MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 796 Mastering Nirvana Flame

Chapter 796 Mastering Nirvana Flame

Rudra only had 24 hours to try and master the Nirvana flame as instructed by the beast king , however it was not an easy endeavour to comprehend the secrets of the Nirvana flame even with a 71% fire comprehension.

,m For skills below tier 4 , which is skills at tier 1-3 a skill scroll is like a memory imprint , when you open the scroll to read , the special technique with which it is made helps to imprint the technique into your mind and you learn it instantly.

It is like learning how to drive a car for the first time , usually it would take one understanding of how to use the clutch , how to shift the gears , when to shift gears etc.

However Omega made it so that for tier 1-3 it was akin to driving an automatic car which was like a toy car. All you needed to do was accelerate break and steer as there was no learning curve involved.

For tier 4 it was like learning to drive a car for the first time but the car still had power steerings and disc brakes and other semi automatic facilities.

For tier 5 techniques it was akin to learning how to drive on F1 circuits with the first ford cars built in 19th century as the mana paths involved in invoking the techniques as well as the sheer amount of strength and strain it put in one's muscles was unbelievable.

However mastering Nirvana Flame was like staring at a blueprint of a car that needed to be assembled from the scratch.

It had a general outline of how to make the car however there were thousands of moving parts that needed to be attatched perfectly and even then needed to be executed perfectly to drive it on tough terrain and Rudra had to learn to do all that in under 24 hours.

The basic frame of the car was to create fire. Thankfully for Rudra he was within the phoenix temple where the law of fire was extremely thick hence he could conjure fire easily , however next came the harder part.

He needed to imbue this fire with both the laws of death and destruction and life and creation to make a perfect balance of contrasting elements that would burn each other into fuel for a devastating fire.

In theory if he kept the life aura just a bit stronger than the death aura he could make the Nirvana flame heal people and cure wounds in a defensive move . However if he kept the destructive aspect of it higher it could be used as a weapon that would consume all life.

Rudra was the emmissary of death and hence conjuring death aura was not difficult for him however the problem was conjuring life aura , his innate class was a death knight with his subclass being an explosion artist which meant that he was not inherently able to wield beniogre's mana .

If he was a paladin or a priest or some class like that it would have been much easier for him to solve that part of the problem, however even a paladin would have trouble finding death aura which would stagnate it at the same step.

This was a huge bother in mastering the Nirvana flame and time was ticking away from him , he needed some inspiration and in desperation he turned to the only entity that could help him.

Rudra screamed in his mind " Gaia i know you can hear me , help me out here please , i need this to beat Lucifer ! Gaia ! "

However no matter how hard he thought about it Gaia did not respond.

Just like this 14 hours passed by and Rudra was still staring at the scroll racking his brain when he understood a basic thing about life and death.

There was not a single class that inherently had command over both life and death aura and hence there had to be a way for one to master the Nirvana flame without having both because the phoenix's clearly did master it.

There was a tale mama Rajput used to tell him as a child a saying popular in his home culture and the book left behind by a god , it said " Life and death are one thread , the same line viewed from two sides "

It was this quote that made Rudra realise that darkness was just absence of light and that death was just absence of life.

It was a complimentary force and he did not need two of them as death in itself was life and life in itself was death as the two were complete on its own.

Feeling enlightened Rudra tried to brew his fire by his death aura and on his first attempt he was successful in creating hell's flame , a tier 4 technique that was considered to be one of the more destructive flames on the continent.

Omar saw Rudra's progress and felt excited as he had never thought the human would progress this far in just a few hours as even phoenix children took 1-4 years to learn the Nirvana Flame and only the selected few who were deemed worthy. However now a human learnt the technique and only in a few hours at that , it reinforced his thoughts that this human was indeed special.

" Brighter , the fire has to be hotter , the aura of nothingness has to be much much more concentrated ". Omar said giving pointers to Rudra as Rudra used his full concentration to try and start making the flame hotter.

Initially he just made the flame bigger however bigger did not mean better as it was only him expending more mana per second and not actuay improving the quality of the flame , however then he used insights from the attack he had recently suffered by Omar and tried to recreate Omar's flame.

The fire burnt hotter as it went from a blood red color to a crimson orange one until it became a pure gold flame whose heat was felt even by furball sitting 100 feet away.

" Good , good , hold it steady and pour in the concentrated aura of nothingness" Omar said as he watched on in anticipation

Rudra started to create a concentrated ball of death and life aura in his other hand as he mixed them in equal parts and created what Omar called the aura of nothingness.

It was the most strenuous process he had ever undergone in his life as the compression of that aura seemed to stretch his mana circuits to its limits while also straining his muscles beyond capacity.

His arm viens looked like they were ready to pop off any second and his body was cramping up all over.

He looked like he was not going to be able to make it , however it was sheer will that did not allow his body to break apart before reaching its goal. A tier 6 attack was not meant for demigod body's to be able to handle , however Rudra was an inch close to success.

/// Special shoutout to Logan_hipsley_2808 for the 3000 coin gift ! I thankyou very very much for the patronage , the support alwayd keeps me cheered up and motivated ///

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