North x Northwest

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Headnote: Warning for mentioning gore and violence.

Suddenly, Lils face hardened terribly. As he witnessed her shift that seemed to fall into the abyss, Ed felt the need to change the subject. Because the longer she was silent, the colder the mood and the harsher she would be. Ed quickly looked around and pointed to the fish shop owner who happened to catch his eye first.

But why doesnt that person have a nose?

However, as it turned out, there were more than one or two people who had this.

Huh? Its not just that person That woman, too Then that man Hm? Why their nose?

Lil had to swallow a hollow laugh at Eds attitude of taking such a lighthearted approach to a typical Southern tragedy. The expression on Eds face told her that he really didnt know why and she felt a strange sense of duty to enlighten him.

Are you asking because you really dont know?


Every day, slaves are dragged onto merchant ships or into fields. If a slave attempts to escape and gets caught, their nose will be cut off as a mark that they tried to run away. Its a practice that the Garni association came up with.

In an instant, Ed distorted his face in displeasure.


Thats why Im glad we have the island of Panichi! You see, on this island, they can hide, young man

An old man appeared out of nowhere and flopped down next to him. Lil jumped to her feet, more startled by what he said rather than his sudden appearance.

Anunchio! You senile old man! You know who this guy is, so dont tell him that!

Hello, Black Whale.

Hello and dont do that also!

Lil snatched the bottle that Anunchio was about to drink. Ed greeted the good-natured but ragged old man.

Now, go away quickly!

Your Captain and I have different beliefs. He wants to keep this place a secret, but if its up to me, I want to write its name on the white sand beaches But I cant blame him.

What are you talking about?!

Young man, Ive heard you had a lot of trouble under that bad-tempered Captain. Did you say that youre a newcomer?

Who told you that?!

My name is Ed.

Despite Lils nagging, the old man calmly invited Ed to a handshake. Ed chuckled secretly and took the old mans hand. The old man noticed his smile and winked. Ed stiffened in an instant and struggled to get his hand out of his grasp.

Welcome to Panichi, young man, call me Anunchio.

Thank you, Anunchio.

No, whats this nonsense! Show Anunchio some respect! Hey, call him Captain. Whats this absurdity of my crew calling a highly respectable man by his name?

However, Anunchio ignored Lils complaints again. In situations like this, it was common that she acted stubborn as she didnt want anyone to be on par with the Leagues founder. Defeated, Lil clenched her jaw and slumped back into the chair.

Young man, this is the stronghold of the League. If you thought Amiaeng to be the base of operation of the southern pirates then you are mistaken. Do you believe we could have survived in Amiaeng, where the imperial nobles and Navy come and go?

Due to taking the time to think about an answer, Ed hesitated for a moment.

Oh, no.

Indeed. We couldnt stay there. The League needed a safe place to hide the rescued slaves and Panichi, surrounded by high terrain, was well suited for that purpose. The marks you see, are not only engraved on the slaves but also on those who oppose the aristocrats. Those bastards enjoy putting marks on our faces with an iron or a knife, making wounds that cant be hidden or washed away. Thats why they pluck our eyes out or connect our mouths with our noses Those imperial bastards are fools who believe that thats the only way they could keep us in check.

As you can guess, young man, this island was quickly filled.

At this point, Lil thought Ed would have started laughing, but he was unexpectedly quiet. He sat neatly, listening to Anunchio, like a grandson intently listening to one of his grandfathers stories.

The Empire treats all foreigners as slaves. It sounds absurd, but when you think about what happened to us, it makes me think that it might be true. Seeing how they stormed our land, shook our homes and fields, and sold us as slaves. But whats a slave? We dont know. Because theres no such word in the South. The only unpaid labourers in the South are livestock. And you have to be a complete madman when you cut off the noses of grateful livestock See, I dont understand it at all. I just cant. Ive lived with this body for decades, but I still dont understand why we have to be slaves.

Anunchio narrowed his eyes as he recalled something from the past.

When I first encountered people from the Empire, I was astonished. The monsters Id heard so piercingly about had the same shape as me. I couldnt distinguish myself from them no matter how hard I looked. Independent beings who walk on two feet, with facial features in the same place as me and move based on their own thoughts! They even plough fields and make love! Then, did they only see skin colour?

Anunchio, who unexpectedly took another bottle of wine from his pocket, drank it gully. While the old man sighed, Lil observed Ed.

His expression of disgust and displeasure doesnt appear to be a lie.

She thought Anunchio made the right call to tell him personally. Ed would have figured out the identity of the island even if Lil hadnt told him. He could hear all this information if he just stood on the market for an hour. It was inevitable from the moment she brought him along. Anunchio, who knew Ed was a navy officer, was attempting to edify him by telling him first-hand.

Lil tilted her head. Anunchio has such charisma. It also wasnt the first time he was able to convert a naval deserter.

Can he bring this arrogant Ed on our side? But Ed doesnt have the same air as other naval deserters, so he might not understand Anunchios whole story.I guess hes still


The market suddenly erupted with screams. It was followed by shattering glass and the sound of something being smashed. Ed was the first to respond and moved his head as quickly as the wind. On the other hand, Lil and Anunchio only shook their heads at the familiar noise. The morning market was in shambles. Shouts came and went, and eventually, a woman, caught by several people, was dragged away. However, it wasnt violent.

Anunchio wiped his lips after another long sighted and explained.

That woman is poor Lully. I dont know how she got out of her house, but Lully well When the Garni association first occupied the island of Corado, her husband was part of the vanguard that resisted. The brave Demeko. He lasted three days, but in the end, he was captured alive. The brutal bastards tied Lully to a stake and tore Demekos stomach open. His spilt organs were wrapped around Lullys neck and shoulders. She was tied to her husbands mutilated body for a week, and after that, she went crazy

Lil looked at Lully who struggled forcefully when she was dragged away. But Lil had to turn her head when people tried to gag her.

Its always sad to hear such a tragedy. Im going to see Lully, alright? I want to know how she got out of the house.

Lil answered bitterly.

She must have used her teeth and escaped.

Anunchio nodded his head, wiping away the drops of alcohol on his beard.

Then Ill go, Black Whale.

He lightly lifted his hat. At the same time, Lil mirrored him and tried to lift hers, but realised she wasnt wearing one, and instead fumbled with her finger in front of her forehead. The old man, who smiled mischievously, stopped walking and turned to look at Ed again.

Young man.

Yes, Captain?

The Empire calls us pirates. But whats a pirate? A thief who steals from the sea? That would make the Empires the real pirate here, wouldnt it?

This time again, Anunchio looked straight into Eds eyes as if he was hoping for an answer. The old man had deep wrinkles all over his face, but his eyes were as bright as he had never aged a day. Ed replied, lowering his eyes a little.

Thats right.

Hehehe! Look at this youngster!

Anunchio grinned and patted Ed on the shoulder. Feeling the pain transmitted to his stomach, Ed put a forced smile on his lips. Then the old man snatched the bottle that Lil had taken away and disappeared into the noisy market. Ed, who was watching Anunchios back without saying a word, suddenly asked.

What does he do? I dont think hes just a Captain.

With Anunchio gone, Lil expected that it would be up to her to answer Eds questions. But even though he already found out about Panichi, she wasnt planning on letting her guard down and will be carefully selecting her answers. Even if it was the goal to get Ed on their side.

Anunchio oversees the management of Panichi. Hes retired, but everyone here still respects him enough to call him Captain.

He deserves it.

His affirmation seemed to be imbued with some kind of respect. In a not-so-bad tone, Lil went on to say what she was going to say.

Actually, some of the Bell Rocks income is used to supply the island. Its the same for any other ship in the League.

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