MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 872 Trembling God's

( Lucifer's POV )

' WHAT THE? WHY IS THE MORTAL SUDDENLY EXPONENTIALLY STRONGER? WHAT SORCERY IS THIS? '. Lucifer thought as Rudra started his barrage of attacks.

' I can't follow his movements at all , what the hell, he is actually pushing me back! A mortal is pushing me back! '.

Lucifer was forced to retreat as he could barely face Rudra's dual sword barrage, sweat dripping down his spine as a chilling realisation hit the god.


Lucifer wanted to deny it, he wanted to think he was hallucinating, however the moisture on his back was unmistakable, he was indeed sweating while facing a mortal opponent.

If the other god's ever found out about this they would undoubtedly think that Lucifer was a weakling and a good for nothing.

All the hype he had created over centuries of torturing mortals and building his reputation as a great adversary to the Angels would be gone in a split second if such news ever leaked out.

This irritated Lucifer to no end.

' What is the source of his power? Is it the damned beast? How is he so much stronger than just a moment ago? This makes no sense , the gap in our strengths was too wide to be bridged so abruptly, this is impossible! '.

Lucifer felt the increasing threat of Rudra going for his right arm that was holding the prison.

Lucifer knew the importance to mentain the integrity of the prison and could absolutely not allow the mortal to break that barrier, forcing the devil to fight southpaw.

' The mortal thinks he can get through my defenses and take down the prison, he is naive and a million years too young to take me on.

Whatever his source of strength is , it seems temporary from all the hurry he is in, if i can just wether it out for a while , i can take him down later '.

Lucifer was confident that Rudra's increase in power was temporary as he submitted to his role of playing the defensive , beleiving that he could weather through this storm.

What he did not realise is that, he a god who was never supposed to put a mortal in his eyes was today being forced on the defensive by one! And that ' he ' , the great ruler of the underworld had to fight defensively, not because of choice but because it was his only option.

However he could not fight properly against Rudra because of the ridiculous fighting style that his opponent had adopted.

Rudra's attacks were erratic and made no sense to the devil who had fought countless battles throughout his lifetime, yet never did he see anyone fight like Rudra was fighting today.

' why is this mortal dancing like a monkey? What is the point of all these unnecessary movements he is making? Is he dancing? Is this to mock me?


Fucking dancing monkey!

His muscles are contracting however his attacks are not landing with a strength as if his strength is utilised in the dancing.

What is he doing? WHY IS HE MAKING A FOOL OF ME? ' .

Lucifer was growing increasingly frustrated so much so that if his tear glands had not dried up thousands of years ago he would have shed a few out of frustration today.

' I have not felt this kind of pressure since ... Since .....

Since ... Fighting master '. Lucifer thought as his mood became grim.

In all his countless years of existance, the only being who gave him this kind of one sided pressure was his master the unnamed god. Nobody since had forced him back like this because nobody else was ever capable enough.

Although Micheal was stronger than him, their fights were always more even and he had never fought Micheal with such a huge handicap of having one of his arms being tied upto mentaining a prison.

If he fought Micheal with such a big handicap , the fight would have undoubtedly ended within 10 minutes , but Micheal was the first of the Archangel's, divine blood ran through his veins and his power was immeasurable.

A mortal was a nobody , a rutt born without mana flowing through their veins and a scrawny species whose only role was to worship the gods to help them gain divinity , however today the devil's worldview was shattered.

A mortal had forced him to realise, that humans were not to be underestimated.


( Meanwhile Karna and Neatwit)

As the two of them looked at the battle between Rudra and Lucifer literal chills went down their whole bodies as there was not a single strand of hair on their bodies that was not erect at this moment.

" Our guildmaster is actually pushing back a god! A GOD Karna! , A goddamn god! ". Neatwit said his mouth agape.

" In my eyes , he is one too , if not a god then a goddamn alien , because no human should be this strong ". Karna said with a satisfied smile on his face

" When i first met him, i harboured the hopes to surpass him someday. The gap between our levels was not that large and i always believed that with a bit more effort i can surpass him.....

I guess it's been 5 years since i subconsciously gave up on that dream ". Neatwit confessed

" You lasted much longer than me then, I gave it up a decade ago after our first year together, i knew nobody could beat this freak ". Karna confessed back

A short and awkward moment of silence followed these words as both prideful warriors swallowed their pride down realising that in their moment of awe true inner feelings had been accidentally exposed.

" Never talk about it again? ". Neatwit asked

" Yep ". Karna instantly replied

The two continued to watch the battle in rapt attention after this small talk as they could sense that the end was approaching near and they did not want to miss it due to idle chatting.

/// This bonus chapter has been sponsored by Lazy_Shadow3 , please thank him in the comments for this one. ///

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