nurture them without money.

In a situation where even basic supplies were not available, the powerful warriors of the Black Legion scattered, and began to live as ordinary citizens rather than soldiers.

And, among those peoplewas the general who once led the Black Legion, Gerard Cadmus.

You worked hard today, Mister Gerard.

Thank you. Call me again if you need help.

Gerard was a capable general who once commended a large army. But, as the Black Legion faded into oblivion and the aristocrats strife ran rampant, he was forced to step down from his position as the general, and now he was confined to his hometown, doing simple manual labor.

Honestly, Gerard had no great dissatisfaction towards his current lifestyle. As far as he could remember, he had mainly worked hard as a warrior, and the fact that he was freed from the complicated work that was rather troublesome could be seen as a positive thing.

But lately, Gerard had become concerned about something he had forgotten for a while.

Those Sakiels are flocking to the capitaland the Dragona Empire is preparing for war again

The kingdom was abuzz with the rumors of war. Gerard wasnt deaf, so he had heard about it as well, and he was deeply concerned about the matter.

Having spent most of his youth on the battlefield, he had entered his forties before he knew it. However, he prided himself on being stronger than anyone else and felt deep sadness about the reality of his kingdom, which was currently at the mercy of foreign powers.

However, there was nothing he could do.

The Black Legion had suffered due to a lack of funds, and at the moment, they didnt even have a decent weapon they could fight with. In such a situation, even if he returned, he would be of no help.

No, in the first place, it was uncertain whether he would even be able to take up arms as a member of the Black Legion after having been pushed out of the political circle.

Feeling dejected at his inability to do anything, Gerard trudged home.


who are you?

He found strangers standing in front of his house.

The moment he saw them, Gerards face automatically showed a wary look, and the man standing at the front of the party greeted him politely.

Hello. Excuse me, but are you Mister Gerard Cadmus?

I am. What do you want?

The man slowly raised his head at Gerards question, then he answered in a sharp yet respectful voice.

Nice to meet you. My name is Bahamut Fernandez, and I have come here by order of His Majesty King Mohichi, the King of Hangury.

His Majesty?

At the unexpected information, Gerards expression turned to one of surprise and a little bit of anticipation. 

And noticing that expression, Bahamut smiled.


Soyou will provide the funds and supplies, and I have to rebuild the Black Legion. Is that what you mean?

Yes. That is His Majestys will, and at the same time, it is also what we wish for.


At Bahamuts words, Gerard began to ponder.

He had heard of the Beden Merchant Company as well. And with the help of their enormous wealth, it was certainly not impossible to rebuild the Black Legion. But, he had some doubts about the matter.

Before accepting the offerI have some questions I want to ask.

Yes, feel free to ask. Bahamut answered with a calm voice

In response, Gerard spoke to him in a cautious voice.

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