Parallel Memory

Chapter 403: Love Rivals

403  Love Rivals

Amelia was right!

In the past, she could have argued that, as a teacher, she shouldn't entertain such emotions.

However, the situation had changed! Zero was no longer a student at Ace Academy. He had dropped out two years ago, and if that weren't the case, he would have already graduated. Furthermore, he was an adult now, capable of making his own decisions.

While it doesn't mean that she would stop caring about Zero as a student. She still wanted to be his teacher and look after his growth and well-being.

However, she didn't want to limit herself to just being his teacher.

A person can play multiple roles in someone's life. Just like being a father while simultaneously being a friend and a comrade in battle can also hold true.

"Thank you, Amelia!"

Mia exclaimed, finally realizing what she needed to do with her emotions. Amelia's words had shattered the barriers she had placed around her feelings.

"And I'm sorry! I should have been honest from the beginning instead of waiting for you to share your feelings. I can imagine how difficult it must have been for you."

Mia apologized. She understood that Amelia had likely faced some difficulties because of her. If only she had been forthcoming from the start, they wouldn't have needed to have this conversation.

This all happened because she was always trying to avoid her feelings but Amelia saw through her.

Amelia could have easily ignored Mia's feelings and gone after Zero without talking to Mia. They might even have fewer rivals for her. But she still decided to talk to her, showing how much she cared about their friendship.

"It's fine! Just know that I don't intend to back down from this fight."

Amelia said.

"Me neither!"

"Me neither!" Mia replied, their eyes locking with determination. They felt an even stronger bond between them than before.

Amelia gazed at Mia with joy in her eyes. She could have easily pursued her own romantic desires without considering her friendship with Mia.

However, she chose not to do so, fearing that it would jeopardize their bond. Even if she were to succeed in her pursuit, she knew deep down that she would regret such a decision.

As Mia's friend, Amelia didn't want Mia to experience any regrets either. Despite being aware that her actions were merely creating obstacles to her chances with Zero, she believed it was necessary.

Even though Mia stood before her as a rival, Amelia remained steadfast in her own feelings and was determined to succeed in confessing her love. She was confident that Zero would be captivated by her.

"While you may currently hold a special place in Zero's heart, I will easily replace that position. I will become the only woman who Zero will talk about!"

Amelia declared resolutely. This statement reflected her firm intention to pursue Zero romantically, while also acknowledging that Mia held a higher place in Zero's heart than she did.

She was uncertain whether Zero's affection for Mia arose from their student-teacher relationship or as men and women. Nonetheless, regardless of Zero's sentiments towards Mia, they were undoubtedly stronger than those between Zero and herself.

"I don't know! As far as I know, he already had someone he loved."

Mia said, sounding somewhat discontented. Amelia had no knowledge of Zero's past during his school days, but how could Mia forget the occasion when she first conversed with Zero? It was when he was pursuing Lisa.


Amelia asked in surprise. She doesn't really know how Zero lived and who he is associated with, unlike Mia who was his teacher.

However, based on what she had observed, if there was any woman Zero appeared to be in love with, Amelia was certain it was Mia.

She never anticipated that Zero would have feelings for someone else. Contemplating that, there was indeed a possibility that Zero was involved with someone aside from Mia.

"Are you sure?"

Amelia inquired, expressing both a possibility and her underlying skepticism. She contemplated whether Mia shared her belief that there was someone significant in Zero's life, akin to the girl Amelia had presumed to be Mia.

( Maybe it was just some assumption. )

Amelia thought.

"I cannot say that is the same at this moment, but Zero did confess his feelings to a girl," Mia responded.

"What? For real?"

"What? Seriously?" Amelia exclaimed in shock. This revelation disappointed her greatly. It was no longer a mere assumption, but rather a confirmation that Zero held affection for someone else.

This newfound information highlighted Amelia's lack of knowledge of Zero. Based on Zero's behavior, Amelia had mistakenly assumed that he had yet to experience love.

Such an assumption stemmed from her personal experiences. Amelia herself had never fallen in love until this point in her life, and the same was true for her friend. Thus, she hadn't anticipated that Zero, being so young, would already have someone he liked.

"Who is she? Did she reject his confession?" Amelia asked anxiously. If Zero was already committed to someone else, then what was the point of her conversation with Mia? Zero belonged to someone else now, and Amelia believed she had no right to interfere in his relationship.

However, Amelia found it unlikely because she had never heard anything about it. Her hope was driving her thoughts more than any logical reasoning.

Finally, she had found love, and she didn't want it to crumble before it even had a chance to begin.

Observing Amelia's distress, Mia shook her head. Amelia let out a sigh of relief.

"Who is she? Someone was able to move Zero's feelings?"

Amelia asked, feeling a bit more at ease, as there was still a glimmer of hope. Her question was also valid, considering she knew that winning Zero's love wouldn't be an easy feat.

Amelia's confidence was founded on Zero's consistent behavior throughout the days they spent together. If Zero were an ordinary individual, Amelia believed that he would have already confessed his love for her at this point.

Moreover, Amelia's confidence was bolstered by the fact that, even after spending many years with Mia, Zero did not display the same level of infatuation that most men exhibit after a single encounter with Mia. Most men, if they were given the same attention that Mia gave to Zero, would have already succumbed to lovesickness.

The information also sparked her curiosity about the person who could make Zero fall in love. Discovering the identity of this person might offer some insight into how she could make Zero fall in love with her as well.

"Her name is Lisa, and she happens to be a former classmate of Zero," Mia replied.


At that moment, Mia didn't know how to feel. The idea of competing with her former student for someone's love didn't sit well with her.

"So, how did this happen, and how did you find out?" Amelia asked. She never expected Zero to openly confess his feelings to someone (which he did), and she thought it might be a mere rumor or something.

"Everyone in the class was aware of it. He would even bring her flowers, and I scolded him for doing so."

Mia responded.


Amelia's eyes widened in surprise. She was taken aback by the revelation that Zero had feelings for someone, and it was even more astonishing to learn that Zero would go to such lengths for that person.

Amelia contemplated that it couldn't be just a simple admiration. She believed that for someone as solitary as Zero, his actions indicated a deep love.

"But he was rejected, right?"

Amelia inquired once again. The presence of such a rival was intimidating. Although Amelia didn't know who the other person was, she was certain that if she had shown interest in Zero, she might not have even had the opportunity to compete for his love.

"Yes, I heard that Lisa rejected his advances. And it seems that Zero has also moved on from her," Mia remarked. She wouldn't have recalled Zero's pursuit of Lisa if Amelia hadn't brought up the subject of the girl who holds Zero's affection.

However, she forgot about that because Zero stopped those antics after a while. He did a total 180-degree turn and didn't chase after Lisa.

Upon reflection, Mia realized that Zero might not harbor the same emotions for Lisa anymore.

"Haha... That's great!" Amelia exclaimed with laughter. If Zero was still fixated on Lisa, it would pose a considerable challenge for Amelia. However, even if that wasn't the situation, Amelia was resolute in fighting for her own love.


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