Profane Prince of Domination

Chapter 494 With No Way Out Part 1

"An odd request."

Rati thought while her enchanting eyes narrowed at Konrad’s relaxed frame. Although the status of Sea Dream Elder would have driven innumerable devas insane from greed, in the eyes of an entity at Konrad’s level, it was nothing worth mentioning. To say nothing of elders, even the Temple Lord couldn’t survive one of his blows. What larceny did he plan that he needed that status?

Perhaps he merely wished to hide in plain sight? As her mind raced in swirling thoughts, Rati’s magenta eyes trailed Konrad’s enrapturing figure, at first trying to find answers in his eyes, but soon losing herself in their riveting power.

"How dreadful."

Rati remarked while breaking free from the spell, and avoiding further eye contact to prevent self-immolation.

"Although thanks to your cleanup, my father and I aside, all those that knew Rudra took place in the Essence Nurturing Forest’s contest either died or disappeared, there is no legitimate reason for me to promote a peak-stage High God to elder. To outsiders, regardless of bloodline growth, at best, you could immediately rise to Cosmic God. Going from peak-stage High God to Ancestral God overnight is unheard of and would raise far too many suspicions. That’s the first issue."

Still avoiding Konrad’s icy hues, Rati crossed her legs, letting her back face him as she stressed the problematic points.

"Second, my father may be mangled, but his mind remains sharp. Even if he were a harebrained donkey, Rudra’s reappearance would let him connect the dots. At that time, you’d either have to silence him or make him unable to act on that knowledge. Knowing you, neither seem like acceptable options.

You’ve already kidnapped my twenty-two sisters and made corpses out of 99% of the Sea Dream Temple’s males above the High God rank, needless to say, the thought of my father following them to the grave doesn’t excite me. Please have mercy on us."

Though straightforward in her response, Rati’s voice didn’t betray any emotions. Quite obviously, the events didn’t bear any weight on her.

"You don’t seem particularly affected by the losses."

Konrad probed with his lips curved in a renewed smirk. At the echo of the words, Rati shook her head.

"There is no reason to be. The life plates of my sisters remain undamaged, meaning that they are still alive. And judging by how much Nehal profited from you, their future doesn’t look bleak. As for the rest, as the Sea Dream Temple’s Great Elder, I regret the loss of all those talents. But as an individual, I couldn’t care less.

The males are either my sisters’ dual cultivation partners or distant relatives I see once in ten thousand years, why should I care? The cultivation world is a brutal place. The weak dying in the hands of the strong, an ancestral rule. When you fall, blame your own ineptitude instead of cursing others.

My father is the one truly bothering me, please provide a plan that doesn’t put what remains of his life at risk."

Rati directly replied. She didn’t doubt that without that armored woman’s intervention, her father would have followed in Brihaspati’s footsteps to become another one of Konrad’s meals. Clearly, to him, Primogen Blood was a delicacy that triggered a meteoric strength rise.

"I’ve already reached my cap, Daksha’s blood no longer serves many purposes. Fine, this is what we’ll do. I will rewrite his memories so that he never sent Rudra into the Essence Nurturing Forest, to begin with. As for your other concern, that’s simple. Your sect has just suffered crippling damage. Your very foundation is in jeopardy and hundreds of positions lay empty. In such circumstances attempting to go by with your seven elders alone is lunacy.

It is time to hire talents and rebuild the ruined foundation. You’ll lower all cultivation requirements by one level. Nihility Gods can now become deacons, High Gods can become protectors, and Cosmic Gods can become elders. At the same time, you shall open your doors to all gifted deities and talents, bless them with devahood in the case of humans, and let them fill the positions they can while waiting for suitable candidates to take others.

The reasoning is that with the waves of resources now sprouting throughout Heaven, in ten thousand years, those who now fill the seats by default will be able to live up to their seats’ past requirements and make the Sea Dream Temple mightier than ever. How does that sound?"

Konrad proposed while Rati’s eyes shone with enlightenment.

"How clever."

She whispered with a hand clap, and prompted by that wave of enlightenment, turned to again face Konrad.

"How is it possible for a rake of your caliber to be this frighteningly cunning? I must admit that you make a fool of all preconceived beliefs regarding decadent philanderers."

Rati praised while nodding for emphasis. And as she unwittingly lowered her face toward Konrad’s, he raised his to meet hers and peer deep into her eyes.

"That is only natural. Born with peerless talent and a preternatural understanding of all things within heaven and earth, even I sometimes fail to comprehend the depth of my greatness."

Konrad brazenly replied, causing Rati to roll her eyes and push her palm against his face.

"Go awa..."

Rati began but as her palm neared Konrad’s face, he tilted his head to the left, caught her hand within his, and gave the back a gentle kiss. Realizing how much proximity she’d just allowed, Rati swallowed the remainder of her words, not daring to speak further. But as Konrad’s eyes left her hand to lock back on hers, it was as if electricity filled the air, and an irresistible magnetism pulled her toward him.

As the devi floundered, Konrad took the reins, pulling her into his arms as he lowered her onto the bed and draped her with his form. He didn’t speak further, words would only ruin the spark. His lips lowered onto Rati’s, trapping her in his delightful embrace with no way out.

She didn’t resist, letting his tongue coil with hers and their lips mesh in an increasingly ardent kiss. But as the heat rose and hearts drummed, a clatter of steps echoed from beyond the door, announcing the arrival of a hasty newcomer.

Those steps, Rati could recognize among ten thousand. Those were Kama’s!

Alarmed, she broke the kiss and rose with the glint of a thief caught mid-larceny shining within her eyes.

"Love? Are you there?"

Kama’s voice echoed from beyond the door, causing Konrad’s lips to curve in a fiendish grin.

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