NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 147: A Nice Trick

Chapter 147: A Nice Trick

"This way" Antoan was skeptical of the choice of Bloom who insisted on entering the hotel through service doors. There wasn't anyone crowded there, and they went directly through the kitchen region towards a long corridor then finally entered a very wide reception hall after ten minutes of turning.

"What? Don't you think this is better?" Bloom laughed while he went directly to the reception boy standing alone in the distance. "Hi, I'm B Terry, and I came here to join the Triflet ceremony."

The boy glanced in doubt towards Bloom before asking: "How did sir entered from this direction while there is a whole reception group waiting for him at this direction?"

The strong accent of this boy told Antoan everything about this boy. "We came from this way as it was easier and less crowded," he said before adding, "here is the proof, the invitation of the ceremony," he took out a small black card with a silver painting over it.

The moment the boy noticed it, his face changed as he hurried to bow to the two. "Sorry gentlemen, I was blind not to recognize you," he said in deep respect and some fear.

"C'mon, don't scare the little one," Bloom laughed while defending the boy who wasn't too much older than himself.

"Kind and passionate, you didn't change a lot don't you?" suddenly this sound came from behind, startling both.

"Oh, Mr. Guardian, it's a pleasure to see you before heading up stairs," Antoan said while Bloom turned to see his sly uncle. He was a fat one, with faint pink skin and two small rounded glasses fixed with a glue perhaps to fit his broad fat nose!

"Hi uncle," Bloom just greeted, "were you waiting for me out there?" he asked.

"Sure, but got to rest for a moment. It seems those boys of mine had gone senile, or like this boy said, blind. Hehehe," he laughed and with each laugh his entire body shook like jelly. "Come, I have many of your old man's friends to introduce. Good people, very nice people," he said while trying to hold Bloom like he usually did with the young Terry; surrounding his neck and squeezing him nearly to death!

"Thanks, I have to pass on that one," Bloom agilely evaded his uncle's grip before turning to the boy, "where is the ceremony being held?"

The boy seemed quite nervous, as he recognized Terry's uncle. He knew how vicious he was, so he even had sweat dripping over his face. He glanced over the uncle to take his permission, and he just got a slight nod.

"I can take you, sir, there myself," the boy hurried to leave his post, making even the uncle startled. "Don't you have work here to do?" the uncle asked.

"Sir is VIP guest of our hotel. It's not appropriate to let him wander alone in the grand hotel of ours," the boy said before adding, "Come this way, sir."

"Thanks," Bloom smiled as he followed the boy. "See you up there, dear uncle," he raised his hand to salute the sly uncle from his back, without even turning to glance at him.

And this just drove his uncle mad. "That impudent little rascal! Who does he think himself is? Humph, it's better for him to die right here than to wait for him to lose up there, humph!"

He turned to return to two slim beauties who were his escort for this night. He tightly grabbed sensitive parts in their bodies without feeling any shame of being in public or making them feel pain. "Damn you," he cursed while chewing on his teeth.

"You know this is the most important ceremony we had since the start of the year?'' The boy tried to be close to Bloom as he started to narrate a brief history of the hotel while they were ascending through the elevator.

"Here you go, sir," the boy bowed again while the thick glass doors opened to reveal a magnificent scene. "Wow, we have this on a pool?" Bloom remarked the moment he entered the place.

"This is the highest level in our hotel, where only a selected few can enter it," the boy felt some honor in himself when Bloom commended the hall.

"I like this place," Bloom nodded, while glancing over the big stage and that huge metallic object landed over it. The hall wasn't empty, or near full either. Many were standing there chatting and laughing while having their own glasses of wines full all the time with the help of many servants.

"I don't like this place," Antoan had a sudden nightmare when he saw all those people and these big hidden spaces all around. For him, it was just a security nightmare. "Lead me to the head of this place's security," he ordered and the boy couldn't dare to delay.

"Don't be too late at the party," Bloom laughed while he stood there alone, not caring to be like this.

He started to walk around and many eyes just landed on him for a second there before returning to do what they were doing. He noticed that everyone recognized him, yet no one even cared about a greeting.

"Such a cold place with hypocrite people, tsk," he sighed while saying these words to himself while standing on the outer reiling of the open place, overseeing the whole city.

"You can't deny that they have a point," suddenly this voice came from behind, greatly startling him!

"Hi there," he turned to see two beauties standing side to side, while one dressed up like princesses and the other was like a follower; less adorable dress but it was ok for Bloom.

"Hi there," the girl laughed before adding, "what? Have you forgotten about me?" the girl said when she noticed the weird glances Bloom was giving her.

"Sure not," he lied, despite not recalling any meeting between her and Terry. "How are our crown jewels of this night doing?"

"What a lame flirt, you need to work better on this," she laughed and he just was mesmerized in place.

He wasn't taken off by her beauty, but with the fact that the girl speaking with him wasn't Natalie; Natalie was the one acting servant on her side!

As for this girl; he perfectly recognized her from her voice!

"I'll take my princess' advice to the letter," he said before leaning to her hand and painted a soft kiss there.

'Funny, never thought you would be such a man," she said while pointing towards his hat and stick, "even coming in this old fashion interesting!"

The girl exchanged silent glances with her maid who smiled and nodded in response.

"May I know who she is?" he pointed towards the maid, just before he could hear the answer, a loud laugh rang from behind.

"That's your worth after all, go after maids and care about them, poor Terry, hehehe."

Bloom turned to see a young athlete with a perfect body and sharp eyes coming at him with a large entourage of his. Bloom didn't know him, but he could easily recognize who he was just from the familiar faces walking a few steps behind.

"Hi Dockrey, acting arrogant as usual," Bloom sneered and this sudden strong response made everyone glance strangely at him.

Terry was known to be socially shy, not showing a lot and not standing to defend himself at any time. He was a simple loser, a loser no one would like to associate himself with.

"Wow are you on drugs today? Courage drug perhaps?"

"And you on a funny drug? Oh wait, no it's the best idiot in the entire place drug, right?"

The face of Dockrey changed; he never had anyone to treat him like this before! Just as his entourage was about to act, he raised his hand as he seriously said: "This is my turf, loser. A piece of advice for the future, find yourself a deep pit that no one can reach or else I won't show mercy on you."

"Humph," Bloom just harrumphed before totally turning his back to him and glancing totally towards the two beauties. "Sorry, a fly was just thinking itself a butterfly, not knowing a two blossoms like you were standing here," he said before adding, "may I know her name?"

"Wow, you got some balls!" Dockrey moved to stand between Bloom and the two girls. "see these two? They already belong to me!"

"Really? Last time I checked I belonged to no one!" the one acting Natalie said in a harsh tone.

"Sorry, Nat, this one needs a slap on the face to wake up from his drugs!"

"I told you don't call me this ever again!" the girl shouted and her voice attracted everyone's attention. "And responding to your question, she is called Peri," the one acting Natalie said before adding, "excuse me you two, I have guests to attend."

She moved while pushing Dockrey away, as for Bloom, he strangely waved his hand towards Peri as he smiled widely, "Bye Peri, see you around."

Peri seemed quite disturbed while she just nodded.

"Loser," Dockrey laughed before moving with his entourage, chasing after the girls.

"Pathetic," Bloom laughed while thinking about the little twist he suddenly had. "Wow, what a lovely party this is," he laughed and returned to glimpse at the horizon, enjoying the night scene of the city from up there.

"Natalie and Peri, then who is the fourth sister of the studio? Peri perhaps?" he muttered while losing himself in that ocean of darkness with tiny lights everywhere acting like a gigantic galaxy unfolding before his eyes. "At least I'm not fooled by your little trick here, hehehe," he inwardly laughed while lamenting that poor strupid arrogant Dockrey for his blindness.

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