My Divine Diary

Chapter 610

Chapter 610

During these two years, the speed of change in the world exceeded everyones imagination.

First, an organization defined as evil, the Radiant Society, emerged from unknown origins, causing the royal families of various regions to unite and launch an extermination campaign against the Radiant Society.

In less than half a year, all the royal families in the world were mysteriously wiped out!

Then the evil organization replaced the royal families, becoming a high and mighty presence. It was extremely absurd.

After another half a year, the Radiant Society wanted to establish a real-time monitoring system and demanded that everyone unconditionally support it. Initially, everyone was not optimistic about the actions of the Radiant Society, but under pressure, they could only superficially support it.

Unexpectedly, a year later, everyone inexplicably discovered that various disasters that directly threatened peoples lives and property had disappeared without a trace.

To be precise, it wasnt that the disasters disappeared, but that they were discovered in advance and then stifled in their cradle by mage squads.

The worlds abrupt changes made everyone feel incredulous.

You should know that in a remote town like Huai Shui Town where Su Hao was reborn, it had to endure various disasters three times a year on average, which was quite frequent.

Larger towns or cities experienced even more disaster invasions.

However, recently, people heard more voices saying that certain disasters were resolved at their inception.

Over time, solving disasters was no longer an exciting and thrilling thing, as it seemed to become a matter of course, and the discussions became less frequent.

It was as if all kinds of disasters had completely stayed away from the human world.

For Origin Mages, daily life had undergone a drastic change.

Previously, the discussions were mainly about how terrifying the disasters in certain places were, how they experienced various dangers, and eventually successfully resolved the disaster.

Now, the discussions almost entirely revolved around completing installation-maintenance-protection tasks in different places, accumulating points, and acquiring new skills.

Astro and Aiwang had arrived at the Yixuan City headquarters in Hengxuan District a year ago, temporary joining the Mage Association there to undertake various tasks.

The association hall was crowded with mages who had come to receive and exchange tasks, creating a lively atmosphere.

Astro and Aiwang entered the hall and headed straight to the skill exchange counter.

Astro looked at the skills displayed on the exchange counter, and the corners of his mouth almost drooled.

A level nine skill Super Gas Bomb! If I possessed this skill, what would be the difference between me and the Explosive Origin Mage? I really want it!

But its too expensive, requiring a full ninety points! Each task only gives twenty points, split between the two of us, thats ten points each

In other words, to obtain a level nine skill, we need to complete nine tasks. Aiwang, who do you think designed this point system? Its just too harsh!


A normal mission is priced at twenty points, while missions with higher difficulty offer more points, ranging from forty to sixty points, with the highest level being one hundred points.

Ten points can be exchanged for a level one skill, twenty points for a level two skill, and so on. Ninety points can be exchanged for a level nine skill.

This design by Feng Cheng ensures that the Source Squad takes on more missions to quickly complete Su Haos tasks.

Ah Wang shrugged and said, You dont have the ability to research on your own, so you can only learn by working! How many points do you have now?

As Xi sighed, I only have seventy points! To unlock the achievement Diligent Bee, I still need one level nine skill, two level eight skills, and one level seven skill Adding it up, I need to complete at least fifty more tasks! Im about to throw up, Ah Wang!

Curious, Ah Wang asked, Xi, if you unlock the achievement Diligent Bee and qualify to exchange for a second talent the next day, what do you plan to exchange for?

At the mention of this, Xi became excited and passionate, Of course, I would exchange for an Illusion Series ability. I have my eye on an ability of a Origin Mage of the Fateful Source.

Ah Wang asked, What ability?

Xi chuckled, Inseparable Presence! Its a perfect match for my Aura Origin Mage. How about you, Ah Wang?

Ah Wang smirked, I also want an Illusion Series ability, but its a Divine Origin Mage for me, when paired with my Magical Origin Mage, it can show endless wonders.

Just then, a new task appeared on the mission board.

Everyone got excited.

Wow! This is a one hundred point mission! Lets grab it!

Hurry, the mission only recruits twenty Source Squads, act quickly, grab it first!

Go for it! Ah Wang! Do it!

Just then, someone suddenly shouted, Grab what? This is a deep-sea mission!

The entire hall fell silent.

But the next second it turned chaotic.

Wow, one hundred points, even in the deep sea, Im going.

I once ventured into the sea, you all step aside and let me come!

I am a Golden Origin Mage, invincible in the sea, this task belongs to me!

Im an Aura Origin Mage too, my level seven skill Whirlwind can lead straight to the seabed, you guys better move aside quickly!

In the end, Xi successfully managed to grab a spot in the squad, securing the qualification to install the Positioning Device in the deep sea this time.

Ah Wang had some concerns, Xi, thats the deep sea, just the two of us, can we successfully complete the installation task?

Xi shrugged, Whats to fear? With the two of us being the Lucky Stars, the deep sea is nothing to fear. Whether its you or me, we have the ability to survive in the deep sea, theres nothing to be afraid of, worst-case scenario, we can call for help from A Yang!

Ah Wang said, Alright then I happen to have ninety points, Ill go exchange for the level seven skill Deep Sea Titan of the Magical Origin Mage! This way, well have more security.

Ah Wang, youve accumulated quite a lot of points, but unfortunately, its not a level nine skill, such a loss!

Level is meaningless, usefulness is what matters.

Two days later, Xi and Ah Wang carried a huge metal ball towards the sea.

This two-meter-diameter metal ball is the deep-sea version of the Positioning Device, it can remain unfrozen and intact in the deep sea as long as enough Source Pearls are placed, it can continue to work indefinitely.

The Positioning Device has two indicator lights and a pointer, at this moment the red light is on, indicating that the Positioning Device has not been placed in the designated position yet, only when the Positioning Device is placed in the designated position, will the green light come on.

The pointers function is to indicate the direction of the installation position, as long as you follow the direction of the pointer, go straight until the green light comes on, then it means you have found the installation position.

To all mages, this kind of technology seems unimaginable, not only can it accurately locate any position, but it can also determine whether the device has reached its designated spot, which is simply magical.

Actually, the positioning principle used by Su Hao is very simple: grid positioning.

Each positioning device has its own number, and when connected to the surrounding positioning devices that have been installed, it can easily calculate its own position and achieve precise positioning.

This simple positioning principle is something that the mages working hard on their tasks wont understand. They are too lazy to think about it, and they prefer to stand aside and shout 666!

Astar and Axiang have been flying on the sea surface in the direction indicated by the compass. After who knows how long, the green indicator light finally lit up.

Astar exclaimed, This is it! As long as we dive into the seabed, bury the device, and successfully start it, we can complete the mission! One hundred points in hand!

Axiang used the Deep Sea Titan skill, summoning two huge diving exoskeletons. After they were both equipped with the exoskeletons, they dragged the device into the sea to dive.

This was their first time diving into the deep sea, completely different from what they had imagined. It was dark and lightless, with unclear visibility. As they dived deeper, Axiang gradually felt the pressure pressing on the Deep Sea Titan exoskeleton, the mental pressure sustained by the exoskeleton also grew stronger.

The sea creatures that were once visible everywhere were now nowhere to be seen, only faint fluorescence glowing in the distance, making it hard to see what they were.

A huge fear enveloped the two powerful Lucky Star source mages.

However, at that moment, they couldnt even communicate, they could only continue to dive deeper and complete the installation task according to the plan

After who knows how long, the two finally dragged the huge device to the seabed.

Install immediately!

The installation difficulty was not high, just dig a deep hole, find a fixed support point, and bury it.

Half an hour later, Astar and Axiang finally buried the device properly, started and tested it successfully.

Mission accomplished!

They breathed a sigh of relief and began to surface!

It was at this moment that Axiang sensed a huge creature silently approaching within his perception range.

Axiang was shocked and immediately reached out his huge steel hand to knock on Astars exoskeleton. When Astar looked over, he made a signal of danger.

Astar: What? A sea beast? In this ghostly place where there isnt even a single fish, how can there be a sea beast? Did we disturb its sleep by any chance?

Astars mind was in chaos, but he also realized the danger and vigorously swam upwards, the propellers under the Deep Sea Titan exerting full force.

However, they were ultimately no match for the sea creature living in the ocean!

They saw a tremendously huge sea creature emerge from the darkness and pounce towards them.

This sea creature was extremely large, resembling a white shark but with its entire head covered in sharp teeth, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

Astar and Axiang in front of it were like rice grains facing a pigeon, completely at a loss!

So unlucky

With a glance, Astar immediately realized that the two of them had no chance of resisting this sea creature! The key was they couldnt even run away!

If they were on land, he would have plenty of ways to deal with such a big guy.

But here in the sea, despite having great strength, he couldnt use it.

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