My Divine Diary

Chapter 635

Chapter 635

Just how powerful was Su Haos body?

Su Hao himself didnt really have a standard to measure it.

First of all, he was a grandmaster martial artist, then he had cells with a seventh-level alien [Life Array], a spiritual body with spiritual power from cultivation, and an amplification source body Of course, this didnt include all kinds of miscellaneous effects.

With such a physique, it was almost impossible for the virus to invade Su Haos body.

Even if it successfully entered through the mouth and nose, it could not deceive Su Haos powerful immune system.

So before injecting the virus, he considerately injected himself with an immune system suppressant to lower his immune systems immunity to the extreme.

As a result, five days later, under Su Haos careful care, the virus successfully broke through Su Haos cells and began to replicate in large quantities.

And Su Hao also mastered the entire process of the virus destroying the body.

This microscopic world battle greatly shocked Su Hao.

A long time ago, Su Hao had died once from contracting a plague. Later, when he had the opportunity, he deliberately studied viruses for a while, but as his physical qualities gradually improved and he almost ignored viruses, he stopped paying attention. He had never observed the invasion of his body from multiple angles like he did now.

It made him involuntarily exclaim again: This is the wisdom of nature!

Life always seeks survival in unexpected ways, and in these ways, it contains the highest wisdom.

In the pinball space, Su Hao repeatedly played back the process of the virus invading cells: deceiving the cell membrane, invading the cell, then using the cells functions to replicate massively, finally rupturing the cell and releasing more viruses to invade other cells

This was the Source Chain Reaction that Su Hao was looking for!

I want to create a planet virus, no, more accurately, according to the different structures and substances of the planet, to set up corresponding viruses.

Su Hao quickly drafted a plan for the Planet Virus in the pinball space: The core of the Planet Virus must contain two parts. First, the Strong Focusing System must be able to quickly convert specific substances into sources, and second, the Transmutation System must be able to convert sources into specific substances and energy.

With these two systems, the mission of destroying a planet could be accomplished.

The Focusing System could convert the substances in the planet into a large number of source beads, while the Transmutation System could convert source beads into specific substances and energy, forming a closed loop.

The substances were used to build new Focusing Systems and Transmutation Systems, creating new Planet Viruses

The energy was used to drive the spread and operation of the new Planet Virus

Essentially, it was a creation that could infinitely replicate using surrounding materials.

When the entire planet turns into a planet virus, the preset self-destruct system can be activated to transform all planet viruses back into sources, pure energy rays radiating into the depths of the universe

The more he thought, the clearer Su Haos train of thought became, and he quickly grasped the core of the planet virus.

Su Hao exited the pinball space, opened his eyes, a glint of light in his eyes that even the planet feared: The focus system is relatively simple, the difficulty lies in the source transformation system, how to convert sources into new planet viruses Its time to absorb the knowledge of the source device, the source device can solve my problem!

Although there was no source device with pure replication ability, there were countless source devices that were connected to replication.

Moreover, I dont necessarily need to obtain tangible material, as long as the quality is a temporary product, it is enough, no need for complexity like transforming spiritual power.

It is worth noting that the quality is a temporary product has properties similar to physical matter and can last for two hours!

Two hours is enough for the planet virus to fulfill its mission.

With a feasible plan in mind, Su Hao returned to his half-lying life by the pool pavilion to review data.

Over the years, Yashans research on the source device has been very thorough.

What Su Hao needed to do was to fully absorb the research results of Yashan and then independently design the source transformation system for the virus.

At this time, Yashan was in the small world of the base, overseeing the construction of ships with Feng Cheng and Feiyuan. If there were any misunderstandings or complexities that took too much time, he could directly ask Yashan to demonstrate.

Three years later, not only did he absorb all of Yashans research results, but he also designed the first planet virus himself.

It was a metal sphere the size of a truck, oval in shape, resembling a huge deep-sea bomb.

Lets see how the effect turns out first!

Su Hao took this version 1.0 planet virus to the key star, then pointed his finger and created a deep hole on the surface, leading directly to the depths of the planet, and then placed the metal sphere into the hole.

He didnt have high hopes for this planet virus, as long as it could operate, it would be considered a success.

After the planet virus entered the planets interior, Su Hao had a thought and activated the triggering device.

At the same time, his spiritual sense closely monitored the operation of the planet virus. Failure was not a problem, what was important was knowing where the failure occurred.

The metal sphere started, splitting into two halves and drilling in two different directions. After reaching a certain distance, they stopped.

In the next moment, the metal shell opened densely packed holes, and countless tadpole-shaped metal devices drilled out of the holes, penetrating the rock layers and forming an ellipse around, collectively forming a massive focus system.

The positions of the two metal spheres were right beside the focus

Su Hao observed closely, seeing this, he couldnt help but think to himself: The source transformation system is built, full power output, as long as two minutes, a large amount of source can be obtained, the next step is

Before Su Hao could think further, the two hemispheres of the 1.0 version planet virus suddenly sparked and smoked.

Su Hao:

Well, failure is only natural! Not failing would be truly heaven-defying.

Su Hao moved the damaged halves of the ellipsoids out and examined the reasons for the damage.

Before long, he found the issue: There was a slight deviation in the focus system construction, the focus position was locked inside the machine, causing machine damage! It seems that my design of the positioning system was too rough. Ill stop here for today, go back, update the positioning system again, and make version 1.1.

Four months later, Su Hao appeared once again on the key star, in the same position, without hesitation he dropped the immensely huge planet virus into the interior of the star.


Failures are a norm, again! The previous vulnerability has been patched up, but this time the issue lies in the allocation of energy. In simple terms, the source system converted source pearls are too few, insufficient to complete the next task, resulting in a stall

Go back and optimize the energy system, increase the source power to the maximum!

Su Hao went back again.

Several months later, appearing once again above the Key Star, just like before, dropping an immensely large metal ellipsoid.

Wait quietly

Hmm, failed again, its fine, progress has been made! Keep trying, success will come eventually.

Initially, from design to production, it would take approximately four to six months to create a planet virus, which was quite time-consuming and laborious.

However, due to the numerous failures, Su Haos manufacturing process improved year by year. Today, five years later, it only takes two months to create one.

If there is another failure, his manufacturing process would be close to producing one every month!

On this day, Su Hao held an even larger metal ellipsoid than before and once again arrived at the Key Star.

At this moment, a fixed location on the Key Star had already been ravaged by Su Hao.

Su Hao took a deep breath, dropped the planet virus, started it, and waited silently.

Three minutes later, Su Hao sighed, As expected! Failed again! Well, Im not in a rush anyway, Ill go back and tinker slowly!

Another ten years later, Su Haos skills improved greatly, and he clarified what parts were important and which were not.

The manufacturing speed had increased to one every fifteen days.

With the manufacturing speed becoming faster and faster, Su Haos planet virus became more and more perfect. By now, he had resolved the critical issue of self-replication!

Just as Su Hao was about to conduct another test, Feng Cheng sent a message to Su Hao: Boss Wei, Zhi Peng has passed away. The good news is that most of his friends died before him, causing no disturbances.

Moreover, based on my observations, after Zhi Pengs death, the effects of his source ability disappeared. Many of the remaining friends were in a daze for a while and then woke up, realizing that they had been controlled by Zhi Pengs source ability for these years.

These people did not show the expected sadness for Zhi Pengs death.

Nevertheless, due to many years of friendship, it didnt lead to chaos.

Upon hearing this, Su Hao paused for a moment, pondering: Does peculiar mental anomalies really not change the fundamental nature of the mind? Just like that infectious disease hedgehog, perhaps its just a projection on another dimension. Dimension what is it again?

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