Prime Originator

Chapter 83 - The Mansion Was Raided

Chapter 83 - The Mansion Was Raided

Outer palace, guest courtyard.

Pacing back and forward, Duke Ignis had a tint of impatience in his eyes. There were urgent matters to be discussed with the Queen, but they had not been summoned to meet the Queen and his wife had not returned since last night.

"You need to calm down, Ignis. How about you sit and enjoy some tea with me instead of pacing back and forward?" Robert said as he sat by the stone table and enjoyed a cup of freshly brewed tea. His expression was calm like still water without any ripples.

"Calm? How can I be calm? You have seen it for yourself. The 4 great families have rebelled. Just one Weld family, already have a peak level expert. Who knows if the other 3 families have their own as well? We need to devise a plan to quell this rebellion quickly before it gets out of hand. How can you be so calm in such a serious situation?"

Ignis can't help but blame his friend for his lack of care or awareness when the capital is practically a mess and the people are suffering.

"Well… I must admit that the 4 families are planning to rebel, but to say that they have already rebelled is incorrect. After all, they only attacked us and not the royal family. At most, it can be considered a conflict between noble families. Also, don't you still have a very powerful force back at your steam tower? Anyway… if you can leave this place, then be my guest."

Robert shrugged his shoulders lackadaisically.

"Ugh… right…"

Ignis became dejected at the reminding of their current predicament and threw in the towel. He sat down on an empty stone seat and pour himself some tea in low spirits.

Last night, they had already attempted to leave the courtyard, but they were stopped by the palace guards. They were further forced to undergo a blood test and was forbidden to leave the courtyard until the results came out.

The reason wasn't made clear to them, which caused the Duke to easily lose his temper and resort to forceful means. However, he had a rude awakening that he was no match for the palace guards in both strength and numbers. Without the strength to resist, they could only comply and stay inside the guest courtyard obediently.

The security of the palace was unexpectedly tight and packed with powerful awakeners. Since when were 9th step experts common like cabbages?

Ignis couldn't understand what the Queen was thinking. With such a mighty force, why does she continue to let the corrupted nobles run rampant outside? Does she not care about her people? And if they had such a force guarding the palace in the past then how would the tragedy of the royal family ever come to pass?

He had forgotten that the Queen had shut herself and the palace from the outside. If it weren't for Amelia's close relationship with the Queen, then they would even be able to step foot in the palace. It's been many years since he last saw his sworn brother.

Duke Ignis mulled over his thoughts as he poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip. his eyes widened and shot them at Robert.

"Isn't this my wife's herbal tea!?"

"Ah yes… I kind of borrowed it from the car before we left…"

"Borrowed? Are you going to spit it back out after you're done?" Ignis glared at him, but secretly commended Robert's dexterity for being able to sneak the teapot out unnoticed.

"Hahaha…" Robert's calmness broke with an awkward laugh.

"Never mention this matter to Amelia." Ignis whispered with a serious look after shifting his eyes left and right with caution.

Since the deed was done, he must enjoy as much as he can. His wife would blame him either way.

"Naturally." Robert nodded. It goes without saying. He wasn't interested in looking for trouble. The 2 came to a mutual understanding and enjoyed their tea quietly.

"The results are all green. You all are free to roam the outer palace. However, unless the Queen has ordered, you still cannot enter the inner palace." A palace guard came and reported to them.

"Why are these procedures needed, sir?" Duke Ignis spoke with a respectful tone. He no longer felt any superiority. His strength and status were a joke to these palace guards. The repeated setbacks had humbled him.

Seeing how respectful Ignis was, the palace guard found it hard to ignore his question.

"It is to guard against the enemy. That's all I can say."

The palace guard went to resume his duties after leaving behind those brief words. Ignis and Robert were puzzled.

Enemy? What kind of enemy require sampling their blood? Could they camouflage or disguise themselves as humans?

The palace seems to be hiding a big secret from the public.

"My Lord! I've come bearing bad news!" Sebastian suddenly barged into the courtyard urgently.


"We have discovered that the mansion had been raided, my Lord."

"Any casualties?" Ignis raised an eyebrow at the news.

"None, my Lord. The enemy must've raided when we were out." Sebastian speculated.

"Oh, we good then. What is the problem?" Ignis said nonchalantly.

"The training manual in the secret room was taken, my Lord…"

Sebastian was taken aback by the lack of concern in his Lord's tone.

"That's even better! It's good that they took it! Hahaha!" Duke Ignis laughed wildly.

"M-My Lord! How can that be good!? That is your family's secret training manual!" Sebastian stressed with wide eyes. He had an urge to rip his hair out due to frustration. How can the Lord not care about such an important matter? Has the world gone mad or has he gone mad!?

"Hahaha… You don't need to worry about this matter. Nothing important was lost." Ignis chuckled mysteriously.

His low spirits were lifted immediately. The secret room did have a training manual placed there, but it was not his family's training method; the [Lancaster's Great Fiery Breathing Technique]. The manual taken away was a byproduct of his attempt to revise and improve the [Lancaster's Profound Fiery Breathing Technique]. Although he had failed to improve the technique, it was still a masterpiece in its own right. The effects would be devastating, should the person attempt to learn his self-created technique.

"As you wish, my Lord." Sebastian complied in blind faith. If his Lord said there was nothing to worry about, then there is nothing to worry about.

In a dark and secluded location of the Upper North District, two figures were having their secret meeting.

"The task was completed with ease, my Lord." Alf reported as he handed over the manual, he had successfully taken from the Lancaster mansion.

Lord Weld took the manual and briefly glanced over its name and introduction with his dark eyes. Since the time he was forced to escape from Kasif, his aura has grown even more sinister and deathly. His existence started to seem less human and more demonic.

"Good. You have done well. With this [Ignis's Dominating Inner Obliteration Technique], we can train a whole army of powerful fire-users." Lord Weld said with a raspy voice. Although, the name of the technique was strange, Lord Weld did not pay it too much attention. The name was trivial and could be changed. What was important was that the manual was a breathing technique.

Breathing techniques allowed awakeners to speed up the natural process of refining elements into essence to increase their cultivation. Each noble family had their own unique breathing technique, but it was evidently trash compared to the Duke's and Royalty's breathing technique.

"Where are Lord Gregory and the others, my Lord?"

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped at the mention of Gregory. Lord Weld wore a frosty countenance as silent rage burned inside him. The night prior, Lord Weld did not escape far when he realized that no one chased him. As such, he hid nearby and waited for his reinforcements to arrive, but even after waiting until the dawn of day, reinforcements never came.

"They're all dead! Let's go. We will pay the 3 family a visit. Hmph!" Lord Weld said coldly as he stowed away the manual in his clothes.

Lord Weld did not know the extent of Kasif's full strength. He still mistakenly believed that they stood a chance, had the forces of the three other families arrived in time.

If they could not give him a good reason for not showing up, he sees no need to remain in the alliance now that he has the [Ignis's Dominating Inner Obliteration Technique]. Hmm… there was really something off about the name of the technique, but he could not put a finger on it…

Upper West District, Grey mansion courtyard.

"Sure enough, you all are still here. Care you explain why none of you showed up?" Lord Weld said with repressed anger.

The other three Lords sat on their stone thrones with deep gloomy thoughts… There were several heads piled together into a small mountain by their feet.

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