Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 251: The terror continues

Chapter 251: The terror continues

Sure, here is the translation:

Sure enough, as things evolved to this point, even ordinary people began to realize the danger and horror shrouding the city of Dachang.

It was not surprising that the Wang family made such a decision.

Yang Jian was not a stingy person. If someone took the risk to come to him, he would not easily refuse.

"Just be aware, Uncle Wang, Aunt Wang, this place is not absolutely safe. I can't guarantee anything, and we will eventually encounter danger here. I hope you are prepared for that," Yang Jian said.

"Of course, of course," Wang Bin smiled.

As long as Yang Jian agreed, it was fine. He could see that although the neighborhood was a bit remote, away from the city center, when he came around at noon, he found that many big shots from Dachang City had gathered here.

Just from the various luxury cars parked in the neighborhood, it was evident.

"You can sit for a while. I have some things to attend to. If you need anything, you can find Jiang Yan," Yang Jian said.

He didn't have the mind to take care of others right now. He had a lot of things to deal with, so after a few exchanges, he left it to Jiang Yan to arrange.

Fortunately, his relatives were not living in Dachang City, otherwise, there would be even more people to take care of.

After several days of running around, coupled with the recent action, Yang Jian was not in a very good condition. Besides being tired, his body was in a very delicate state.

This time, in order to use the Ghost Domain under suppression and stimulate the revival of the Ghost Eye, the degree of stimulation was a bit deep, and he was already facing an uncontrollable situation.

Although the balance had been restored.

But Yang Jian felt that he definitely couldn't casually use the power of the fierce ghosts in the near future.

"A complete defeat."

In the bathroom, warm water washed over him, and Yang Jian couldn't help but sigh.

He looked at his body and noticed that some parts of his skin had started to show a bit of dark blue, especially on his shoulder, where the fourth-stage ghost baby had grabbed him, leaving a very clear dark blue handprint. This handprint was exactly the same as the one on Wang Shanshan's wrist, just a bit larger.

The appearance of the handprint meant that he had also been cursed.

"With my current condition, if I come into contact with the fourth-stage ghost baby again, there is only one way to go."

Yang Jian rubbed his bruised shoulder and looked at the indelible dark blue handprint, his face very serious.

"The curse has been imprinted on me. Although it may be expelled with the power of the Ghost Eye, I'm afraid I can't bear the cost of using the Ghost Eye now. Although no ghosts have come for me at the moment, it's only a matter of time. But I have the Ghost Mirror, which gives me a chance to be reborn..."

Thinking of the Ghost Mirror, Yang Jian looked at a small, delicate gold box placed next to the bathroom.

Inside was the dark brown human skin paper.

This human skin paper recorded a very dangerous method of controlling fierce ghosts. He had never considered using this method before, but now, at the end of the road, any method was worth trying.

Including this one.

Staring at the human skin paper for a long time, Yang Jian had a strange feeling.

The writing revealed by this human skin paper seemed to be luring him down a path that had been laid out for him.

It showed him the future, and although he had rejected it at the time, the result was exactly the same as what had been revealed.

Was it a psychological suggestion, as science would say, or could it really predict the future?

Or... could it control his future?

"Rest for a few days first, build the safe house, and secure the retreat. Then consider other things." In the end, Yang Jian withdrew his gaze and didn't look at the human skin paper.

Although this thing was very strange, in fact, quite a few people knew of its existence.

Zhang Wei, Wang Shanshan, Miao Xiaoshan, and several other surviving classmates had seen it, but they didn't think much of it. Jiang Yan had also seen it.

But this thing absolutely couldn't be seen by Wang Xiaoming.

Wang Xiaoming had a deep understanding of fierce ghosts. In order to obtain a ghost coffin, he even went so far as to alter records to ensure that the information didn't spread abroad. This meant that the existence of the ghost coffin likely had the ability to change the current situation, but this human skin paper was even more special. So far, it was the only ghost that was harmless and temporarily beneficial to the user.

Just as Yang Jian was worrying and feeling troubled about future matters.

At this moment.

In the hospital building they had previously acted in.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The hospital, shrouded in gloom and silence, was now echoing with the clear sound of metal colliding.The sound was steady, rhythmic, like a machine at work, never changing its tempo. Anyone with experience in this area could tell that such a frequency was definitely not man-made.

If one were to follow the sound deeper into the hospital, they would eventually find its source on the sixteenth floor.

It was a hospital room, missing half of its wall.

The knocking continued, growing louder, and the quality of the sound changed slightly. Now and then, there were sharp, cracking noises, as if something was being deformed by the blows, or even about to shatter.

After an indeterminate amount of time, a metallic tearing sound echoed through the dimness.

The tapping that had filled the darkness ceased.

Everything seemed to return to calm, and the hospital was once again engulfed in a deathly silence.

In the room where the sound originated, a once sturdy golden chest was now misshapen, its sealed lid completely forced open.

It was empty inside.

At some point, a blurry figure appeared, standing motionless in front of the glass wall next to the hospital room.

No, not entirely motionless.

Beneath the dim outline of this human shape, the jaw area was slightly wriggling, as if someone was chewing on something tough, with difficulty, yet relishing every bite, as if the food was too resilient to be chewed through.


Something fell from the figure's mouth.

It looked like scraps of food.

But as it hit the ground, amidst the rolling dark green miasma, a gap revealed a black, curved fingernail. Perhaps it was an illusion, but the joints on the nail seemed to twitch slightly.

About half an hour passed.

The figure against the glass wall stopped chewing, apparently having eaten something, and then reached out to pick up a piece of clothing.

It was an ancient shroud, not of modern style, the kind worn by the elderly for burial.

The emaciated body didn't seem to match the garment, but the figure appeared quite satisfied, dressing slowly and carefully. Once fully clothed, the figure revealed a strange smile against the glass wall, and through the reflection, one could vaguely see a row of fierce teeth in its mouth.

All was done.

"Tap, tap tap~!"

The sound of leather shoes on the tiled floor approached, and the figure left the hospital room, gradually disappearing into the dark corridor.

In the place it had been before.

A gnawed, misshapen head rolled down from the adjacent hospital bed.

Through the dim light that drifted in from outside the window, one could faintly recognize that the head seemed to be that of the deceased Ye Feng.

The head rolled into the dark green miasma and was eventually consumed by it.

When the miasma dispersed, the head had also vanished.

Nothing was left behind.

Only the surrounding miasma grew denser.

And in the bathroom of this hospital room, the body of Sun Yi, missing its lower half, lay coldly, its blood already congealed. His dead eyes were still open, but he was destined to be forgotten, silently rotting away in this unnoticed corner.

No one would come to claim his body, nor would anyone mourn.

Just like the severed arm left in the corridor outside the room, although the gold watch on the wrist of the arm ticked on, its owner had disappeared.

These mutilated corpses and the blood congealed on the floor bore witness to a horror beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

And the horror continued.

Death still hovered over the city, spreading ever wider.

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