MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 82 - A Bunch Of Madmen

Chapter 82 - A Bunch Of Madmen

( The forums )

" Hey , hey , hey , can someone confirm this crazy post , did the seven big guilds actually send the notice or is this a publicity stunt? ".


" Madmen , the Elites are madmen ".

" The seven big guilds supressing a single one , they are indeed a bunch of bullies ".

" Who told the Elites to always showoff , you fly too high , your wings get chopped ".

" My heart goes to the Elites , # say no to bullying .".

" The supression is too much , thats basically a slavery contract , the big guilds went overboard , also the elites asking them to bring it , now thats a bunch of crazy bastards ".

" Its not possible , this must be fake hoax ".

" This is a hoax , a witch hunt! ".

" Well well , RIP True Elites ".

" Well i may sound like a madman myself but the Elites are not to be trifled with , the bullies should watch out ".

The Forums went wild over the latest scuffle between big guilds and the True Elites , while many speculated it to be a publicity stunt , asking the big guilds to respond to verify the truth of the situation , many small guilds and solo adventurers came to the support of the True Elites , condemning the bullying of the alliance.

There was a part that supported them in supressing the Elites , these were the second rate guilds who had a much larger population than the True Elites yet they could not achieve a fraction of what they did . Also because they were the lackies of the big guilds .

The situation became extremely heated. Especially for the seven big guilds , as there was no justification to their actions , it was just downright petty of them , for such big guilds to ally just to supress a single guild like True Elites , was just shamefull.


( At the Azure Lotus guild hall, the alliance meeting )

" That madman actually rejected our proposal outright on the forums. What an idiot ". INeedToSmash said

" What gives such a small guild the confidence to go against us ? Isnt this a slap in the face of our authority? ". Scorpio was livid

These two were the prime instigators of supressing the Elites under the orders of Ambani , hence they were trying their best to rile up the crowd.

" It isnt too late , our public opinion is taking a nosedive , we need to call this off as a misunderstanding while we still can ". PinkLotus said

She genuinely did not want to be involved in such a scuffle with Rudra's guild , however when the seven guilds alliance was made , the foundation of trust was built by exchanging shares of the parent corporations , each big player held a stake in the six other parties buisnesses , hence Yua's personal will did not matter here , if the majority vote was to supress the Elites , she could only but comply as her rebellion would hurt the Nakatomi Corporation.

" No , how can we be threatened by a small fry like the Elites , especially after they call us out like that, we maybe called bullies and tyrants , however we need to show our dominance over Hazelgroove , if there are profits , then im ready to be called a bully ". INeedToSmash said.

The Major guilds debated for a while , and after a vote of 4:3 they passed a motion to send a reply on the forums to the Elites.

" To the True Elites , from the alliance , Hope you are ready because we will bring the fight to your guild , soo say your prayers for soon you will be a fossil of history. "Signed the seven guildmasters of the alliance.


Following the notice , a huge change was seen in the Hazelgroove kingdom , the alliance guild members started taking over all the levelling spots important for level 35+ players. As well as stationing massive amounts of troops to spawn camp dungeons.

Everyone was screened before providing entry , and was charged a entry fee , for a solo adventurer it was 50 silver , for a small party it was 5 gold , for a third rate guild it was 15 gold while second rate guilds had to pay 30 gold per entry . This was daylight robbery , however those who allied with the alliance signing a subservice treaty were exempt from the taxes.

Although the True Elites on their mounts were way faster than players , the guild members faced constant hunting threats , even inside the city safezone , the alliance members often tried funny buisness , disregarding the fact that they may serve jail time.

Although the situation was bad , it would only get worse with time as the level gap shortened and players unlocked mounts. Rudra was facing a race against time , he needed to act and he needed to act soon .

But he had a plan ... There was still hope to overturn the situation ... If only he can get his hands on the two remaining treasure map pieces.

Firstly he needed to raise back morale , he needed to take control of the newest dungeon the lv 40+ 50 man dungeon " The endless ocean ". It was being spawn camped by over 10,000 players from the alliance , and Rudra needed to first clear that dungeon to get a piece of the treasure map .

Although the alliance did not have any lv 40 50 man dungeon teams ready yet , with many players being at 39 it was only a matter of one or two days.

The morale of the guild had taken a hit after being hunted all over the city and the outskirts , they needed a win , they needed the first clear of the 50 man dungeon .

And Rudra would make it happen ... He had learnt his lesson , it was because he was too showy that he gained too much jealousy , fine then , now all his cards would be hidden , he will shock the world time and time again , it was time for Shakuni to shine. It was time for a masterplan.

/// Guys we are 104 , we want to end this week in double digits , i gaurantee releasing 7 chapters mass release on next monday should we end 99 or below , please please please help me push till there ///

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