Prime Originator

Chapter 937 - Ice Mountain

Chapter 937 - Ice Mountain

Although the frozen land was suitable for cultivation, it was even better if she could find the source of the cold yin in the region. Thus, Lynne ventured deeper into the frozen land.

Along the way, ice became more prominent in the area while the heavy mist became less and less. Before long, Lynne's visibility improved, and she could see at least thirty yards ahead.

Nevertheless, she did not stop advancing.

After trekking for more than twenty miles, Lynne realized the frozen land extended further than she thought. At the same time, the absence of trees also made her wonder if she exited the other end of the forest.

However, Lynne noticed the slope of the icy ground was slowly ascending with numerous stumps stuck out from it. They were the stumps of broken trees.

The upper parts of the frozen trees could not be found anywhere. Or rather, the upper parts had all been shattered into numerous pieces and became unrecognizable.

"These cold yin trees are supposed to be extremely sturdy due to the cold yin tempering all year round. And yet, the cold yin trees around here are all broken? What could have shattered them like this?" Lynne wondered with surprise.

While studying the tiny frozen tree shards and icy splinters on the ground, she became even more astonished.

'The cold yin energy in this region is comparable to your current mastery of the True Permafrost Divine Art. At this level of cold power, you can turn any matter into ice at the structural level,' the Divine Ice Phoenix Empress mentioned.

'As such, once you apply this ice power to objects like these broken trees, they become extremely hard, but at the same time, very brittle. As such, they will shatter like fine glass after you strike them with a concussive blow beyond a certain threshold.'

'This is why you didn't need to shatter the energy conversion towers personally. They were already destroyed when you froze them into icy substances with the True Permafrost Divine Art,' the Divine Ice Phoenix Empress explained.

After all, there's no such thing as breaking off the layer of ice on a perma-frozen energy conversion tower. The entire perma-frozen energy conversation tower IS the ice.

Therefore, breaking the ice is equivalent to breaking the energy conversion tower.

"Still, a strong force is needed to shatter these cold yin trees like this, no? That's what I'm more curious about, Master," Lynne stated.

'Un, these broken trees are rather suspicious points of interest. So you should proceed with caution, my child,' the Divine Ice Phoenix Empress advised.

"Yes, Master," Lynne complied.

As she advanced, the mist gradually cleared, revealing an enormous crescent moon-shaped ice mountain ahead.

Lynne's eyes gradually widened with astonishment.

"There was such a huge ice mountain hidden in the depths of Extreme Misty Forest! Is this Extreme Misty Forest's main source of coldness?" Lynne exclaimed in wonder.

Furthermore, no Paragon-level vengeful spirits were found beyond the point where the mist ended. The vengeful spirits only stayed within the cold yin mist and never out of it.


A powerful yet sudden surge of wind carried the cold yin mist up the ice mountain, pushing Lynne forward along with it—or rather, it straight up blasted her forward.

Unfortunately, she was completely unprepared for it.

'Careful, child!' the Divine Ice Phoenix Empressed warned, albeit a little too late. Even she did not foresee such a powerful wind current coming.

After the surge of wind sent Lynne flying two miles up the ice mountain beyond her control, she eventually regained her bearing in midair.

Then, she conjured an ice spear and stabbed it into the ice mountain, breaking herself away from the powerful gust of wind. But, alas, it took her multiple attempts before she finally came to a complete stop, free from the powerful wind current.

On the other hand, the powerful win current continued to carry the cold yin mist as they rushed up the crescent moon-shaped ice mountain together.

Then, after reaching the top, they came pouring back down into Extreme Misty Forest like a rain of clouds with cold air due to the ice mountain's curved shape.

"That scared me," Lynne commented with lingering fear.

She did not have a powerful body. If she didn't break free from the wind current, she could have died upon smashing into the ice mountain.

'You need to get out of this area before another powerful wind current comes rushing up the ice mountain,' the Divine Ice Phoenix Empress advised.

"Yes, Master," Lynne nodded. Even so, she couldn't help but quickly wonder, "But where did this powerful wind current come from?"

Nevertheless, she quickly found her answer on the other side of the crescent moon-shaped ice mountain. At the same time, she realized the crescent moon-shaped ice mountain was not so shaped like a crescent moon.

It indeed has the curve of a crescent moon. However, the other side of the ice mountain was a vast descending ice slope.

It was kind of like one enormous water slide of epic proportions.

However, what startled Lynne was the clear view ahead of her. The other half of Extreme Misty Forest was nowhere in sight. By that, she meant the vast land of heavy mists and trees.

What she saw was an endless stretch of ice land that extended for hundreds of miles, leading all the way to the Boundless Sea in the far north of the Human Domain.

More astonishingly, portions of the Boundless Sea connected to the land were also frozen. Lynne understood the ice formation of the mountain came from sea waves.

It was a breathtaking sight.

However, it was a breathtaking sight that couldn't be enjoyed unless one reached the top of the ice mountain.

The people in the Human Domain would have never known what lay on the other side of the forest due to the thick obscuring everything.

Lynne gulped.

'Child, I believe you can guess what the source of this ice land is without locating it, right?' the Divine Ice Phoenix Empress assumed.

"It's a Celestial Ice Spark, isn't it, Master?" Lynne replied.

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