MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 69 - The New Event

Chapter 69 - The New Event

A quick recap on history of humanity ... In the year 2060 humanity faced unprecedented environmental crisis due to global warming ..... The Earth' s temperature had risen to such heights that the climate cycles humans were accustomed to changed suddenly ... There were hot days someday ,and rain the others ....there were no seasons only day to day weather predictions.

The crop cycles suffered the most , and an immediate solution was of utmost priority , it was then that the scientist Ratnam Shah had invented the de carbonizer removing the excess carbon dioxide content from the atmosphere ..... It was adopted as a compulsary machine in every major city in the world. And overtime in the next decade .... The climate of earth was returned to the normal .... From 2070 onwards to commemorate this monumental achievement and all his aid to mankind the Environmental festival was hosted worldwide.?For seven days across the world there would be festivals and celebrations ..... Not for gods. Not for peace, but for the Earth.

On this monumental week a special event was declared by the Cuber corporation ..... To normal players it was just like any other gaming event , but Rudra knew the importance of this event.....this event was a goddamn goldmine ..... Never to be found again ... The first festival had a major flaw in its system , that only a few players capitalized on ..... It wasnt untill much later that they revealed their gains . Rudra knew it this time around and he was sure as hell not going to miss it.

But first he needed to do something much more important ..... After the war he had gained a lot of capital , and now was the time to put it to use.

After winning the war , he had requested Patricia von knight , his adopted elder sister to aquire a Hazelgroove bomb permit for him and his store line Elite lifestyle.

He was made to sign a bunch of paperwork saying that he was not permitted to sell it to non licensed customers and each and every bomb had to be thoroughly tagged and records of sale mentained , it was a lengthy document with lots of donts but Rudra knew the gist of it and signed.

It was not soo easy to aquire this permit , as there were only 3 shops in the entire kingdom who had these sale permits and all of them were millitary suppliers.

But the authority that came with being a Von Knight was not to be taken lightly , as Rudra though under obligations , managed to obtain it anyway.

The reason he did this was ... Marketting , Rudra now planned on opening the Elite Lifestyle stores that would become the guilds backbone in funding ... His storefronts would gain way more traffic if he could sell bombs, atleast on paper.

With everything set , Rudra went to the city administration office and bought a total of three stores in the best districts in the city for a total of 65 platinum. Rudra was not intrested in real estate speculation , he had little idea about what storefronts will go up or down in value ..... Hence he did not buy more of the available land plots.

Rudra regretted not paying attention to those details back when he was a gamer .... But as such things hardly affected him , he did not gain knowledge there.

Within 2 days the store was renovated upto True Elite standard and stocked with items on display ... The government assigned a bunch of elite guards to the shop , as it sold friggin bombs!!! Naturally it helped Rudra save cost of hiring them . And in any case he only kept 2 bombs in each shop , one frost bomb and one spike bomb , only for publicity and even those were non functional , soo there was no point in stealing them .

But on the display board outside the shop it said in big fonts BOMBS AVAILABLE. Then on a little line below ( * license required) .

Hahahaha , it was classic marketting , but Rudra felt no shame ..... Selling level 30 Dark Gold full armour sets his shop aldready had the best damn item availabile on free market , along with a bunch of uncommon potions and alchemy materials.

He hired experienced NPC' s on high pay for running the shop , and finally on the day of the event he tactfully put up the banner Elite Lifestyle before the store and opened them all .

There was no grand ceremony nothing , only a post from the Main guild saying " proud to open our lifestyle stores ".

No picture was added , making people wonder what was going on .... But that curiosity coupled with the store name and the tag that we sell bombs here , made everyone connect the dots.

The people did the marketting making the store traffic explode .... One after another shocking posts were being sent.




While adding pics of the store front ... This created a massive buzz around the stores and what all they were selling.?Generating waves and waves of foot traffic , even major guilds sent their representatives to try and buy all the Dark Gold set kits and negotiate about bombs.

Within a day the news about you needing a bomb license appeared and people began to wonder how to obtain one.

Towards the Dark Gold sets , Rudra resolutely mentained the stance of one set per customer at 250 gold ..... The set costed 70 gold to be made and adding the tax to be paid on sale and how Rudra paid 50 gold per set to the forger there was only about 110 gold coins in profit per set . But considering they had made over 3000 , it translated to over 300 platinum , that was just crazy amounts of money . He almost obtained it for free now as compared to the Auction .

250 gold was a lot , and not many could afford it , but Rudra laid a trap even for them , as after buying any item from the shop one had a lucky draw chance to obtain a full set.

Soo everyone who entered the shop tried to purchase atleast the basic health potion for 5 silvers . Rudra ' s guild did not produce these basic mana potions , he bought it in bulk at 3 silvers and was selling them at 5 now. However it still generated interest and traffic.The store was a huge hit.

Many big guilds wanted to open their store lines , yet they did not possess the capital , Rudra making early entry into the buisness will now have a supplementary income for his guilds operations as well as more money to do more buisness.

Thats the truth about life. , Money earns Money ..... The more money you have the more money you earn .... Thats just how buisness works.

Rudra released the storefront at this time for one other purpose though ..... As the event started , came the special merit event and the lottery!

He grinned evily thinking about how much he will earn this time around.

/// Thankyou guys for the overwhelming powerstone support , this week we are riding high in 135th rank , never did i imagine having such momentum , will keep showing the appreciation for your support with bonus chapters everyday !!! Thanoyou again!///

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