North x Northwest

Chapter 243

Chapter 243


Volume 7    

Oh, I see.

Venua, sitting down with his legs crossed, offered Ed a seat as well.

Marquess, what brings you here?

I came here due to a kidnapping case.

Kidnapping? Thats indeed a big deal.

Thats why were searching the mansion. And you, arent you going to introduce yourself?

Ed initially didnt intend to talk about the kidnapping incident with Venua or the fact that there was a witness, but this pretext was necessary for him to access the estate. At the same time, he used this conversation to distract Venua while figuring out what was going on.

Liloa, who I expected to see, isnt here. Instead a soldier from the Royal guards, who followed Venua to this faraway land, is the one being beaten up. Why? Moreover, even though my guards are searching his place, he seems quite relaxed on the outside.

I wonder what kind of important person got kidnapped for the lord to come out and do the inspection himself

Who are you to bring your private army into my territory?


Venua also seems to be fully aware that this situation could turn unfavourable for him too. His plan mustve been to kidnap Liloa and escape, and then claim that he never stayed in Roahn in the first place.

We both know without you asking. So let us not tire ourselves by doing so, okay?

My soldiers will arrest any private soldier they encounter

How cocky.

And you will be detained here until your identity is revealed

Venua set down his glass with a clang. As the alcoholic content poured onto his hand, the guard with the best complexion immediately wiped the back of his masters hand.

Nothing good will come from making me upset, Marquess. And right now, you already annoy me enough without even trying.

I dont know why I shouldnt bother with you.

Venua let out a short laugh into the air.

Haha! People say that your ego is sky-high. I can see how thats true.

All this time, Ed hadnt sat down yet. After all, it was better to stand so that he could look around the room.

Venua was clearly angry about something and took it out on his guard What on earth happened here?

Ed kept turning his head to scan the room with a sneer until a strange object caught his attention. Something was stuck into the side of the sofa. It was thin and long and compelled Ed to get closer and see exactly what it was. Ed walked to the seat that Venua had recommended earlier. The object occasionally shone. However, it depended on the angle of the light that changed every time he took a step.

The moment he passed the sofa, he noticed that it was a womans headpin and the corners of his tightly closed mouth lifted up.

Its obvious who pierced the sofa like this.

Venua, on the other hand, interpreted Eds action of obediently sitting down and snorted in a better mood.

Seeing as youre doing this, I guess you like her a lot. Actually, idiots like you, who fell in love with her pretty face, used to come visit me one after another in the past

Ed lowered his head to suppress his laughter.

Now I see why Venua became enraged and beat his own guard, or why theres still no word from my soldiers investigating the inside of the mansion that theyve found Liloa.

Venua, who again misunderstood Ed bowing his head, continued to speak in a soothing tone.

From what I heard, Marquess, youre so rich that even His Majesty envies you. But, as you know, you cant buy blood with money

The question now is where did she go after leaving the mansion?

Ed suddenly felt a sense of loss. It was as though his blood was being drained. He had been worrying that Lil would leave after todays mission, but now it felt like she had one more reason to really leave Roahn and go somewhere unknown to him.

Obernyu is a monarchy with as much history and legacy as the imperial family. Her father is Archduke Joseph I, and her mother is the sister of the current Emperor. If that child gives birth to a son, that son will have the right to succeed to the throne. She is impeccably noble. My blood and that childs blood are flawless. No matter how much she goes out and devalues herself, her bloodline isnt the kind that should be associated with a simple marquess from the empires periphery

With a look of dismay, Ed raised his head toward the window. Meanwhile, Venua assumed Ed had been discouraged and smiled with delight that he had been infatuated with his own legitimacy.

It was even too much for the Duke of Mireille

Of course, simply looking out the window wont mean that I can see Liloa outside I need to take action it isnt helping that the rain hasnt subsided yet.

It made him sick to his stomach to think about losing Lil without a word. Although he had already imagined the situation in which Lil abandoned him hundreds of times, with his mind in complete disarray now, he felt even more helpless and tormented.

Damn that Rene Mireille. Look how he caused things to reach this point. I knew it. After all, if you want to do this right, you cant trust or entrust your business to others

The longer I keep sitting here like this, the sooner Ill lose my sanity

Out of nowhere, Ed jumped from his seat and made his way to the door.

But if youre willing to make up for the scandal, I might change my impression of you Marquess?

Venua called from behind, but there was no answer as Ed already convinced himself that he had to go find her.

She doesnt have anything, so how can she survive in this rain? No proper weapon, or medicine


The guards waiting at the door hesitated at Venuas rebuke, but Ed opened the door himself and went out into the hall.


The sound of glass breaking was followed by Venuas scream in a bloodshot voice.

I cant believe this! You think you can just ignore me like this and get away with it?!

Venuas curses and swears persisted even after Ed was out of sight. The prince regents voice resounded through the open door, but Ed paid no attention to it and ran down the hallway and down the stairs.

Detain the lessee and arrest all other soldiers. You can stop searching the mansion.


As the two Roahn soldiers, who directly received the order, began mobilizing the rest, Ed got on the horse he had left on the porch and rode off into the pouring rain.

Liloa mustve escaped. And given that other suspicious-looking guards were patrolling outside the mansion, she mustve been so desperate that she rode out even at the risk of being discovered by them. So, where did she go? Shes probably hiding somewhere deserted. Theres also a chance she may have escaped Roahn, but outside the city are fewer buildings, meaning shell be easily exposed. More importantly, Liloas familiarity with the roads is limited to the city. And because she has become familiar with the citys geography, she mustve decided to stay in the city she knows well.


No matter how loud I yell, she may not come out, but this is the only way to make myself present.

Ed wandered around the complicated streets for a while. Because of the darkness, even his most intelligent courser kept making mistakes. In addition to the pouring rain, there was no light in the alleys, so it seemed impossible for Ed to find Lil, who was determined to hide her presence.


I dont know what will happen if I dont find her today. Once the sun comes up, Im sure shell be riding out of the territory. Then, will she disappear forever?

In the first place, Ed hadnt heard anything about Lils future moves, so he had mentally prepared himself. However, now that hes reached this point, all the mental and emotional preparation he did seemed futile.

What should I do?

Ed couldnt remember how long he had been in this agony.

He eventually got off the horse, grabbed the reins, and walked aimlessly, while his beast followed him with a groaning sound, as if the animal had been hit and swept all over the narrow road. Eds entire body was chilled by the cold rain, but his insides were not. The fire fueled by regret, self-reproach, and despair seemed to even melt his internal organs.

Checking for the moon, Ed raised his head.

Its been several hours already.

The moon was setting and soon the sun would be rising. Ed, who had been staring blankly up at the sky, suddenly turned his gaze to the hill. His house was on the highest point in the city, so it could be seen from almost anywhere in Roahn.

In him suddenly burned a futile hope.

No way.

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