MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 74 - The Negotiations

Chapter 74 - The Negotiations

Rudra had decided the plan of action to take in the upcoming negotiations. When the six hour timer was up he was sent a prompt to be teleported to the mentainance room .

Rudra accepted . And he was back in the lobby , where the employee of Cuber corporation was waiting for him .

" I assume you have discussed the terms with your guild members Mr Shakuni ..... Soo do you wish to collaborate with us? ". The employee asked

" Yes i did have a talk with my guild members, wether we cooperate or not though , is a question that depends on how you respond to our demands sir ". Rudra said smiling wickedly.

The cuber corporations employee's face soured.?Obviously the meeting was being monitored by many upper management . And although Rudra could not spot any earpiece , he was sure that the relay of information was constantly being conducted.

" What demands does the player have? ". He asked nervously

Rudra smiled " nothing too much sir , firstly we would like to understand the duration of the ban and the extent of the restrictions , before discussing any further.?You see our guilds star player and currently the rank one of Hazelgroove kingdom , player Neatwit has the bombmaker class..... What good are bombmakers who cant make bombs? How can he earn exp..... Now with the ban wont his subclass become trash? ..... Also i myself am the Explosion Artist Legendary class ..... I have slogged my way through the promotion quest to obtain the class , and spent countless hours in the library to derive the formula for waterbomb.?Countless experiments and money went into perfecting the bomb. I was fatally injured 4 times during the process..... It left a mental scar on me ". Rudra said

The face of the Cuber employee crumpled.... He understood the price of bringing balance back into the game became much much more pricy.

" What would you suggest sir ". He said

" Well , we can agree to signing a deal where we will not produce any more stockpile of bombs , however the current stockpile will remain free to use , the details of the entire stock will be disclosed on the spot, also we agree to not sell the bomb recipes to any other guild. However we aldready have sold the recipes to 2 major guilds and the rights to the Grey international".?Rudra said.

" It doesn't matter ... Our data says except your guild noone has successfully produced the bombs yet ..... If you choose to sign the agreement we would remove two key ingredients in making spike bomb and frost bomb from the game , forcefully bringing back balance".?The employee said.

After talking to the higher ups he continued " okay we can agree to the terms ".

Rudra said " hold up ..... First lets clarify the durarion of the ban ... How long does the company wish to withold the bombs from entering the game ".

" Untill the average player base reaches level 80 , and the game has atleast 1 million tier 2 players". The employee said.

Rudra nodded and said " lets do that , or 12 months .... Whichever comes earlier , then the contract is null".

" This.... ". The AI calculated the required time to be 15 months , Rudra's demand was a little hard ..... But after some negotiating the time came upto 13 months.

The deal was signed !

" Okay , state your demands ". The employee said.

" Firstly for the loss of exp to my guild members , and loss of farming speed due to lack of bombs , i want EXP BOOST potions , 500 each month for the duration of the agreement ".

The employee nodded , saying " 3X exp potion durarion 24 hours .... Will be directly deposited into guild warehouse at 1st each month"?.... However it was non tradable. Only for the guild members of True elites.

" Secondly , for the loss of income from bomb sales , many guilds were intersted in both the information and the physical product itself , we even had a license to sell the firearm ... Due to this huge economic hit , we want equal compensation , either in money , or a crafting recipe of equal value ".

The employee thought for a while , talking to his superiors , finally the recipe for Advanced mana poiton was given to Rudra .

This was a priceless crafting recipe , from the start of the game to the end , this was a commodity that would never loose its value . It was a oil mine for the True Elites.

Rudra could not contain his exitement, he almost screamed in joy.... However as he was not done extorting he put forward his final demand.

" For my final request , for all the inconvenience we would have to face over the next year , for loosing our trump card . I want special mounts. Direwolves , all grey?, with evolution possibiltiy , exclusive to True Elite guild members ". Rudra demanded

" this request is not easy ". The employee frowned .... This guy Shakuni?, he was too cunning , too despicable , he earned much more than he sacrificed in this exchange , yet he shamelessly demanded more.

After a hard round of negotiations , it was decided that the direwolves provided to the true elites will be mounts with a special dark grey shiny coat only for the wolves of the guild . However they would not be made exclusive as a species and the evolution ability would not be given.

Rudra took the deal . And was teleported out of the system lobby . Only now did he scream in joy

" HELLL YEAH!!!!!!! ".

He earned wayyy more than he lost this time around ... Today was an unexpected windfall !

Rudra was like a little kid today , he couldnt wait to showoff the new direwolves to the guild members , and see their reactions when he would say , well everyone gets one !

The special dark grey shiny coat on the wolves was the same as their guild insignia , which was also a direwolf! It just suited their style.

/// Bonus chapter 4 of the 5 day bonus series ..... One of the more interesting chapters of the books, written from the recommendations you guys sent. Comment how you feel about the progression . Also a shoutout to MiguelWN, Frank , Daku , Devilstorm and Micheal for the recommendations.///

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