Prime Originator

Chapter 80 - Mother And Son (1)

Chapter 80 - Mother And Son (1)

The Duke's group arrived outside the palace gates and dismounted their vehicles.

"Halt! Who dares to trespass at this hour?" A drowsy palace guard barked.

"Has this Duke's prestige fallen so low that he cannot even be recognized by a mere palace guard?" Ignis asked with a frown.

"Stop it, Ignis." Amelia was not interested in wasting time by the front gates.

"There's no problem with letting us pass, yes?"

"Y-Y-Your Grace… Y-Yes, there is no problem. Please enter at your own pace." The guard stuttered, before making way. He was half awake and failed to recognize them immediately.

Guarding the gate was a menial task. The palace was not frequented by guests like it once was and it is especially not the case during the wee hours. The palace guard wiped his sweats after the Duke's group entered.

"Nobles are so eccentric. Who visits at such ungodly hour? Fortunately, I didn't offend them."

The courtyard was once decorated with beautiful verdure gardens and filled with fragrant floras. Nobles and commoners alike, often visit to enjoy the scenery, and fill it with life.

As the group pass through the courtyard, the verdure garden was long gone. In its place, was a cold and lifeless metallic texture, as far as the eye can see; the ground, the walls and the palace itself. There was nothing that wasn't metal.

"How is this a palace anymore? It looks more like an iron fortress." Ignis remarked in passing.

At the other end of the courtyard lied a flight of stairs, leading to the great hall. They group made their way over quickly and found a palace maid standing at the top of the stairs, as if awaiting their arrival.

"The Queen is waiting for you inside, Your Grace." The Palace informed her with a curtsy to show her respect to the Queen's sworn sister.

"The Queen is waiting for me?" Amelia asked doubtfully. How did Elizabeth know they were coming?


"I see, thank you."

Two palace guards holding spears in hand at the entrance, stepped away, while they opened the doors to the great hall.

Amelia took the lead to enter the great hall first. Duke Ignis and the rest were ready to follow her when the two palace guards crossed their spears and blocked them from entering.

"What's the meaning of this?" Duke Ignis was immediately displeased.

"The Queen will only be seeing the Duchess Amelia. I have orders under the Queen to lead you to your living quarters." The palace maid said respectfully.

Amelia looked back at her husband, who wore a gloomy face and was ready to make a scene.

"Go, I will look for you later."

Hearing his wife's words, he swallowed the words at the tips of his tongue.

"Hmph! Lead the way!" Duke Ignis waved his hand and grumbled.

"Yes, right this way."

Deep inside the great hall, a big golden throne could be seen with two other seats by its side. Queen Elizabeth did not seat herself on the golden throne, but the left seat by its side.

The throne belonged to her husband and was not her place to sit. Even as the acting ruler of the kingdom, she would not sit on the throne. This was to show her respect and devotion to her husband, who still laid in vegetative state.

"Sister, how did you know I was coming?" Amelia came up and hugged Elizabeth's arm in an intimate way, showcasing their close sisterly relationship.

"I was informed ahead of time." Elizabeth showed off a rare smile, albeit a light one.

Some life had returned to her eyes and her appearance was no longer haggard and disheveled. But one cannot be fooled by her renewed beautiful countenance and believe that their gentle Queen had returned. The cold icy aura emanating from her was enough to freeze their hearts.

"Oh? It wasn't a crazy but powerful old man shrouded in black by any chance, was it?" Amelia asked hopefully. If Elizabeth didn't know who that was, then things could be bad for Leon.

"Crazy old man eh? You must referring to Kasif. No, it was not him, who informed me."

Amelia heart froze at Elizabeth's answer. It wasn't!? Her thoughts were about to run amok with possibilities when Elizabeth continued.

"He sent his subordinate to inform me."

Amelia sigh in relief. It seems the Old man serves Elizabeth. "Don't leave me in suspense like that…"

"Since when did we have such a powerful master in the kingdom? How come I haven't heard of him before?"

"That's not why you came to see me, right? What news do you have for me?" Elizabeth didn't answer Amelia's question. Instead, she threw back a question of her own.

"Ahh… right! I have good news! Your son is alive! I've found him."

Amelia broke the news to Elizabeth with a big smile. Whether it was something Leon agreed to or not, Amelia still had to inform her sworn sister. She cannot keep her in the dark and continue living miserably.


Elizabeth immediately shot up from her seat in agitation. "Is that true!?" Where is he? Where is my son? Why isn't he with you? Are you lying to me?"

Amelia was barraged with questions.

"No, I'm not! He would've been right here if that old bastard didn't knock him unconscious and took him away!" Amelia rebutted strongly.

"He did what!?" Elizabeth was angered. Knowing that her son was alive and well, she could not wait another second! She missed her son dearly! "How dare he treat her son that way and delay their meeting!"

"Shadow Guards!"

"What orders do you have, Your Majesty?" Several shadows dropped down from above and appeared before her.

"Where is your leader!?"

"W-We… Forgive us, Your Majesty! We don't know where the leader is." The shadow guards broke into sweat.

Where their leader goes and do, he did not need to report to them. As such, they were helpless and could not provide a satisfactory answer.

"So, no one knows where or why he took my son?" Elizabeth said coldly. She found it hard to control her emotions as her ability started spiraling out of control.

Their weapons started shaking and rattling out of their sheaths.

"Mercy, Your Majesty!" The shadow guards were shocked. They thought the queen was about to slaughter them in anger.

"Sister, that Old man said he wanted to make Leon his disciple." Amelia interrupted.

"Is that so? That Old Goat has always been anxious to find a successor to take on his position, but I will not allow it." Elizabeth sneered, "What can he teach my son?"

How can Kasif's high-grade training method be comparable to their Crawford's transcendent-grade training method? Elizabeth did not voice it, but that was her exact thoughts.

"Go. Find that Old Goat and tell him to bring my son back to me in one piece, immediately." Elizabeth commanded. The worry in her heart was expelled. Kasif would not harm Leon, if he was looking for a disciple.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The shadow guards answered and scurried away very quickly with relief worn on their faces. They couldn't wait to get far away from the Queen. Elizabeth's pressure was unbearable. They would rather face their leader's scolding. They didn't forget to flash Amelia a thankful look before they disappear in blind search of their leader.

Elizabeth sank back in her seat and let out a long sigh as if she was trying to expel all the negativity bottled up inside her. She did not want her son to meet an ice queen, but a warm mother. She slowly reverted to her old demeanor and reigned in her coldness.

Amelia observed her change with doubt.

"Come, let's have a sisterly talk."

"Alright." Amelia agreed happily. She had questions regarding Kasif but decided to leave it for another time.

Elizabeth dragged Amelia to her private courtyard, where they could sit comfortably and catch up over tea.

"How is does my son look? Does he look like me?" How do I look? Will he accept me? You said his relationship with his foster parents are quite good."

Elizabeth fire one question after another with an anxious and sad undertone. She was the who gave birth to Leon, but she was not the one to raise him. Now, her biggest concern was whether he would accept her. However, the fact that her son was still alive and well, have brought color back to her world that was like black and white.

"He is a handsome young man. He has your eyes. There's no problem with your appearance. He should be able to accept you."

From what she had seen, Leon appeared to be a person who values familial ties and relationships.

Amelia smiled as she answered her sister's string of question patiently. However, a trace of pity could be seen in her eyes. She was also a mother can understand her sorrow and concern.

The main topic of their discussion revolved around Leon as they continued for hours until the break of dawn arrived.

Her throat was a bit hoarse from chatting up all night with Elizabeth. Amelia took a sip of the tea before placing the cup down with a sigh.

"What's wrong? Is the tea not to your liking? How can that be?" Elizabeth asked with uncertainty. They were drinking royal-grade Earl Grey tea.

"Isn't it because of your good son? Ever since I had a taste his herbal tea, all other tea don't taste the same anymore."

Once you have something better, you can never go back.

"Herbal tea? How could herbal tea be better than authentic tea?"

Elizabeth wanted to get to the bottom of the matter, but their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of her palace maid.

"What is it, Celia?"

"Sir Kasif has arrived and is waiting in the great hall with a boy, your Majesty." Celia reported.

"That's great. We can go see…"

Amelia didn't finish her words before she realized Elizabeth had already disappeared.

In the great hall, Leon had always wondered how his meeting with his birth mother would be like.

Would he retain his calmness, or he would be emotional? Would he be able to accept her like his foster-parents or would they view each other like strangers?

Birth mother was a foreign concept to him. In his past life, he had not known who his mother was. He was entirely raised up by his father and he was unable to obtain any information from his father.

The doors of the great hall creaked open and Leon turn to look.

Elizabeth and Leon; mother and son met as their eyes glued on each other and each with their own thoughts.

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