Profane Prince of Domination

Chapter 513 Merge and Execution Demands

As the prospective disciples crossed the mountain passes, from the initial 270 million, only roughly 300,000 persisted. And even among them, many were doomed to collapse. But collapsing didn’t mean defeat. Those who could challenge the shackles of their hearts and rise through the trial still held a shot at success. Naturally, if achieving that was simple, they wouldn’t have fallen, to begin with.

Still, many managed to power through. And even as the formation’s pressure on their Dao Hearts increased, all persisted. Those 300,000 were indeed all endowed with tremendous willpower, and the determination to charge at ten thousand legions. But in many, imperfections lingered.

The first wave to reach the inner court comprised around 430 cultivators from Star Fusing Saints to Minor Gods—forming a heterogeneous pool of talents and cultivation donkeys. But as soon as they crossed the formation to land in the inner court, though awestruck by the idyllic land that put even the Heaven Warding Temple to shame, they first fell in the same ritual.

In tandem, they dropped on their knees, kowtowed toward Konrad, and proclaimed:

"Master, your disciple greets you!"

Although they knew they’d most certainly not become Konrad’s direct disciple, since they now belonged to the sect, this ritual was a must. But as they kowtowed, unbeknown to them, Devil Energies accumulated on the passes erupted in their souls to make utter devotion to Konrad’s will their primary objectives.

"You may rise. Henceforth, you belong to my Myriad Dreams Valley. Its honor and glory relies on your every deed."

Konrad replied with a hand wave that lifted the kneeling disciples from the ground and sent them to the side. The second wave soon followed with 1701 disciples and received the same treatment. Those two waves were destined to become Chthonian Lords and bolster the secret forces might.

A third, fourth, fifth wave followed and so on until the eleventh and final wave finally reached the court. Of the original 270 million attendants, only 84,000 succeeded in completing the trial. The rest lay on various parts of the immeasurably long passes. Three hours passed in a flash, and the formation automatically teleported the failed beyond the second mountain.

And they soon regained their consciousness. Seeing so many of them ejected by the mountain, some couldn’t contain their indignation.

"In the end, what were those passes testing? Why did I feel my chest suddenly weight a mountain?"

"I may not have been able to join a mighty sect due to my poor background, but my comprehension abilities have always been astonishing. Why could they pass while I couldn’t?"

Confusion and indignation spread within the failed contestants. And at that time, a voice echoed in all ears.

"Valley Lord, although on the cultivation road, the Dao Heart is of critical importance, basing your entire examination on that criteria seems a bit...improper?"

Pandu sighed, awakening both the failed and successful disciples to the content of their examination. Although many could already guess it, when reality hit, they couldn’t accept it!

"This is utter nonsense! Even if my Dao Heart possesses some flaws, with my talent, as long as I receive key training, the sky is the limit! How can you ignore innate talent when conducting an examination?!"

A failed disciple with outstanding physiques and comprehension abilities snarled in outrage. Outrage that his peers soon echoed.

"Background you can ignore, the heart you can emphasize, but if you refuse to assess all the rest, how can you cultivate true experts? Valley Lord, are you founding a sect, or a horde of pig-headed mongrels?"

Kubera scoffed, further triggering the rejected.




They roared in tandem while screaming their dissatisfaction in waves of criticism that lost themselves in the clatter of their thundering voices. As they witnessed this scene, even the Sea Dream Temple’s new disciples, deacons and protectors, nodded in approval. Controlled by Konrad, the elders followed the trend. Only Rati shook her head.

"Did you first ask him what he cultivates?"

She inwardly scoffed. But at that time, Pandu stood up, and from within the Sea Dream Temple’s guest hall, stared directly at Konrad.

"Lord Daksha didn’t survive his wound, leaving the Sea Dream Temple in Lady Rati’s hands. But instead of focusing on managing it, she dallied with a new disciple, broke rules to promote him, and put the entire sect at his disposal. If things carry on in this manner, the Sea Dream Temple is doomed to destruction.

And Rudra...will be its cause!"

Pandu exclaimed while aiming his index at Konrad, and the words sent the entire gathering into an uproar!

"Daksha...perished? How could this be?"

Some wondered with skepticism.

"How could it not be? The Chthonian Primogen’s world-ending might put even the Overlord and the Warden in critical condition. Of the seven Divine Lords, all perished while among the Cardinal Lord, Brihaspati, the strongest, didn’t survive.

Riddled with wounds inflicted by such a character, why could Daksha not perish? I wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow, news of Durga’s death spread within the Celestial World."

Many immediately rationalized. In the following week since her announcement of her father’s demise to the elders and protectors, Rati wasn’t surprised to see rumors on the topic spread like wildfire. Clearly, it was Kama’s doing. But with so many elders and protectors as potential culprits, pointing fingers at him was challenging.

And seeing the crowd fall to the intended effect, both Pandu and Kama sneered.

"As in-laws, my Primal Sun Sect stands humiliated by Rati’s scandalous deeds. Initially, my father planned to wash this humiliation in blades and blood. However, my uncle, Kama’s heart is grand and forgiving. Because of his pleading, my father shall not exterminate the Sea Dream Temple."

Pandu pursued, alarming all the Sea Dream Temple’s disciples, new and old, with the threat of extermination. If in life Daksha wasn’t Surya’s match, in death, the situation was undoubtedly worse. Although the Sea Dream Temple’s fighting power beneath the Legendary God Rank skyrocketed, without a Primogen to hold the fort, how could they resist the Sun God’s wrath?

Inwardly, they thanked Heavens that Kama didn’t forget past affection!

"Still, not drawing arms is one thing. Accepting these circumstances, another. Today, your Sea Dream Temple only has one choice: Surrender Rudra’s life, and become a branch of our Primal Sun Sect with my uncle as the branch leader. We hope that from now on, Rati can behave like a proper wife, and stop dragging her husband’s name through the mud!

This is also your only way to redress the impending disasters awaiting you! Refuse, and the Primal Sun Sect must avenge itself by marshaling its Celestial Hosts!"

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