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Being re-birthed as a cell, Han Dong utilized the power of the Prison code and came into a parallel... Read more Being re-birthed as a cell, Han Dong utilized the power of the Prison code and came into a parallel world where the Ancient Ones have awakened.A steam powered civilization, horrifying subspaces, the Ancient King of the Eternal Night and strange monsters lurking outside the city.The door of Destiny has been opened - Crusaders, Library, Control, Machinery and Mysticism would become the new growth system for human development. Collapse Ability Steal, Adventurers, Alternate World, Apathetic Protagonist, Calm Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Cunning Protagonist, Fanfiction, Game Elements, Genetic Modifications, Genius Protagonist, Ghosts, Gods, Hidden Abilities, Hiding True Abilities, Hiding True Identity, Humanoid Protagonist, Interdimensional Travel, Magic, Manipulative Characters, Master-Servant Relationship, Monsters, Mystery Solving, Mythology, Non-humanoid Protagonist, Post-apocalyptic, Prison, Schemes And Conspiracies, Selfish Protagonist, Thriller, World Hopping, Xuanhuan I rewrote chapter 282, tell me what you think... I might just continue the translation.SpoilerChapter 282: ParadiseThe fusion was complete, and the once familiar fate event, "Strange Talk," underwent a metamorphosis into an even more twisted version.The very framework of the narrative underwent a significant refactoring. The meticulous planning of events, alterations in the participants' initial identities, and the imposition of new constraints marked a paradigm shift in the unfolding saga.In the contemporary global landscape, mankind, through cutting-edge neurotechnology, had finally glimpsed the existence of spirits, validating the terrifying urban legends that had lingered across diverse regions.The Joint Management Bureau introduced the "Strange Talk Incident Admission Scheme," while the Special Operations Bureau of the East Erhai Lake District ingeniously concentrated all bizarre occurrences in the nation to a designated zone—a "Strange Talk Paradise" dedicated to investigating supernatural phenomena."Even the most callous death row inmates will rediscover their long-forgotten fears within this paradisiacal realm."This was categorized as an Evil Event with a seed-stage difficulty of five stars, denoting its formidable nature.The twisted mainline directive was clear: Escape from the eerie confines of the Strange Talk Paradise. The absence of a specific time limit added an extra layer of complexity to the challenge. Four distinct rewards awaited those who successfully accumulated "strange talk points."Reaching 200 points offered the chance to be a "Vegetable Chicken Prisoner," with rewards including three Destiny Points, a "Destiny Card (Seed Level)," and a high-level souvenir from the realm of "Strange Talks."However, the intricacies of this fate event extended further. A "Strange Talk Store" within the park allowed the purchase of useful items. Yet, caution prevailed, as all acquisitions from this store were rendered unable to traverse the confines of destiny's space.Grotesque points left unconsumed would be converted into destiny points at a ratio of 10:1 during customs clearance. With the difficulty reaching its peak at the seed stage, participants were advised to approach with vigilance.Excitement and trepidation echoed within the squad as they delved into the newly defined narrative. Blacksmith Wen Li, her countenance pale, involuntarily exclaimed at the revelation of the five-star difficulty.In the transition from consciousness to corporeal existence, she grappled with fear, earning her a less-than-friendly gaze from fellow travelers. The prospect of facing the unknown in the Strange Talk Paradise fueled a palpable eagerness in Wen Li, visible to all.The group officially entered the realm of fate but found themselves not in the anticipated Strange Talk Paradise. Instead, they occupied an open, pristine train compartment hurtling along an ocean railway. The azure sea beyond the window unfolded as an ethereal panorama.For denizens of the holy city, the ocean had remained an elusive mystery, its beauty confined to literary descriptions. Abel and Mia, positioned by the window, were captivated by the breathtaking view.As per the event's description, the destination of this moving carriage was the East Japanese "Paradise," designed to confine the strange talks.The quartet, clad in black and white striped prisoner attire with super alloy-reinforced electronic restraints, stared at their costumes. Han Dong, breaking the silence, muttered about the unexpected role of prisoners in this card-enhanced, distorted world.The allure of a five-star difficulty lay in the promise of three destiny points upon perfect completion—a tantalizing prospect, especially given the taxing nature of previous fate events.Recollections of the daunting clown incident, with its four-star difficulty, still lingered in Han Dong's memory. However, the two events differed fundamentally. The absence of a designated ultimate boss in Strange Talk Paradise offered a departure from the singular confrontations of past narratives.It was a multi-layered, multi-monster, and multi-destiny event with the singular objective of accumulating "strange talk points" for a successful escape.The prospect resonated with Han Dong, who preferred the absence of a direct confrontation akin to the previous clown encounter.As the squad absorbed the concise event brief, Han Dong maintained his composed demeanor. In contrast, his teammates displayed varied expressions, reflecting their inexperience with such fate-altering events. The inherent danger was palpable—an incorrect step, a delayed move, or a momentary lapse could lead to an irreversible dead end.Surveying the fellow prisoners in their compartment, Han Dong remarked, "These prisoners...are not ordinary."Each occupant exuded a sense of hopelessness or near madness, characteristic of death row inmates. Under this altered reality, these prisoners seemed to possess an otherworldly quality.At that moment, folding LCD screens descended above each group of seats, and an announcer appeared on the display—a woman poised to elucidate the regulations of this peculiar "death prisoner trip.""Dear death row inmates, greetings. Our train will reach the Park station in half an hour. Pay close attention as I outline the requirements and regulations of this 'death prisoner trip.'"The woman continued to articulate the purpose behind their existence, emphasizing the opportunity for these individuals to contribute to humanity by exploring the supernatural within Paradise.However, meeting certain requirements was imperative. Each prisoner examined their wrists, where the number [5] denoted their initial "strange talking points," a vital metric for survival.Within Paradise, a "strange talk supermarket" offered a plethora of items purchasable with these points—consumables, props, and clues to aid in survival.The woman elucidated the redemption scale: 1 point for inconspicuous clues, 5 points for mildly eerie hints, 10 points for commonplace conversational clues, and 30 points for redemption. Upon accumulating 100 points, prisoners could obtain a pass for departure from the nearest park exit, granting them a new lease on life.As the woman's voice faded, the weight of their circumstances settled upon the prisoners, promising an arduous journey through Strange Talk Paradise. Or if you come across any good MTL novel needs translation, you can tag me there too. Mysterious Awakening, If you can fix the mtl, thanks It took me week just figure out why the cover seems familiar. It's The prisoner/Beheaded/King from dead cells. Good novel, I like one of the mc skills (laughing clown virus) it's something new for me. You can read it at "Novelhi" they have more then 1000 chapters over there and the translation is also good Thanks for the reference but wasn't able to find it there for whatever reason (there are also different versions of the same site, I guess). Ended up finding it at novelhall, not entirely sure about transalation quality as they are indexing all of the chapter, probably MTL. It's under My Cellular Prison on novelhi Can u drop the link if u have it. Put in spoiler tho or the wrath of the mods will descend upon you I would like to share my modest collection Quote: SuyiI can translate it for Y'all... MhmmmBut how good is the novel? Well. To me it is a really enjoyable read. Not many authors write this kind of novel Just uploaded the WNMTL version, best version before it was shut down: It is a really good shit, man. dang translator stopped translating this a year ago. big sad.For those who want mtl I can translate it for Y'all... Mhmmm U can? *doubt* the rest