One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 82: [82] Big News!

Chapter 82: [82] Big News!

[2600 words]


[Room of Authority, Mariejois]

The Five Elders were beyond angry.

A fat stack of paper laid before their elegant table.

Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro, the Warrior God of Finance, had already gone through the fine print.

"I thought that Basara's call on their escape was dreadful enough, and yet we got an entire legal document alerting us that the World News Agency has officially withdrawn our grasp, using the Free Media Act!"


A sharp blade was unsheathed from its scabbard as it cleanly cut the air within a room.

"That Act existed to reassure Reverie Members that the world had an objective source of news, and now it's biting us in the back!"

Saturn rubbed his temples, stating the other part of the intel, "Copies of the document have been sent to major Kingdoms of the Reverie. Since it was somehow previously signed by six Members, it has caught flame fast!"

Marcus Mars, the Warrior God of Environment, clenched his fists as he read a few names.

"The King of Dressrosa."

"The King of Prodence."

"The Lord of Darkshade."

"The King of Ashgar."

"The Crown Prince of South Fire."

"The Ruler of Alabasta."

"Even The Council Elders of Néa have reached out in support of the decision."

Ju Peter sighed, "We've been caught off-guard; it will be a pricey failure."

"We should discuss how to remedy it," Warcury, the Warrior God of Justice, suggested.

However, Nusjuro shook his head.

"The Reverie is fresh in people's minds. I'm sure they are releasing the news as we speak. In the name of the democratic relations of the World Government, we have no choice but to stamp our approval."


Though his eyes sharpened to that of a razor, "However, it is imperative to know how they escaped with such haste. If there is collusion with any criminal or enemy to the Government, then we surely cannot let them persist."

Saturn leaned back in his seat, interlacing his fingers in deep thought.

"Cipher Pol 10 has been wiped out and we lack the resources to revive it. I suggest we turn CP-9 to conduct intelligence gathering and attempt to infiltrate their ranking. Worst comes to worst, we will let a puppet control the flow of news."

Ju Peter nodded in agreement, "Indeed, our hands are tied, while CP-9 does their job, it would be in this 'liberated' News Agency's best interest to remain in our favour…"

Mars placed the papers on the table, agreeing with his fellow Overseers.


[Somewhere in the Grand Line]

"I didn't expect that an Underworld Emperor would aid us in our freedom," Goji, a Director, uttered.

He, alongside his colleagues, were all left shocked at the appearance of the masked woman, a figure they had seen only in the very news they sent out.

"Regardless of your aims, we are truly grateful for both your help," Liné genuinely said.

The other three all slightly lowered their heads in gratitude.

Nearby, Damien could not help but smirk under his hood.

After depriving the Four Directors of their deep and dark vices, it seemed they had also forgotten their memory of the entire encounter due to their 180-shift of their very conscience, taking it to be a grace from god instead.


Fulcrum nodded at the four older gentlemen and conveyed the thoughts Damien had left her with: "We're here, a safe and secure island within the Calm Belt. You will be able to freely spread the news without worry."

The three dozen workers saw the small island in the distance, standing afloat on the tranquil sea of the Calm Belt.

It was located in the Belt that bridged Paradise of the Grand Line to the East Blue.

A tiny island, barely 500 hundred square kilometers in area.

Due to its isolated nature, it has thrived in the mellow climate of the Calm Belt, blooming with life and vegetation.

"This is Mystik Island. I will arrange any supplies you need through my channels," Fulcrum stated.


The ship soon docked, letting everyone reach land. Waiting for them were some familiar faces. "Kwahahaha! The gang's all here!" 

The Four Directors heard the young and childish voice and felt quite glad.

"Morgans, our little star, I see you've set things up!" Bizárré exclaimed.

The others nodded in relief as they saw not only a well-sized building but also a small group of young reporters, led by the bird-boy, Morgans.

The albatross grinned, spreading his feathery arms as if welcoming the future.

"This place will be our new Headquarters, I've already finished the big news for tomorrow, awaiting your approval!"

Bradley hummed and nodded his head, "You have it."

Goji also agreed, "We've already made a lot of negative impact on the news world, if anything, we will let you step forward and take this agency when you're experienced enough."

"Until then, spread the major news stories with your name and skills, I'm sure it'll be in your hands soon enough," Liné said as he patted the star reporter's shoulder.

[A Little While Later]

The Four Directors and their trusted workers began to set up in the main building.

They had to wire up and ready all their equipment for adequate usage. All the printing machines and devices were already here, credit to Fulcrum's entire system.

After the initial restructuring of the World News Agency, Morgans was well-reputed by the Directors, turning him into a young star back at Néa Island. It garnered him the admiration of the class of young reporters he had brought with him. 

In a small storage room, there were now two people. A towering pirate, facing the celebrity reporter.

"Looks like you turned this place into quite the HQ."

Morgans, the young albatross, smiled sheepishly, "Kwahaha! I didn't know you had the new King of Shipping under your command, it really is Big News!"


Damien sat down on a large wooden box, glancing at the excited reporter.

"How are the seagulls squadron I gave you, trained enough yet?"

Morgans nodded as his beak went up and down, "Delivering the paper through birds, hehe, it's truly to my liking."

He spread his wings, showcasing his joy.

"Be ready, Cipher Pol will try to track their movements," the pirate warned, "make sure they fly high enough."

Morgans saluted with his feathery arm, "I got it, I wouldn't ruin the single chance of bringing my dream to reality!"

The confidence drew a nod from Damien; although Morgans was very young, he did have a great talent in these things.

"When they can't find you, they will contact you. Convince the Directors to give leeway to the Government; stay on their good side to the point where they aren't actively looking to destroy you," the Sin Incarnate advised.

Morgans solemnly nodded, "Aye aye!"

"Then go and print the Big News, it's time the world knows what happened!"


[The Next Day]

Upon a ginormous ship in the New World sat a single woman, peering into the horizon.

She smokied away on a cigar, humming a tune.

However, her attention was soon diverted when she heard a clutter of noise approaching.

"Hmm, Amber? What is it?" Shakky, the Black Death of the Rocks Pirates, asked.

Amber was Shakky's right-hand gal when it came to her news channel which boasted eyes and ears everywhere around the globe, with almost instant delivery of news.

"It's today's headlines, it's pretty big!"

Shakky unfurled the newspaper with a hint of lethal curiosity. 

"Yare yare, how could this even happen?"

[At a Well-Developed Island of the Grand Line]

"Hey, what's that?" a man pointed at the sky.

His homeboy squinted his eyes and was left shocked at what was coming.

"It almost looks like a swarm of… birds?"

"Run or you'll be caked in their shit!"

A good portion of the crowd ran to shelter, while some could only scratch their heads at the odd event.

"Wait," a man murmured, his voice getting louder, "they're carrying newspapers!"

"The seagulls also have hats on!?"

[Seagull Image (in Discord)]

As the lambda of birds came above the people, they suddenly released the scrolls of paper within the grasp of their talons, letting them loose.

"It's today's news!" a woman exclaimed as she saw the details.

"'World Economy News Paper'? Did they rebrand themselves?" 

Though she could not help but widen her eyes at the headline.

The astonishment was due to be sent out to practically anyone to everyone and it detailed a single point,


[Author: Executive Reporter, Morgans]


"T-This is big news!"

Some agreed with the words, while some did not care.

However, the true critical thinkers were left with apprehension, "I can't believe the World Government let their news channels loose… Or did someone outsmart them?"

These comments were shared through the upper members of Kingdoms and Nations. Even the top-level pirates thought so.

The news spanned throughout the globe via tens of thousands of seagulls. From the Outer Seas to Paradise and even to the New World, the bigger powers were left utterly gobsmacked.

The news channel of the world had completely turned around!

Under the hail of newspapers within this very island was an inconspicuous duo.

The younger of the two read through the papers, exclaiming, "This news has Big Bro Damien's name written all over it!"

He had curly black hair that was pulled back with an eye mask. Beyond that, he had a white shirt and black jacket while sporting bright turquoise pants and sneakers.

[Drip Image (in Discord)]


The boy waved the front page at the purple kimono-wearing girl to his side.

"Hmm, yes, Damien-san did say something about the News Agency, I didn't think it was this big though," she murmured, tapping her chin in thought.

Naturally, the duo was Toki and Kuzan.

The young boy was, as always, enthralled by the changes brought to the world stage by his older friend/hero.

"To celebrate this victory, I will reward myself with an extra three hours of sleep!" 

Toki smiled at Kuzan's statements.

She was currently carrying a boatload of shopping bags, each filled with many, neatly-folded, pieces of clothing from a vast array of themes and time periods.


"Hey, hey, young lady, why don't I carry those bags for you?" a haughty came from the side.

It was a middle-aged man with medium-length black hair which converted his eyes. The guy had a slight grin while reaching out to grab the Toki's shoulder.

Though before he could entirely grasp it, he felt a numbness pervade his palm.

"What the…?" the ruffian muttered, looking at his hand.

"!!!" However, his surprise soon turned into despair as he saw the skin start to change colour, going from a healthy peach to a grayer tone.

"Huh, w-what did you do to m– Aughh!"

The man fell to the ground as he felt his arm start to fall apart; the skin wrinkled up and lost its elasticity, and the bones that were hidden under the muscles began to become more prominent while the nerves themselves corroded away.

Toki looked back at the shaken man and said, "That looks bad, you should get it checked."

The man gulped as he saw a woman return a warm smile, if it were not for his arm's condition, he would have thought it was a smile that a caring teacher would give to encourage their students.


Kuzan shook his head, clicking his tongue in disappointment.

"That's like the twentieth guy trying to hit on Toki-nee, they really have no class like Big Bro Damien."

Toki did not seem bothered and she casually said, "It's okay! I left them with a little warning, such bad habits aren't good for the children around here."

Kuzan saw the gentle smile and gulped to himself, deciding not to misbehave in front of the aspiring doctor.

However, his unease warped into yearning as he saw an item for sale in the busy streets. The boy paused, his eyes shining bright like a diamond in the sky.


Toki traced the boy's gaze and gently said, "We can get it if you want, your birthday is in less than two weeks."

Kuzan blinked, "Oh, right."

He recalled the date, it was September 9 and his ninth birthday was in 12 days, on the 21st!


Toki strolled into the shop and purchased the prized item to which Kuzan smiled childishly, jumping on board.

After all, it was a bicycle!

"I will name it, the 'Ao Chari!'" (blue bicycle)

Toki tilted her head, a little confused: "But it's green?"

[Ao Chari Image (in Discord)]

Kuzan did not respond, instead, he hopped on the brown leather seat, tracing his hands along the golden handles.

The green-haired girl gave up, opting to continue walking back while the soon-to-be nine-year-old rode beside her.


[Mystik Island]

The Kraken had been prepared to leave; its two occupants set it to sail.

With a wave of Fulcrum's hand came an influx of force, pushing at the sails to direct the ship forward.

Both were now unmasked, feeling the air from their motion at sea, gently pushing through the current-less Calm Belt.

Damien sighed in satisfaction as he heard a ding in his mind.

[Operation Nexus has been updated.]


[Operation Nexus]

[ Find the World News Agency Main Base - ✔️]

[ Find Replacement President - ✔️]

[ Bring the replacement under control - ✔️]

[ Have the Agency exit the World Government's Grasp - ✔️]

[Time Limit - 1486]


Alas, it was completed within the desired timeline.

'Though it needs quite a while to cement its position, probably bending for the World Government for some time,' Damien thought about the new Agency.

Morgans was still young and would not take over W.E.N.P. for the next little while.


Closing the notification, he instead glanced at the girl leaning on the railing of the Kraken.

"What are you smiling to yourself about?"

Aurora looked at Damien, subconsciously fixing her hair.

"Well," she lightly smiled. "I just found it funny how you have a hand in everything that concerns the Five Elders."

"Hey, it's nothing personal."

The pirates' conversation soon died out as their eyes were grabbed by the serenity of the Calm Belt.

The gentle, parting sea. The distant chirps of birds. The lack of breeze. 

Without a doubt, it created quite the contrast with the twisted and unforgiving weather of the New World.


The tranquilly reminded Damien of reality—Hachinosu unveiled to him the degree of evil a man could commit and the Calm Belt opened a window to the limitless nature of the One Piece world.

His eyes soon fell on the quiet girl at his side. 

He saw Aurora's honest gaze locked onto the mellow horizon, enraptured by its infinite beauty. He heard her heartbeat was calmer than ever, almost as if she was breathing in the peace and quiet.

'Spending almost a year in the Underworld must have left its marks,' Damien thought.


The pirate's face warped into a slight grin, almost as if he had thought of something on the fly.

He suddenly got up and reached for the wheel and decisively turned the vessel away from the Calm Belt.

Aurora woke up from her reverie and watched with some confusion. All the while the Kraken begin to exit their safe passage and into the Paradise Sea.

Damien smiled back at her and gave a teaser, "Let's go on a little adventure."

The girl blinked, acquiescing to his little impulse.

"Where to?"

The Sin Incarnate turned to the horizon, tinkering with an Eternal Pose that appeared in his hands.

The device read a single location: "JAYA."

To Be Continued…


Author's Corner.

More of a chapter to showcase the completion of Operation Nexus which Damien had been working on for a while.

I wonder what side quest is at Jaya...

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