My Divine Diary

Chapter 628

Chapter 628

After Su Hao completed a small experiment, Feiyuan ran to him and said: You are an alien!

Wouldnt anyone be dumbfounded by that?

Su Hao didnt think much about it and asked strangely: What alien?

Seeing Su Haos expression, Feiyuan appeared even more surprised than Su Hao: Huh? Arent you an alien?

Feiyuan thought that after telling Mr. Jia Wei about his discovery, Mr. Jia Wei would faintly smile, then casually say, Youve discovered my hidden identity. Yes, I am an alien!

However, that wasnt the case!

Feiyuan thought to himself: Could it be that I guessed wrong? That shouldnt be the case! Could all of this stem from the Origin, and the so-called Cultivation is just Mr. Jia Weis core ability?

Su Hao didnt understand what strange thoughts were going through Feiyuans mind, and directly asked: What are you thinking? You can tell me.

Feiyuan said slightly embarrassed: Mr. Jia Wei, its like this, two years ago I studied Cultivation with Teacher Feng, and have now reached the Foundation Building stage, and have gained some understanding of the essence of cultivation.

I found that the conditions required for cultivation are very complex. According to the theory of the evolutionary system, its almost impossible for methods like Cultivation that prolong life to emerge on this planet because cultivation belongs entirely to another system, and the specifics are hard to describe.

Of course, this is just one aspect, for example, there are various books in the Base with a vast system of knowledge that no one person can summarize.

Coincidentally, Ive browsed through various books in the Mage Association, and only a few of the knowledge overlaps, the rest, except for the Base, cannot be found outside.

For example, the Astronomy group established by Teacher Feng, aside from the vast theories of astronomy, just the Astronomy group observing the movements in outer space made me wonder: Mr. Jia Wei, did you escape from another planet to here? Are there alien enemies chasing you in the depths of space

As Feiyuan spoke, seeing Su Haos calm expression without any change, he couldnt help but relax, thinking that he was indeed thinking too much. Aliens and such, its simply absurd!

Feiyuan hurriedly said: Mr. Jia Wei, I hope you dont mind, this is my uncontrollable speculation, as for whether you are an alien or not, its not important, I just feel that I thought of something related to you, and wanted to tell you. If I dont say it, I feel uneasy all over and have no intention to study.

What Feiyuan didnt expect was that Su Hao actually nodded and said: You guessed right, theoretically speaking, I come from the depths of this universe, not born on this planet, so being called an alien is also possible.

Upon hearing Su Haos candid admission, Feiyuan felt a momentary blankness in his brain, uncontrollable tremors throughout his body, chills down his spine, and unable to speak any words.

Su Hao continued, You can imagine us as aimlessly wandering travelers in the universe, and coming to this planet was just a coincidence. The three of us accidentally landed here more than thirty years ago, became interested in the disasters and sources of this world, and began to research. As you can see, we have gained a general understanding of the nature of the source.'

At this point, Su Hao chuckled and said, This is not a closely guarded secret, knowing or not knowing makes no difference. You can rest assured, we will not mind.

Feiyuan regained his composure and formally initiated the meeting between the representatives of his planet and the extraterrestrials: Mr. Jia Wei, are the stories of colonizing planets and enslaving aliens true?

Su Hao laughed, I dont know about that. I am as ignorant about this vast universe as you are.

Feiyuan exclaimed, Arent you traveling in the universe? You must be a well-traveled person, how can you not know?

Su Hao shook his head, I am not as knowledgeable as you think. Perhaps I know more on this planet, but in the entire universe, what significance do I hold? There are too many unknown things.

Feiyuan thought back to the awe-inspiring feeling he had when observing the universe from the satellite observatory, and involuntarily said, Indeed, this universe is so mysterious and unfathomable and we humans are too insignificant!

Who does not long for the secrets hidden in the vast universe?

Su Hao said, I may not be able to give you the answers you seek, but you can search for them yourself.

Search myself?

Su Hao replied, In a maximum of three hundred years, the three of us will board a spaceship and leave this world to journey into the universe. If you are interested, you can come along.

Feiyuans heart shook, and he felt an indescribable emotion overwhelming him. Excitement, surging emotions, disbelief

Together? Travel the universe with Mr. Jia Wei? Can I?

Su Hao nodded, Of course you can.

Then Feiyuan suddenly thought of a question, Um, Mr. Jia Wei, you just said we would depart in three hundred years? Three hundred years I might already be dead

Su Hao laughed, You wont die so soon. With your current physical condition, if you successfully cultivate to the realm of transformation, you should be able to live for another two thousand years.

Feiyuans mouth gradually widened, Two thousand years

When Feiyuan left Su Haos laboratory, he was in a daze, his soul in turmoil, his once clear mind now in chaos.

The conversation with Su Hao today had left him immensely shocked.

It was a shock to Feiyuan, but for Su Hao, it was just a minor incident.

In two or three hundred years, when he left this planet, he wouldnt mind if Feiyuan came along. There were many things he could entrust to Feiyuan for research, and with Feiyuans unique way of thinking, perhaps many new discoveries could be made.

However, he would only take the spaceship along, as he had not yet considered recording Feiyuans consciousness in the space of the ball, taking him on a journey through different worlds.

He considered three points: his own safety, the necessity of this person, whether it was for him or for me!

It was that simple.

Before Su Hao could fully control his own consciousness and conscious information, he would not leave himself with too many hidden dangers.

At this stage, having mastered the secret of the source, he already held unimaginable power, but one thing had not fundamentally changed, his mental power!

Su Haos radar perception could radiate a range of two hundred thousand meters, which seemed very powerful, but that was the effect of the spiritual sense in the perception rune, amplified by rune.

Essentially, his mental power was not that strong.

Could a mental power that could not even sense the energy trajectory of his own focal point system be called strong?

Regrettably, he had never been reincarnated into a world focused on cultivating spiritual power, which made it impossible for him to learn and resulted in slow growth of his spiritual power.

As for the existence of worlds specializing in spiritual power cultivation?

Su Hao believed that there must be, and quite a few of them. This universe can encompass all possibilities!

With a deepening understanding of spiritual power, Su Hao had a speculation: in this universe, worlds dedicated to spiritual power cultivation are not few in number. Perhaps, in his billions of years wandering through the space of bounces, he had visited countless worlds of spiritual power cultivation, but unfortunately, both his consciousness and the brain of that world were unable to match, resulting in missed opportunities.

This possibility was high.

As his understanding of spiritual power gradually deepened, he realized that the strength of spiritual power is related to consciousness information and brain structure.

In essence, he was just an ordinary human. No matter how much knowledge he possessed, the structure of his conscious information remained that of a regular human.

In theory, no matter how many worlds of life he visited, he could only ultimately revive in a planet of humans.

This led to a frustrating dead-end loop for Su Hao.

He was a regular humancould only be reincarnated as a regular humanregular human brain structures could not attain stronger spiritual powerworlds he could reincarnate into lacked advanced spiritual power cultivationunable to learn methods to enhance spiritual powerhe remained a regular humanimpossible to reincarnate into specialized spiritual power worldsunable to learn methods to enhance spiritual power

So, when faced with this kind of cycle, how can it be resolved?

Attempt to independently research and create methods to enhance spiritual power?

Truth be told, Su Hao believed he was currently unable to do so he acknowledged his learning ability was decent, could reach five stars, but his creative ability was lacking, barely reaching one star.

This cycle, much like the natural logarithm es limit of 2.7

Is this the limit of an ordinary human?

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