Parallel Memory

Chapter 415: Unforeseen Trust Or Knowledge?

"Haha... Zain, you should have trusted the Pope's word. I told you everything would be fine," chuckled another Holy Knight, who appeared to be as strong as Zain.

Respectfully bowing before the Saintess, the knight addressed her, saying, "Saintess Amelia, it brings me great joy to see you well!"

Curious about the Pope's message, Amelia inquired, "Captain Gray, what did the Pope say?"

Standing tall and composed, Captain Gray replied, "Upon my return a day after the three of you were transported into the Gate, the Pope, recognizing the formidable strength possessed by all three of you, decided to temporarily halt the rescue operation. He assured us that there was no need to rush and that you would eventually find your way out."

Amelia felt puzzled as she couldn't understand how the Pope knew about their situation. Was it due to his belief in their abilities, or did he possess some other knowledge? She couldn't discern the truth.

Zero, listening attentively, shared Amelia's curiosity. It seemed that the Pope had arrived soon after the appearance of the Gate. Despite initially assembling a rescue team, the Pope had changed his mind and halted the operation.

Based on the progress of the construction in the city, Zero deduced that months had passed. The Pope must have had unwavering faith or some knowledge that the Saintess would safely return, as he hadn't sent a rescue team.

Zero couldn't comprehend the Pope's confidence, but it seemed to be a wise decision. Sending a rescue team consisting of individuals ranked A and below would have resulted in casualties within the treacherous Gate.

Fortunately, it had been him, Amelia, and Mia who had been sucked into it. Otherwise, the outcome could have been much worse.

After Captain Gray's explanation, the trio exchanged perplexed glances, trying to grasp the reasoning behind the Pope's actions.

Although their impressive strength and abilities seemed to have reassured the Pope, they couldn't help but question if it was enough for him to halt the rescue operation.

Zero pondered whether anyone could truly have such unwavering faith that they wouldn't send a rescue team for their Saintess.

Saintesses held immense importance within the Churches, and the faithful would go to great lengths to protect them. It didn't seem likely that someone would refrain from taking action when the Saintess was trapped in a dangerous Gate.

Sensing their confusion, Captain Gray intervened once again. "The Pope has requested your presence at the Church as soon as you exit the Gate. He wishes to meet with you personally and discuss the events that have unfolded. It seems that there are answers waiting for you there."

Amelia's confusion deepened, but she nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Captain Gray. We will head to the Church immediately."

Accompanied by Captain Gray and Zain, the trio embarked on their journey through the bustling streets of Sanctum Aurea towards the Church.

As they walked, they couldn't help but marvel at the astonishing changes that had occurred during their absence.

The once-devastated streets were now adorned with vibrant streets with cheerful people.

New buildings had emerged, showcasing architectural beauty and symbolizing the progress achieved in their absence. The city thrived with energy, with people going about their daily lives, their faces filled with hope and anticipation.

Amelia, Zero, and Mia exchanged amazed glances, awestruck by the transformation that had taken place. Sanctum Aurea seemed to have awakened from a dormant state, revitalized after the destruction.

Amelia experienced a mixture of emotions. On one hand, she felt immense joy witnessing the city's revival and the resilience of its inhabitants.

On the other hand, she couldn't shake off the lingering questions about the Pope's decision. Although it appeared to be a good decision, she couldn't comprehend why the Pope hadn't initiated a rescue operation.

After experiencing betrayal from Cardinal Hildred, Amelia found herself slightly skeptical. She even feared that the Pope might be under some form of control, leading him to make such a decision with the intent of ensuring her demise.

Lost in her thoughts, Amelia quickened her pace, leading the group towards the Church. With each step, her curiosity grew stronger. What answers awaited them within the hallowed halls of the Church? What truths would be revealed?

Approaching the Church, they beheld its towering spires reaching towards the heavens, a symbol of unwavering faith and devotion.

The Church had been rebuilt, grander than ever before. It appeared even larger than its previous incarnation, constructed with stronger materials.

There was no trace of the destruction caused by Zero's attack. The previously ruined buildings had been replaced with new ones.

As the doors swung open, they entered, greeted by a serene and reverential atmosphere. The familiar scent of incense permeated the air as they made their way through the grand halls towards the Pope's chambers.

Inside the Pope's chambers, they found him seated behind a majestic wooden desk, surrounded by ancient tomes and sacred artifacts. His presence exuded wisdom and power, yet his eyes carried a glimmer of warmth as he looked upon them.

"Welcome, Saintess Amelia, and both of you," the Pope greeted them, his voice resonating with joy and compassion. "I am pleased to see your safe return. Please, have a seat, for there is much to discuss."

Taking their seats, they fixed their gaze upon the Pope, eagerly awaiting the answers that had eluded them for so long. The room fell into a hushed silence, the weight of impending revelations palpable.

"I am aware that you three have many questions, such as why I didn't send a rescue team or how I was so certain that you would come out alive," the Pope addressed them, acknowledging their curiosity.

The three of them nodded. They were indeed curious and wanted to know the answer. It is not that they don't trust the Pope but it seems like the Pope has a strong reason for his belief that the three of them would come out alive.

"Do you know about the Elven prophet?

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