Prime Originator

Chapter 56 - Massacre

Chapter 56 - Massacre

The Red Salamander gang were all armed with crudely sharpened ironwood swords and spears. They were crafted not too long ago.

The gang's loss drove them to find alternative means to bolster their strength and confidence.

"Dead men? You think you can take us all on, unarmed? Who you think you are!? The boss of the Golden Lion gang!?" Hudson was cocky to the extreme. He seem to believe that with his 2nd step strength and weapon, he could even put up a fight against someone stronger.

Leon couldn't be bothered to waste his breath on him. With a smirk, he waved his hand and a fire of wall formed itself around him to protect the little girl from harm. She had suffered enough.

Hudson had an ominous feeling when he saw the wall of fire appear and quickly turn tail to escape. Who was he kidding? Even the ex-boss and 20 core members didn't stand a chance against the boss of Golden Lion Gang. His ironwood sword was just a toy in front of Leon who could burn him from a distance.

[Extreme Vanishing Step]

BOOM* The ground cracked under immense pressure. Leon flashed through the wall of fire without harm and appeared right behind Hudson in an instant. Before he could turn around check, Leon's palm was already on the back of his head as his head was slammed into the ground with the full brunt of 500-jin force. His skull was crushed and his brain matter splattered. An instant kill.

Everything happened so fast, the other members weren't able to react until it was over. When they finally registered everything, they threw away their weapons and did their best to run in different directions. What they felt was… Fear! They were just ordinary people. They stood no chance when even their boss was killed instantly. What a monster!

"Everyone run!" They had to flee immediately or they will all die!

Kill the head and the mob would scatter!

They became easy pickings when they lost all intention to fight. However, Leon had no intention to let them escape.

They weren't allowed to run! They weren't allow to surrender either. Leon was like the grim reaper as he sentenced them all to death. He would definitely kill them.

None could outrun him. Like a spectre, only his shadow could be seen as he darted between them.

With each stop, a fountain of blood would spray, heads would roll and hearts pierced. He went for every fatal shot. His fiery hand was like the grim reaper's scythe, reaping lives with every swing.

Within a matter of minutes, the entire group was decimated and slaughtered down to the last man easily like chickens on a chopping board.

Leon could have burn them all to death quickly, but he wanted them to die by his own hands. Otherwise the rage burning inside him would not be abated.

Only a pile of incomplete bodies remained as blood and gore painted the scene in a gruesome way.

Any normal person who could see the scene would retch and empty out their stomachs.

It was no doubt the stuff of nightmares. Leon thought the little girl would be traumatised if she saw such a scene as he hurried back. But it was too late. When the wall of fire disappeared, the girls eyes had already opened and took the scenery in when everything had gone quiet.

However the expected expression of horror was not seen on the little girl's face. It was calm and serene. So calm and serene it makes people's heart go cold if they knew that a child could watch such a gory scene so calmly.

"Everything is over. Are you not scared anymore?" Leon asked.

The little girl shook her head.

"Are you not afraid of me?" He was fully covered in blood.

The girl shook again. Leon felt pain in his heart. They say hardship and suffering could make a person mature faster. But he did not feel good when the one maturing was just a 5-6 year old little girl. She was so young but already forced to learn the cruelty of the world was for what it was, unforgiving.

Children her age should be innocent and naive. To be cheerful when happy and cry when sad.

"What's your name?"


"Do you know where your parents are? Big brother can take you to them."

Mia nodded her head before but shaking them.

"The bad guys took many things from them before killing them."

Leon drew in a deep breath to calm his turbulent emotions. He didn't doubt that the 'things' she was referring to was her parent's organs. She watched her own parents have their organs harvested and killed. How messed up was that?

His parents had been quite free after he told them to stop slaving away at their old work and he didn't have much time to accompany them anymore. Maybe they would adopt Mia and take care of her to pass their time? He wouldn't mind having a little sister.

"Do you have anywhere to go?"

Mia shook her head once more.

"Do you want to come along with big brother?"

"Can I?" She looked up at him with clear eyes.

Leon nodded. "If you want to, you can."

There's no way he would leave her to fend the world on her own after knowing what she had been through. He was not heartless.

"I want." Mia nodded vigorously.

"Come, lets go get ourselves cleaned." Leon smiled while offering out his hand.

She took his hand when she was surprised to be suddenly pulled. Leon place her on his left shoulder. She was too small to keep up with his pace and it would take forever to walk at her pace.

Their stomach growled. They both looked at each other and laughed.

"Hahaha and find something to eat."

"Mmm, Mmm…" Hugging her small stomach, she nodded several times. Very much in favour of the later choice.

"But we still have to clean ourselves first."

Mia pouted unhappily immediately.

No place would accept them dining in if they were to walk in full of dirt and blood. Heck, they might even faint from horror when they see him. Who would serve them then?

They found a public well and rinsed themselves clean. Leon dried the both of them up after with his fire ability. It was quite useful for a number of things.

They stop by a clothe store and changed into a set of fresh clothing. Leon paid the owner slightly higher than the marked price seeing the poor condition of the store.

He could pay more, but he chose not to. If every problem could be solved with money then he would not hesitate to spend it.

Unfortunately, it couldn't. He had to solve the root cause; the remnant gang members and the noble's insatiable greed.

He would come back and uproot the gang after he finish his business in the Upper North District.

Leon had already taken off his lion mask and the little girl's eyes immediately sparkled. "Wah, big brother is so handsome."

"Aren't I?" He grinned and made an exaggerated pose. He wanted to make Mia laugh more and cheerful like someone her age would.

"Peh! Big brother, your nose is pointing to the skies." She sniggered.

"Haha… I was just kidding…" Leon laughed awkwardly, but inwardly he was shocked. Was she really 5-6 years old? She was so intelligent!

Leon treated her to a luxurious meal when they arrived at the Upper North District. He wanted her to have a good meal.

"Wahh~ So yummy." Mia gobbled her food really quickly with an expression of bliss. It was the best thing she ever had. She would shriek in joy and wiggle her legs with every mouthful.

The food was sweet and springy like an omelette, served with rice, diced beast meat and coated in their special sauce.

"Remember to chew properly." Leon warned, afraid that she would choke.

The meal costed 700 Craws. Neither too high nor too low for a dish with beast meat.

Carrying Mia on his shoulder, they arrived at The gates of the Lancaster Mansion.

"Halt! State your name and reason for visit!" The guards barked, while looking at them bottom up with disdain.

"Leon Bradford. I pray you have been informed that the Duke's wife wanted to see me?"

They searched their memories and recalled there was such a matter, but they have waited for his visit for over several hours now.

It must be a person of great personage to make the Duke's wife wait so long. After all that is the sworn sister of the Queen!

Furthermore, they were expecting one person. Not two!

Looking at the two wearing shabby and low quality clothing, their disdain intensified.

There wasn't a spot on their being that didn't scream 'commoner'.

"Get lost! I don't know where you got word of it, but the Duke's wife wouldn't see commoners like you two!" The guards were very arrogant and shooed them away.

WTF??? What did he just hear? Get lost?

In the world where strength ruled and the strong is to be respected, he would not take things quietly as he was disrespected by two lowly 1st step guards.

Who the fuck did they think they were? Because their masters are great, they also think they are great? Nonsense!

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