Parallel Memory

Chapter 418: Luminary Spring

"And it's not just the three of you. It appears that the Elves have made an urgent request for the immediate transfer of all exceptionally talented individuals to the Elven Domain."

The Pope received news of this message being sent to The Authority and other influential organizations housing gifted individuals.

"Why would the Elves want to take all the talented individuals?"

Mia questioned skeptically.

"Could it be a ploy to hold them hostage?"

Mia asked because the talented young people were what the future of humans are. If Elves decided to gather them and kill them off then it would be a huge loss for humanity and humans might annihilate powerful people or become weak as they age.

Zero nodded in agreement. The true motives of the Elves remained mysterious, and their sudden demand for talented individuals raised concerns.

Additionally, Zero found himself perplexed by his own inclusion. While Mia and Amelia were renowned enough for Elara to be aware of their presence, Zero wondered if Elara knew about his true identity as Zero.

Even if she saw Zero coming out of the Gate, he was wearing a mask all the time. His age, talent and identity were all hidden.

He had no way of knowing unless Elara disclosed it herself.

But setting that aside, returning to the matter at hand, Mia had a valid point. If we were to send all our prodigies to the Elves, wouldn't they potentially keep them captive? What need did they have for talented individuals in the first place?

Were they superior in teaching and nurturing talent compared to other races? The answer was a resounding no!

If that were the case, the Elves would reign as the most dominant species. And given their significantly longer lifespans, they could have easily amassed a formidable legion of powerful Elves over the past millennium.

However, that was not the reality. Elves never possessed individuals of Rank-SSS in their ranks, with even Rank-SS beings being a rarity.

Listening attentively to Mia's skepticism, the Pope acknowledged her concerns.

"It is true that sending our young talents to the Elven nation would be akin to severing our own future. However, considering that they have extended this request to every species, it is highly unlikely. If the Elves were to harm or threaten them, they would have to face the collective fury of all races."

The Pope stated.

"We would have dismissed such a request even if that were not the case. Nevertheless, there is an opportunity here."

"An opportunity?"

Amelia, Mia, and Zero failed to grasp the Pope's meaning. Were the Elves planning to impart their knowledge of the arcane arts or something of that nature?

Although no one could deny the Elves' prowess in mana control and archery, they hardly seemed like an opportunity that couldn't be missed.

The Pope's expression turned serious yet contemplative as he looked at his team.

"Yes, indeed, an opportunity," he reiterated.

"There is something within the Elven nation that every race secretly envies. Even the Devils have made multiple attempts to acquire it, but only the Elven royals possess the knowledge of its location."

Zero's eyes widened in surprise as the Pope began to unveil the truth. While Mia and Amelia seemed clueless about what the Pope was referring to, Zero knew all too well.

"Have any of you ever heard of the 'Luminary Spring'?"

The Pope queried.

Mia and Amelia exchanged puzzled glances, but Zero's eyes widened with recognition. His earlier assumption was now confirmed—it was indeed the Luminary Spring that the Pope was talking about.

"Your Holiness, what is the Luminary Spring?"

Amelia admitted her ignorance on the matter. The Pope understood Amelia's confusion.

The concept was more of a myth, and even the Pope himself had doubts about its existence. However, since it was mentioned in the message, the Pope entertained the possibility that the Luminary Spring might truly exist, given its historical references.

Regardless, he decided to share the information he knew from the books that he read.

"The Luminary Spring is a sacred wellspring of power concealed deep within the heart of the Elven Domain. Its waters possess extraordinary properties that can unlock the dormant potential within individuals, amplifying their abilities and endowing them with unparalleled strength."

He paused briefly, allowing his words to sink in before continuing.

"Legend has it that those who immerse themselves in the Luminary Spring's shimmering waters forge an indelible bond with mana—the life force of magic. It is said to awaken latent talents, expand magical aptitude, and enhance physical attributes."

Amelia's eyes widened in awe as the significance of the Luminary Spring began to dawn on her.

"So, by sending our talented individuals to the Elven Domain, the Elves intend to offer them the chance to tap into the power of the Luminary Spring and unlock their full potential?"

Amelia asked.

The Pope nodded, a faint smile gracing his lips.

"Exactly, Amelia. The Elves, recognizing the imminent threat we all face, have chosen to share this ancient secret with the other races. They believe that by uniting our gifted individuals and empowering them through the Luminary Spring, we stand a fighting chance against any forces that may seek to harm us."

Amelia couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with apprehension. The prospect of unlocking her full potential and gaining such extraordinary abilities was undeniably enticing.

However, she couldn't shake off the lingering doubts regarding the Elves' true intentions. Such great benefits wouldn't be given to other races so easily.

Adding to the conversation, Zero expressed his skepticism.

"But if the Luminary Spring is such a potent resource, why haven't the Elves used it to establish themselves as the dominant race?"

While Zero was aware of the Luminary Spring's existence from the novel, he lacked knowledge of its actual effects. He only knew that it was a closely guarded secret of the Elves, capable of unlocking an individual's potential.

The Pope's expression turned pensive.

"That is an excellent point, Zero. There may be limitations to the power, or perhaps the Elves' own potential is restricted."

The Pope's words hung in the air, leaving the team to contemplate the mysterious nature of the Luminary Spring and the potential constraints it might possess. Zero's curiosity gnawed at him, yearning to uncover the truth behind this ancient secret.

Sensing Zero's intrigue, the Pope spoke once again.

"The Elves have always been a reclusive race, devoted to preserving their traditions. It is possible that they have their own reasons for not fully exploiting the potential of the Luminary Spring. Maybe they believe in maintaining a balance of power and wish to empower others, fostering harmony among the races."

Zero nodded, absorbing the Pope's words. The idea of unlocking his full potential held an undeniable allure, but he couldn't ignore the lingering doubts in his mind. He had personally witnessed the consequences of unchecked power corrupting the mind.

While he understood that he and the Emperor of Destruction were not the same entity, he had still experienced the atrocities committed by his alternative self.

The Emperor of Destruction, despite being his alternate persona, had caused immense suffering and claimed countless lives.

Zero knew all too well that it was the result of gaining more power than one could handle.

"Nevertheless, The Authority has decided to accept their request and send our young geniuses. I hope that the three of you will also join the others who are going."

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