Prime Originator

Chapter 147 - Blackwillow Town

Chapter 147 - Blackwillow Town

"Why are you both here?" Leon pretended to be dumb and asked.

The two immediately blushed at the question. How are they supposed to answer that? They might be a bit more daring if they were alone, but there were three people in the room.

However, they had at least come to some sort of tacit understanding and compromised. They both wanted to spend the night with Leon before he leaves.

"Can you not go tomorrow?" Lynne dodged the question and mumbled in a quiet tone like a little rabbit. "Many peopled ventured into the Extreme Misty Forest, but very few ever return. It's a very strange and eerie place, full of unknowns."

"If people let their fears of the unknown control them, how would they ever be able to move forward?" Leon said with a smiled, before pinched Lynne's cheeks with both hands. "It seems someone doesn't have enough trust in her lord husband. You ought to be punished."

Leon lifted her up and carried her over to the bed. Placing her down gently, Lynne's heart was filled with anticipation, despite Aria still standing by the door. Her face was immediately painted a crimson color.

She wasn't a shameless woman, but how can she still be excited when she was being watched? Leon did not give her time to think too much. He directly kissed her lips and fondled her white rabbits.

Leon always had his magically touch that quickly make her soft and giddy inside like she was melting.

However, her man seemed a bit different today. He was a bit rougher and more aggressive than last time.

She thought was strange that her man didn't remove her clothes yet. Was he teasing her? Was this the punishment? She was prepared to take the initiative to remove herself, but she was suddenly flipped on her stomach.


Before she could comprehend what, her man wanted to do, a soft sting of pain on her rear made her cry moanfully, "Ahhh~"


Leon continued smacking her rear. His hits sent an intermix of pain and pleasure through her body.

"Ahh~~ No~ Don't hit my rear~"

Lynne pleaded, but her seductive moans and cries only makes Leon more excited to smack them.

Aria was completely embarrassed as she watched the scene play out with her face covered with both her hands, but peeked in between the gap of her fingers.

"I'm… I'm going to my room." She tactfully closed the door and fled to her room next door.

She entered with the same determination as Lynne to spend the night with Leon, but in the end, she didn't have the same courage to stay. She would just wait her turn.

After Leon was satisfied with smacking Lynne's rear, he flipped her back. Lynne panted weakly with a crimson blush. "I… I want…"

"I guess I punished your enough." Leon smiled.

He removed their clothes and began making love to Lynne passionately. Few hours later, Lynne was drained of her strength. He draped the blanket over her pristine naked body and allow her to sleep sweetly on his bed.

One rabbit down, and the other one ran.

Leon exit his room with a thin cloth over his body.

"Hmm…" Leon paused his steps and withdrew a few needles and shot them in a certain direction, before retrieving it with his metal-manipulation.

He closed the doors to his room and entered Aria's room. Inside, she was tucked in bed with her bed shut tightly like she was trying to shut off all her senses.

He made his way over and whispered, "Are you asleep yet?"

A pink shade appeared on her face as soon as the words were finished. Leon smiled and caressed her face gently, before crawling into her bed.

Since they had delivered themselves to him, he was not a man if he did not satisfy his women.

Another round of rocking bed and muffled moans was soon heard from Aria's room.

"Damn! This is too stimulating!" A shadowguard inwardly cursed, when he heard the first round of moans.

When the sound stopped coming from the prince's room and the door opened, the shadowguard curiously tried to peek inside.

However, a few flying needles flew over into his direction before he could even react. Because shadowguards didn't wear hunks of armor like palace guards, the needles shot straight through his foot before flying back.

The pain from his foot travelled throughout his entire body and assaulted his mind like a strike of lightning.


The shadowguard bit his arm in ordered to prevent himself from wailing loudly. He dared not steal another glance as he broke out into cold sweat afterwards.

Another shadowguard looked at him with a 'You deserve it' expression before giving him a ridiculing laugh.

The next morning, Leon did not bid his women goodbye as they continued to sleep peacefully. He gave them both a gentle peck on the forehead. He then went over to Lilith's room and slipped a note and some healing pills before he left.

He sprouted his flame wings and took to the sky, before flying north. He did not fly directly straight into the Extreme Misty Forest.

Near the borders of the Extreme Misty Forest was the lumber city, Rainwallow City, but this was not Leon's stop. There was a newer town established even closer to the Extreme Misty Forest after the old trees were felled, the Blackwillow Town.

He arrived at the town with a fire-attribute meat jerky in his mouth.

"Wow, so bustling." Leon exclaimed. The streets of Blackwillow Town was filled with Awakeners and street vendors. Their strengths ranged between the 1st step to the 5th step.

For a dangerous place like the Extreme Misty Forest, it was a surprise that there were would be this many people. Most people tend to avoid dangerous place, but there are also people that doesn't.

Fortune and dangers came hand in hand. These people must be hunters and adventurers that came seeking the hidden riches of the forest.

He did not see anyone that looked like lumberjacks from Rainwillow City here and estimated there were at least 5,000 people, enough to be considered a small city. Naturally, this was not the number of permanent residents. It was a surprise to see this many Awakeners here.

"This brother here, you must be new." A young man in his late 20s approached.

"That's right, and you are?" Leon admitted.

"Pardon me. I should have introduced myself first. I am Elias, a 4th step Awakener." Elias stated.

"I'm Leo, a 3rd step Awakener. So, what do you want?" Leon said coolly.

"Quite straightforward. Then I'll be blunt. I wish to invite you to join our team." Elias said with a smile.

Leon raised an eyebrow when he heard this. He was new and this person was stronger than the average Awakener around here. There was no reason for this person to approach him. There were better options around.

Either this person had a heart of a saint, wanting to help out newcomers or he had an ulterior motive. Leon leaned towards the latter.

"Oh, I guess I can join." He was intrigue to see what this person wanted.

"Great, I'll bring you to introduce you to the rest of the team." Elias said happily.

"Alright." Leon followed.

He was more skeptical that the person didn't find anything wrong with how he accepted the offer so readily.

After asking around, he realized he had stumbled into the team recruitment ground. People would come here to look for teams to join on their expeditions into the Extreme Misty Forest.

Due to the dangers, they had a higher chance of survival if they move in groups. Leon thought this was strange, since he heard that rarely anyone ever make it back out after entering.

Upon further investigation, he realized this information wasn't entirely correct. There was a safe zone within Extreme Misty Forest.

Typically, 1 mile within the outskirts of the forest was considered safe. Anyone venturing beyond that point would usually go missing, but not definite. There were some special cases, but those people were either unwilling to divulge the secrets beyond the 1-mile mark or had already gone insane.

Indeed, there was some truth to the saying; one would learn more, walking ten thousand miles than reading ten thousand books.

Leon interested was piqued further. He thought it was wise to join a team since he had yet to understand the forest that was filled with yin energy. He didn't care if the team leader was plotting something or not. He was strong enough to render all his plots and schemes useless.

"These are our other team members. Introduce yourselves." Elias gestured towards another group of four people; two young men and two young ladies, all between 20-25 years of age and 3rd step Awakeners.

"Hi, Elena. Nice to meet you." Elena said cheerily as she offered her handshake.

"I'm Leo. Nice to meet you too." Leon accepted.

"You can call me, Garry."

"I'm Nina, and that's Jeremiah. He's a bit of the quiet." Nina pointed.

Jeremiah: "…"

"Mm, I can see that." Leon commented.

They continue to have small talks to familiarize themselves with each other and their abilities. Only when they understand each other's capabilities, could they work together efficient.

All in all, their team could be said to be a team of fairly young and simple people, excluding the team leader. He still felt the person was suspicious. Blame his distrustful heart.

Elena was a cheery young girl, Garry had a big build, but also a big heart, Nina was easy-going and Jeremiah was a cold but shy person.

He didn't understand why they would come here, but from what he learnt; this was also going to be their first expedition into the forest, they were all singled out by the team leader upon arriving at the town.

"Alright, since we have all familiarize ourselves with each other, let's talk about loot distribution, prepare our supplies then we can set off…" Elias suddenly declared.

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