Monarch of Death

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 – The Hunt of the Wise Cultist (2)

Karnak smiled as he checked his normal magic.

“Not bad.”

Until not long ago, he only possessed the magic power of the 4th circle. He raised it to the 6th circle quickly because he changed the method.

Instead of lowering the purity of chaos magic by refining 100% of pure command power as safely as possible, this significantly increased the power amplification rate. The remaining sorcery and fraud were covered and hidden as if coating sugar on the medicine written by operating chaos magic separately.

Even if he did this, it was still just ordinary magic power from the outside, so there was no need to worry about his identity being discovered. Even so, Barros still seemed worried.

“Ah, are you really allowed to do something so dangerous?”

There was a reason Karnak hadn’t taken that approach so far.

“Hasn’t it exceeded the level that can be digested with chaos magic?”

Karnak, who had just returned, stayed away from cheating and deceiving as much as possible and devoted himself only to turning all command power into chaos magic. Compared to ordinary people, it could be said that it was an act of taking care of health by choosing only healthy foods.

Then things got a little strange, and he slightly increased the command power reserve. This was similar to the act of gaining weight by overeating and then raising the weight class first. As for muscle, the increase rate was higher when there was some amount of fat in the body. This would put on some weight, but it would increase his strength.

However, what he was doing now was close to an act of gaining weight by recklessly eating too much food to the point that it was difficult to digest. It might be fine right now, but if he threw it away at a certain point, he would become highly obese.

This state of extreme obesity caused by death power is ‘undead’. If he went to a state where he couldn’t turn back at all, you would become completely undead. Of course, it was just a matter of stopping before reaching the limit. Karnak said he had no intention of going there either.


“You said that in your previous life and ended up being a skull gourd!”

“So did I tell you?”

Karnak made an impression.

“It’s not a situation to be moderately saved, now.”

»»————- ★ ————-««
In the Battle of Trist City against Bishop Straf, Karnak was not very alarmed about the situation. Unexpectedly strong enemies might appear, so It was about to do a comparison. However, after meeting Durald, he realized that this was not an ordinary problem.

After solving the Count Vreeland case, Karnak returned to the capital and explained the matter to Barros and Serati.

“You know what Straf and Durald both have in common, right?”

Straf, who was a priest, maintained the divine power of the goddess even after becoming a necromancer. While Durald, who was an aura user, was also able to emit speculation called life force even though he became a vampire.

“Ah, of course, I know……”

Barros tilted his head.

“Is that such a big deal?”

Straf, who became a necromancer, rarely used sacred arts because the necromancy arts he had in his hands were so powerful. Although the divine power remained, it did not have a significant effect. Serati also had an ambiguous expression on her face.

“Lord Durald was also great, but isn’t that what you would call serious?”

Even after becoming a vampire, he did not lose his ability as an aura user, so he got stronger. But even so, in the end, didn’t he lose to Serati? Obtaining the power of darkness did not mean he became an invincible force.

“I don’t think it’s something I barely won, but…… I don’t think there’s any reason for Master Karnak to be so serious, right?”

Sufficiently serious events were already unfolding all over the world, such as the darkness of the end and the unknown God of Destruction. Karnak also nodded.

“Yes, Durald itself is not a problem at all. So did Bishop Straf.”

In an instant, his complexion hardened.

“The fact that they haven’t lost their sacred power is a serious thing.”

The energies of the world did not mix. Fighting spirit, magical power, divine power, and command power, if someone mastered one, he had to give up the other fields. This was common sense and the truth so far.

Infamous Scans

Translator: Anom
Proofreader: Orange
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“But that common sense is broken. By using the darkness of the end, wizards can learn necromancy, and Aura users can also become members of the darkness.”

Barros tilted his head.

“It was possible in the first place, right?”

The wizard who learned necromancy was Arch Lich, and the Aura user who had become a member of darkness was Death Knight.

“You’ve done as much as you can, so why do you care so much?”

“I still don’t understand.”

Sighing, Karnak suddenly asked a question.

“Have you ever thought about it? Why are there so few necromancers in the world?”

Serati asked with a tone if she had to even think about it.

“I have to do all sorts of evil things, and I get ostracized from the world, but isn’t it strange that there are many of them?”

“Yes, it is. By the way……”

Suddenly, a cold smile appeared on Karnak’s lips.

“Are you good enough to give up immortality and mighty power just because you’re evil and rejected by the world?”

If someone learned necromancy, he could easily gain power. He could become much stronger than others. When he reached the realm, he could dream of immortality and overcame all kinds of physical obstacles.

Necromancy was the power of darkness that made even impossible things possible under the laws of the goddess. He could get that power if he just gave up morality and ethics and abandoned human duty.

“Even so, very few people want to learn necromancy.”

Was this really because there were very few people who were evil enough to even learn necromancy? The reason why a sorcerer nearing death from old age, a soldier who had lost a part of his body and could no longer hold a sword, and a priest who had a disease that could not be cured even with the grace of the goddess did not touch love was that their souls were upright and beautiful?

“There are more practical reasons than that.”

‘The energies of the world did not mix.’ This major premise was the greatest deterrent to increasing the number of necromancers.

“Let’s say there is a great wizard who has reached the ultimate level. And when he grew old, he feared death.”

Death could be delayed by using necromancy like becoming a vampire or learning other necromancy skills to become a necromancer and regaining your youth. But at that moment, he was no longer the Archmage.

“Because you’ll lose all the magic you’ve built up in your life.”

Become a rookie vampire at the level of a third-rate bounty hunter or a poor necromancer who trembled even with a single priest.

“It’s the same with Aura users.”

Even if he were one of the four great kings who would come to the world, the moment he gave up his aura and got his commanding power, he would be able to use his sword well. So, for the archmage to obtain immortality without losing his power, he had no choice but to become an archlich.

Only when he abandoned his living body and became a being that flowed with darkness instead of blood could he maintain his current level.

“Even in the case of an Aura user, you can’t maintain yourself.”

This was the case with the former kings who became Death Knights due to Karnak.

Even after they became Death Knights, they changed their auras to dark arts and maintained their existing abilities, but in return, they lost themselves and became puppets serving the King of Death. What was the difference between this and death?

“Necromancy isn’t a very attractive option for the truly strong. You have to throw away everything you’ve built up and start over.”

Even that bottom was not simply a young and weak state, but a cursed life ostracized by the whole world. One could not regain his original power. He would have to live only as a necromancer. However, one’s lifetime experience was also useful as it didn’t disappear.

“To compare, instead of giving the old man his youth back, he took away his lifelong wealth and index and threw them away in a slum. Is that the same saying?”

Necromancy had been a weapon of the weak for generations. Those who had nothing more to lose anyway, who wanted to win what they wanted regardless of means and methods, even abandoning race and duty, or those who had nothing more to lose, had their hands on the necromancy technique of taboos among taboos.

“On the other hand, the vested interests weren’t so greedy for the power of darkness. It is of no use to those who already have the power but how to destroy the world. It’s just to get dirty.”

What if there was a way to use necromancy while maintaining the existing power? There was a possibility of becoming stronger and even achieving immortality just by giving up one’s conscience, morals, and ethics. What if?

“Oh my god…….”

Barros’ complexion turned pale. Only then did he truly realize the meaning of Karnak’s words.

“You mean that the strong of this era can become enemies.”

So far, Karnak had not regarded the strong men of this era as enemies. Rather, he thought of him as a reliable ally. Because he had no intention of becoming a road necromancer.

The only potential enemies they were wary of were those involved in the Darkness of the End, but as long as the opponent used necromancy. Karnak was not much of a threat.

“But if necromancy and conventional energy are mixed, all these premises collapse.”

As in the case of Straf, when other energies and necromancy were combined, they caused strange phenomena beyond Karnak’s knowledge. If priests, wizards, or aura users mastered necromancy without losing their power, they could not be easily fooled by their previous experiences.

“It becomes a situation where you don’t know if a certain old strongman will transform into a necromancer and come out. Oh, of course, there’s no way even the three great wizards or the four great kings can get their hands on necromancy, but……”

“Still, there must be quite a lot of strong people who are fascinated by necromancy. I can see why the young master is worried.”

It was an expression that was understood not only by Barros but also Serati.

“I can understand why the Church of the Black God was able to increase its power so frighteningly unlike other cults.”

Karnak’s eyes shone fiercely.

“Until now, I thought it would be enough to just become a high-level wizard. But that would change the story.”

He needed to increase his strength as much as possible. Even in the worst situation, he needed to be strong enough to keep his body healthy. Looking into his eyes, Serati asked.

“What is the standard for keeping one’s body healthy?”

This Karnak was so puzzled by human standards that he couldn’t help but worry.

“……You’re not saying you’re going back to being the old Death King, are you?”

Of course, he also had no intention of giving up his living body.

“I plan to increase my magic power as much as possible while maintaining my human nature.”

“How much is that?”

“I don’t know.”

Karnak shrugged.

“It’s a road I’ve never walked before. How would I know now?”

»»————- ★ ————-««
The news of Karnak’s rise to the 6th Circle shook the entire King’s Order.

“Surely, didn’t you say you were at the end of the 4th circle just a few months ago?”

The level had risen dramatically in a very short period. It was an incredible growth rate. So, Karnak also worked hard to prepare an excuse.

Originally, he self-studied with only one magic book in his family, right? Then, after coming to the capital and becoming the King’s Order, he encountered a lot of magical knowledge and wisdom. The realm of magic rose so rapidly!

In fact, there was a magic guild library in the capital of the kingdom, and thanks to the authority of the King’s Order, Karnak’s reading rights were also high. As an excuse, he was deliberately going to the library whenever he had free time. This was to avoid any suspicion.

There was no way that there wouldn’t be anyone who would suspect that necromancy was involved. However, when he opened the lid, his expectations were completely different. No one suspected anything. No one associated him with the necromancer.


Because there was no precedent.

The energies of the world did not mix. Of course, there was no such thing as a wizard using necromancy to increase magical power. It was enough to abandon the power of magic and become a more powerful necromancer.

Of course, that kind of thing was happening now, but it was just a recent situation. According to the existing perception, there was no reason to associate Karnak’s development with necromancy. So everyone judged according to precedent.

“You’re a genius from heaven!”

“Is it just that I haven’t been able to learn properly because I’ve been shut up in the countryside?”

“Maybe there will finally be an archmage in our kingdom!”

“It is truly Yusteel’s red suit!”

Among those who were gifted with natural talent, it was not uncommon for them to show such progress in their youth. Usually, such geniuses became great wizards later, or they just stayed where they were, hearing that young geniuses were just old criminals.

“What is it? You were worried for nothing?”

Without any problems, Karnak was recognized as a high-ranking mage. In addition, he had an unexpected success. Erantel and the existing captains who highly valued Karnak raised his status. Karnak was now the captain of the 7th Battalion of the King’s Order and was in charge of a new battalion.

“You’ve succeeded, young master.”

“There is no reason for me to be happy about something like this now, but……”

Karnak grinned.

He was happy for another reason.

“It’s nice to have a much easier time dealing with the cultists.”

[To be continued.]

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