MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 78 - Things Going South

Chapter 78 - Things Going South

Rudra thought he had heard the name Orochimaru before , the memory surrounding the player was a little hazy , but Rudra remembered him to be a player of nine clouds kingdom , as a general of one of the forces of a super guild.

Why was that player in Hazelgroove? Is this the butterfly effect? A lot of questions rose in Rudra's mind , but most importantly he needed to do something about the merit points lost.

After Orochimaru completed the challenge , knowing that he was a solo player , with soo many merit points on him , as well as his skills in completing the bell challenege meant he was a superior gamer , many guilds wanted to recruit him.

Representatives of many first rate guilds were trying their best to entice Orochimaru into joining , however Orochimaru kept refusing under the pertext that he only wanted to join True Elites.

This pissed off many first rate guilds, they were mad at both Orochimaru and the True Elites , who kept hogging the limelight time and time again.

The public rejection of first rate guilds caused a huge stir , as someone started the movement #lethimjoin to join the True Elites guild.

Rudra was indifferent to this , something about the whole situation seemed fishy to him , however as he needed the merit points soo badly , he decided to schedule an interview with Orochimaru .

Rudra private messaged Orochimaru saying " if you want to join the Elites , report outside the Guild in 15 minutes ".

As expected he did rush upon recieving the message and was escorted into the conference room by a servant.

He sat across Rudra smiling

Rudra said " soo , i heard you are interested in joining my guild , why so? ".

" Is this even a question sir , this is the coolest and the best guild in town , naturally i want to join the best". Orochimaru said

Rudra felt uncomfortable in his stomach , the guy across him felt like a dumb fanboy , not the ruthless general he knew in his past.

Could his memory be making a mistake?

Chatting about useless things for a while , Rudra finally accepted him into the guild.

Amelia made a post on the Forums to let everyone know that yes Orochimaru was now an True Elite.


( The conference room of Azure Lotus guild )

In the conference room of the Azure Lotus guild all the actual first rate guild leaders of Hazelgroove kingdom had gathered today . Naturally everyone had terrific baground of millionares or Billionaire's backing them , not to be taken lightly.

However the issue today was they were here to discuss about the upstart guild True Elites.

True Elites had been too brazen in their actions lately , eventhough everyone was amicable to the guild on surface , the True First Rate Guilds could not accept that an tiny ant of 50 members would actually be treated as an equal.

From the continuous domination of the ranking board

To their excellent lifestyle branch

To their bombs

To their mounts

To the talent recruitment.

To their repeated first clears and reputation

Everything hurt the First Rate Guilds , There were 7 first rate guilds left in Hazelgroove kingdom after the fall of Orange Rock.

They were

AzureLotus ran by PinkLotus ( Yua Nakatomi)

Demolitionboys ran by INeedToSmash.

SeaOfPoison ran by Scorpio

SurferUnited ran by Beachboy

RealManchester ran by DeBruyne.

OriginalManchester ran by Fernandes

Musicians Inc ran by TrueRhythm

Out of these 7 exept for Original Manchester who just hated Real Manchester to the core , hence supported anything that the enemy hated.

And Yua's AzureLotus

The rest 5 first rate guilds were not in favour of the True Elites.

With the Elites taking first clears time and time again , and with their superior performance in every other aspect of the game , they really made the First Rate Guilds loose a lot of face.

They were aldready the laughing stock amongst other kingdoms , where they were being called pseudoFirst rates, things were reaching boiling point now that normal?players like Orochimaru were no longer interested in joining the first rate guilds , even after repeated poaching tries , it was a wake up call ..... If things kept going in this direction , it would be difficult to gain talents.

While the elite's kept recruiting the best , they would only get the runt of the litter.

What many did not know at this point was that the 7 real First Rate Guilds had made an alliance , which worked on majority voting , called the Rainbow alliance.

Today on the majority vote of 5 to 2 a motion was passed to present the True Elites guild to either submit to the council or face retribution.

A draft containing demands was being formulated by the council.

Upon completion it was signed by all 7 guild leaders , and sent to the True Elites guild hall.

Yua was absolutely devastated and wanted to immediately leave the council , however her father prevented that from happening. Forcing her into silence.


What noone knew was that the only reason that the 7 big guilds were amicable to the True Elites upto this point was because of Ethan Grey behind them , noone could offend a trillionare .

However with Ambani pulling the strings behind the scenes and assuring support , they no longer worried about facing the consequences.

Sea of poison .

Original Manchester


These 3 guilds were now secretly under the control of Mithun Ambani , as they used their power to sway the public opinion against the Elites .

Although after the war with Orange Rock guild , the Elites had a 3 month war cooldown , they could still face economic burden with their stores being pressured and customers being driven away.

Their guild members can be ganged up on in the wild and killed , resulting in a loss of levels and EXP

The 7 guild alliance can spawn camp every dungeon easily and they can be denied entry .

Ambani had really thought things through , he would use buisness tactics this time around to Supress the elites rather than a one and done confrontation

With a spy amongst their ranks now , things would become even more dangerous.

/// Last day of the week guys , i am genuinely overwhelmed with the support. Also i have been reading your comments about the story progressing too fast , and i have to agree to that , going forward i will take my time building the arcs and the story will have more lore and depth , hopefully you will like that sort of writing more . ///

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