Prime Originator

Chapter 134 - How Much For Your Life?

Chapter 134 - How Much For Your Life?

At the trial ground, the crowd was finally able to see the faces of the heads from the 40 noble families along with the Solaris family.

All 23 direct members of the Solaris family were tied at the forefront if the 40 other heads. They all wore lifeless expression as their cultivation were crippled and they have come to terms with their fate.

Among the 40 noble family heads caught in the illegal auction, there were 3 marquises, 10 earls, 12 counts and 15 barons. They were similarly tied, but they cultivation had not been crippled yet.

If they wish, they could break their binds, but no one was stupid enough to do that while they were in the presence of her majesty. The palace guards also surrounded them. There were no escape routes. The moment they showed the slightest intention to resist and escape, they would be mercilessly cut down.

The queen seated herself on the newly erected platform and swept the guilty nobles below with her piercing cold gaze.

They immediately felt a gargantuan pressure on their shoulders as they began to break into cold sweats. Even if the queen decided to kill them all now, no one would be able to stop her.

At the side of the queen, her palace maid, Lily stood by a table filled with reports, detailing each of their crimes

Elizabeth made a hand gesture for Lily to pick up the first report and begin reading.

"Solaris family have been captured for the illegal possession and selling of forbidden and illegal items, including but not limited to; slaves and the Water of Absolute Nothingness."

"In addition to last night's event, starting from 12 years ago, the Solaris family have…"

Lily recounted their crimes of last night, before continuing list 37 other crimes from as far as a decade ago, including; the abduction of young women, forced acquisition of businesses, forced purchases of goods at low price, and some killing of commoners from the Commoner Districts.

The Solaris family thought they had concealed all their crimes well, but some were still noticed and recorded down by the Shadow Guards.

They naturally committed much more than 37 crimes in the last decade, but the fact that the royal family knew so many of their evil deeds caused some shock to appear in their listless eyes.

They were prepared for death, but having their dirty work laid bare and feeling the unbearable stares of the crowd, they wish everything could just end quickly. Death was their release.

After Lily finished reading the report, Elizabeth stared at the Solaris family icily and said, "What do you have to say for yourselves?"


The Solaris family was eerily quiet. Many would normally beg for their life and fight for the chance to continue living. However, the Solaris family did not. They were determined to die.

The event of digging out and sharing all their secrets ensured that they would have a hard life even if they survived. They would rather die than be humiliated.

Seeing their silence, Elizabeth gave her judgement, "For the weight of their crimes, the Solaris family will be sentenced to death by decapitation!"

As she said this, swords immediately flew out from the sheaths of the palace guards and ruthlessly beheaded them all. Their heads flew as their bodies dropped. The flying swords flicked off the fresh dripping drop and returned to their sheaths quickly. She did not leave any room for further discussion.

In truth, when she asked what they had to say for themselves, it was just formality. She was already determined to kill them. To kill and make an example of the rest. Only this way, would the nobles be more fearful and easier to extort.


Lily began picking up the reports and reading out the noble families list of crimes, one after the other. The noble families weren't as headstrong as the Solaris family was, especially after watching them slaughtered merciless, their resolves were shaken, and their faces paled as they listen.

From the list of crimes, it wasn't just the family heads that had to bear the weight of their crimes. Their families were also implicated.

"Your majesty, please spare us! We know our wrong! We swear to never do evil again!" the family heads pleaded.

What was the use of their faces? As long as they can live, they were willing to do anything.

"Your words don't mean sh*t. Do you think your crimes can forgiven and escape your punishments easily just base on your words alone?" Elizabeth said icily, but then she added slyly, "However, I am willing to waive the death penalty for all of you, but how much are you willing to pay for your lives?"

From last night's operation, they had hauled in 800,000,000 Craws, but this was just the amount the family heads carried in notes with them to the auction. It wasn't all their wealth.


It was like an explosion had went off in their head, when they heard the Queen's words. How much are they willing to pay for their lives? Was this still a trial? They can bribe their Queen to receive a lighter sentence?

No, it is not a bribe, it was an extortion. Elizabeth was planning to extract every sum of money they had!

In the current Crawford Kingdom, her word means the law. Anything she say, goes.

The crowd was also dumbfounded by the Queen's words. Was the royal family lacking money? They began to discuss quietly among themselves.

The truth is the royal family really was lacking money. The cost to feed and accommodate 40,000 commoners was not a small amount.

In addition, they had to give extra benefits to the workforce and pay them wages. This was to motivate the commoners to earn back their wealth with their own hands.

But why did the royal treasury had to suffer the brunt of this expense? Maybe because the royal family were the rulers of this kingdom, and this was their responsibility. They can't just make their subjects work for free.

Actually, they could, but it would come with severe repercussions. It would be no different to slavery, which all other kingdoms have adapted.

However, they had already found the better option and didn't need to bear the brunt of the expense. Since a large portion of the Upper District's wealth came from the Lower District, they just had to rob the nobles and inject it back into the Lower District.

Although the buildings are all gone, the people are still alive. That is what matters. The kingdom can do without their structures, but it cannot do without its people. The people were the kingdom's foundation. So long as the foundation is there, they can rebuild it.

"Y-Your majesty, I am willing pay 15,000,00 Craws for life." A guilty nobleman said.

When one starts, the rest followed, each shouting their own price. The amount ranged between 10,000,000 Craws to 20,000,000 Craws. The amount tallied up was must less than the auction haul.

Elizabeth was displeased with their conservative and roared, "Are your lives only worth so little!? I guess the death penalty is still the better option!"

The guilty nobles trembled with fear and felt weak in their legs. How can they still be conservative with their wealth at this point?

"N-No, your majesty! I'm willing to pay… 40,000,000 Craw! No… all my wealth!" The nobleman cried bitterly.

He really just wanted to stop at 40,000,000 Craws, but when he saw the queen raised her brows into a frown, he dared not hold back anymore and pitched all his wealth.

"Very good! Your family must be among the crowd. Go ask someone to collect all of it and bring it to this Queen." Elizabeth ordered.

"Y-Yes, your majesty…"

The rest of them also followed suit and directed their family members to collect the money with bitter expressions. The Queen wouldn't let them go unless she robbed them clean. But between their money and their life, they knew which was more important.

Elizabeth waited patiently in her seat and two hours later, the money was brought. After calculating the amount, it tallied up to a grand total of 1,200,000,000 Craws. This was 50% higher than their last night's haul and should be more or less what they 40 noble families have.

"Very good. As promised, I will waive the death penalty for all of you."

The nobles sighed in relief after seeing her majesty's satisfied expression, but then they froze on her following words.

"However, you still have to be punished. Your cultivations will be crippled and your status as nobles are revoked. Thereby and henceforth, you and your family are all commoners."

The Queen's words weren't loud, but they were earthshaking! Since the founding of the kingdom, no noble family had ever had their noble status stripped before, let alone 40 families at once.

They all stood dumbly and lost as their hearts turned icy cold. The Queen was merciless and ruthless enough. She didn't give them any way out.

Even if they choose death now, it would be a meaningless one. Their wealth was already handed over to the royal family and they wouldn't be getting it back.

"AHHH!!!" They bellowed madly. Hopelessness! Despair! Regret! They felt it all.

Such was the price they had to pay for their crimes, but they had no one else to blame but themselves! If they didn't do stupid sh*t, it wouldn't come back to bite them in the ass!

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