Profane Prince of Domination

Chapter 490 Eternal Pawn

Though the crimson star’s size encompassed the entirety of the Celestial World, the controlling force at its center was but one slender woman dressed in a battle-armor laced in the blood stench of her fallen enemies. From within the star, her eyes swept the Celestial World, ignoring its trillions of lives to lock on one individual: Konrad.

Naturally, that woman was Blood Nether, and as soon as her crimson eyes met Konrad’s icy hues, they blazed with an insatiable thirst for murder.


Blood Nether whispered, emphasizing the two words as if to convince herself that her nemesis really stood before her. And though dozens of kilometers still stood between them, Konrad heard the words and the hatred shining within. His lips curled into a smile.

"Sister-in-law, long time no see. Never did I expect you’d cross the omniverse in such haste to find me. What an ardent display of thirst and devotion. What? Can Regretless no longer satisfy you? I guess his ordinary rod can’t get the job done. But it’s fine. Since you’ve come for mine, have no doubt that you’ll get more pleasure than your mind can endure."

Konrad began with a wink, speaking words that caused the dreadful Blood Nether’s eyes to flare with greater bloodlust. Canting her head to the left, Blood Nether eyed Konrad from head to toe, for an instant wondering if she got the wrong person. But then she recalled the information she had gathered and knew that impossible.

"Dragon Warden, in the past, you were conceited enough, but I didn’t expect reincarnation to make you even worse. Good, very good, I shall enjoy crushing you."

Blood Nether stated with the glint of a blood frenzy shining in her crimson eyes.

"In those days, wielding the God Executing Immortal Sword, you didn’t put the world in your eyes, single-handedly marched into the Nether Realm and butchered all Nether Monarchs. Some may have viewed you as a selfless hero, but in my eyes, you’re even worse than that despicable father of yours.

As the saying goes, an imperial son shall alleviate his father’s burdens. For him, you seized the Supreme Blade, for him, you slew all opposition, clearing the road for the Empyrean Dragon Race’s eternal hegemony. But at least, he had the gals to admit to his true desires, while you hid beneath the lofty veil of ending strife. For that, I despise you.

Though armed with the mightiest blade, you still chose to stand below one and above the rest, forgoing the opportunity to slay a tyrant and right his wrongs. For that, I despise you.

But none of that can compare to your slaying of my royal father, for that, I must butcher you!"

Blood Nether snarled and raised her right hand. The cape covering her armor’s back fluttered alongside her crimson hair as she unleashed the horrendous might of her cultivation base. In that instant, to say nothing of Heaven, even in Hell, Deities shivered and rushed to the intersection between the Higher Realms to observe the source of these startling changes.

Blood Nether didn’t care for the Three Realms’ zillions of lives. Obliterating them by mistake would never bear any weight on her mind. And how could it? For an existence of her caliber, the Three Realms were nothing but a barbaric land, incomparable to the primordial era.

In a Multiverse where not even one true Overgod existed, what purpose did they serve?

Dolgron, Ashara, Talroth and the brainwashed Urzul in Hell, watched alongside other Demon Primogens the gathering of that crimson force that could at any moment wipe out all lives across their Realms. But while confusion and apprehension rippled in all Primogens’ eyes, within Talroth’s a strange glint shone. As his eyes went between Konrad and Blood Nether, confusion flickered, but soon made way for a radiant smile.

Meanwhile, Konrad shook his head in disappointment.

"Peak-stage Primordial Goddess, at the summit of your cultivation road and only a step away from All-Transcendence. Not bad. Alas, I cannot be killed. You could destroy all across the Celestial and Infernal Realm that it would not affect me in the slightest."

Konrad reminded, and as if to rile Blood Nether further, waved his hand, causing his appearance to go from the unmatched Profane Prince’s to the austere and regal Dragon Warden’s. His hair and eyes became pure gold, while his face morphed to reflect the change. But as her eyes lay on that face, Blood Nether’s veins almost ruptured from rage.

"Since you’re so dead-set on living in the past, let me help you. Bitch, who are you trying to kid? The current Infernal Realm is but a pale copy of the past Nether Realm. You netherworld scions gashed one another’s throat for a yes or a no. Blood drenched the streets, with the weak serving as food for the strong in the most literal of senses. The Nether Monarchs were the worst of the lot. Their cruelty knew no limit, and they only watched out for their kin while oppressing all the rest. As I recall, you Immortal Blood Spirits were particularly adept at that game.

In his life, your father, the Undying Blood Monarch slaughtered billions, mortals, immortals and gods alike. At best, Dragon Warden’s death count was in the tens of thousands, all deities met on the battlefield. Killing your father was undoubtedly enforcing justice on behalf of heaven.

I hate nothing more than hypocrites like you who scold others for the things they excel at. Pathetic creature lost in self-delusion.

A true fell creature revels in its own malevolence."

Konrad retorted with his hands crossed behind his back while his lips curved into a wolfish grin. As the words echoed in her within her mind, Blood Nether’s eyelids trembled. Meanwhile, Talroth’s smile grew brighter.

"But that is merely the beginning. If you want to avenge your old man’s death, shouldn’t you start with Regretless?"

Konrad inquired in an amused tone that filled Blood Nether’s eyes with confusion.

" you mean by that?!"

She snarled as her hand trembled alongside her voice. A portion of her mind told her she didn’t wish to hear Konrad’s following words, but the other won over.

With a theatrical sigh, Konrad shook his head, wincing as if trapped in a dilemma.

"I guess it’s time to break the bubble. Back when Dragon Warden marched into the Nether Realm to challenge your monarchs, Moon had already left his side to return to Regretless. Naturally, she didn’t forget to warn him of the God Executing Immortal Sword’s might. When your father rose to meet the challenge, Regretless knew he would die. But better, he was ready to stop it, but didn’t. He chose to watch your father and the other Monarchs rush into destruction so that he could use you to seize the Immortal Blood Throne and unify the Nether Realm under his banner.

You...have always been...his pawn."

Konrad sighed, causing Blood Nether’s heart to fall into chaos.

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