Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 296 Their Marriage Stand

Mrs. Tang refused to accept her wrong and went on to reveal her thoughts, not minding where she was.

"If it wasn't because Zhang Renshu is your friend and you were sure of him returning the favor up there, I wouldn't have accepted Zhang Xiaoling to get married to Enlai."

She was still furious that Zhang Xiaoling ignored her existence before walking out of the dining room.

What was it she said about going back to her the Zhang house?

Was she trying to make it seem like she was the one making her life a living hell here?

Truly, Mrs. Tang wouldn't have accepted for Zhang Xiaoling to marry into her family because of her original status of having no blood relations with the Zhang family.

But because Enlai was her first son, and he seemed not interested in getting married, Mr. Tang had to send him on a blind date with her.

She has never really liked Zhang Xiaoling and now, it was even worse.

Mr. Tang who was annoyed now slammed his cutlery on the table. "You talk too much!" he said, baring his irritation to her face in front of everyone.


Stepping into her bedroom, Zhang Xiaoling slammed the door with a loud thud and continued till she reached the side of the king-sized bed in the room.

In this enclosed space, the young woman dropped her out of care completely letting out her anger.

"Because you have the title of 'Tang Mistress' you take it in your power to downgrade people. Just who do you think you are without your husband?!"

Zhang Xiaoling was huffing as her chest rose and fell without a break, her entire face, contoured in a frown.

She was still very pissed about her mother-in-law's insults in front of her sons and two daughters-in-law.

​ This was like the highest insult she had received in that house.

Some minutes later, Tang Enlai walked. The first thing that greeted his sight was Zhang Xiaoling sitting on the bed with anger viable in her facial expression.

Sparing her a few seconds glance, he sighed and walked towards the inner room, but he got stopped in his tracks.

"Are you going to pretend that your mother didn't have any right to talk to me that way in front of everyone in the middle of breakfast?" Zhang Xiaoling pointed out, refusing to let him have peace.

He didn't even apologize for his mother's harsh critics, and he was about to walk past her as if it was nothing.

Even though they were not in the best of relationship at the moment still, it was maturity to do the right thing.

Tilting his head to the side, he met her furious gaze. "What do you want me to do about it?" he asked without care.

He looked disinterested in the whole scenario as if it was not his concern.

"Are you serious? You are not even going to apologize on her behalf?"

Zhang Xiaoling's eyes widened in their sockets, not out of shock, but out of the level of disrespect from not just her mother-in-law, but also her so-called husband.

"Why should I apologize when I did nothing wrong to you? My mother said those words to you, she is the right person to meet."

Zhang Xiaoling scoffed. "I see. So it's okay to exchange words with your mother? That will be great cause I won't hold back anymore."

"I never asked you to disrespect my mother!" Tang Enlai said immediately as threat flashed past his eyes.

"She had better not disrespect me any longer then, because I have had enough of it. Why should she single me out like I am the one holding her grandchild from her? Are you also not to blame?" she queried while pointing her index finger at him.

In the middle of the heated argument with him, she had risen to her feet and at the moment, there was only the huge bed between them.

Not waiting for his reply to come, she continued out of vexation.

"You and I are the only ones who know that this marriage is sexless, so why don't you tell your mother that, or find something else to say to her other than letting me take the blame for not falling pregnant after a year since our marriage?"

"Huff... You want to let my parents know that this marriage is sexless? Do you like trouble that much? Who was the one that brought this idea in the first place?" Tang Enlai retorted.

Back then, they both knew that there was no option of turning down the marriage plans their parents had for them, hence, they had to come to an agreement.

Zhang Xiaoling had outrightly told him to his face that she didn't love him and would like for their marriage not to involve any skinship.

Although Tang Enlai didn't like that idea, still, he had accepted it.

With their marriage being sexless, how were they going to have any child?

"I brought the idea!" Zhang Xiaoling admitted.

"I can see how proud you are of yourself. Should we go and tell people that our marriage is sexless and that you were the one that brought it up? I wonder if your Zhang Family knows about this..." Tang Enlai said in deep contemplation.

"Who was the one that indulged my ridiculous idea? You are at fault too!" She said in defense.

There was no way she was going to let him put the blame on her. If he didn't accept her idea back then, surely, she wouldn't have been able to do anything about it.

They were both to be blamed for their sexless marriage.

Nodding in understanding, Tang Enlai took a few steps toward the bed. Coming a stop before his knees could touch the wood frame, he said,

"I see... If I hadn't accepted your ridiculous idea, you would have gone along with mine. I see..." he said, trailing off as different thoughts came together in his head.

Zhang Xiaoling rolled her eyes at him as she circled her arms below her bust, not minding him anymore. But the next second, things turned around.

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