MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 113 - Auction (4)

Chapter 113 - Auction (4)

The next item up was the Potion Recipes , now this segment had many intrested buyers , potion recipes could be a one time investment that would generate potentially endless returns , if all the cards are played correctly . But it is only worth being purchased at the right price , some potion recipes are having an extremely nichè use , while some recipes are inferior to other products in the market , only for the correct price is it worth it.

The first potion recipe up for bidding was the basic poison dispell potion!

Starting bid - 15000 gold.

Minimum increment - 500 gold.

Buyout - 100,000 gold.

The item was not bad , and had many intrested bidders , especially the 2 nd rate guilds , they wanted this item to become the backbone of their guilds economy.

Most people looked towards VIP room 1 before placing the initial bid. They were scared that it would buyout the moment it was placed.

After waiting for a good ten seconds , and hearing no voice from VIP 1?, someone shouted







The intense bidding war had started. Rudra looked at the product and the surging price , it was a good product to have to be honest , however because it was the basic poison dispell potion , he felt it dint fit the theme of Elite lifestyle , had it been intermediate or advanced grade , he would have bought it in a heartbeat.

Kalash was baffled at how Rudra bid at the auctions , he was of an opinion that even if 1000 gold could be saved it should be saved , but his opinion fell on deaf ears as Rudra did as Rudra liked.

Karna sighed at this scene , he did not understand Rudra's actions at all , buying ingredients whose name he had never heard , for the buyout prices , it was not ideal in his view. However time and time again Rudra has shown that his actions always have a deeper meaning, hence he trusted the leader and kept mum.

Meanwhile the bid for the basic poison dispell potion reached the 50,000 mark!

It seemed like a second rate guild would win the bidding war as no other bids were being heard , when finally for the first time VIP2 placed a bid.

60,000 gold coins!

A direct increment of 10,000! , Although not as flamboyant as Rudra directly saying buyout , it was still flashy .

The second rate guild felt despair , it did not have more than 70,000 liquid funds total , should he use more than 60,000 on a single item. It would be bad for the guild.

Cursing in their minds , they kept their silence.

The fairy auctioneer went on to say

70,000 going once .

70,000 going twice ....

70,000 going thrice , congratulations to VIP2 for the item.

The alliance cheered after winning their first item , the overall atmosphere had improved a little as it was decided that Scorpio the leader of SeaOfPoison guild would become the spokesperson for the auction , and all transactions under 500,000 will need no majority voting and could be decided by him alone.

Hence under this agreement , the first part of the auction for the bidding of common items , would be taken care by him.

The items kept coming , as more and more recipes were out for auction .

Every item saw passionate bidding as the smaller guilds kept fighting over minimum increments to win the bidding war.

The second item went for 45,000 gold to a second rate guild.

Simmilarly item 3 went for 50K to a third rate guild.

Item 4,5,6 were bought by other 2 nd rate guilds in the neighborhood of 40-55 K

Only when item 7 came out , did Rudra's interest pique.

Item 7 was appearance alteration potion

[ Appearance alteration potion ] ( intermediate) : put in a strand of hair of the person whose appearance you wish to take

Effects : changes your face and body type to fit the appearance of the target.

Note : does not change the height and voice !

Time limit : 30 minutes.

Initial bidding price : 30,000 gold

Minimum increment : 1000 gold .

Buyout : 150,000 gold

The bidding started enthusiastically for the item.

40,000 gold.

45,000 gold.

50,000 gold.

60,000 gold.

When the bidding slowed down a little after the initial outburst.

VIP 2 bid 75,000 gold!

Everyone turned their heads to look up at VIP2. They were in awe of the grandeur of the big guilds.

Still some second rate guilds did not wish to leave the item as they countered at 80,000 gold!

Scorpio was pissed by the counter as he said 100,000 gold!

The second rate guilds were silenced now , 100,000 was about their limit for a single item .

The fairy went

100,000 going once.

100,000 going twice...


A sound came from VIP1

Rudra waited till the last second to buyout the item , just to piss off VIP2 , he had long made his mind he wanted it , and with VIP2 bidding he knew he would either get it at buyout or not at all.

But still he wanted them to feel that they are winning the bid , untill he crushed their hopes at the last moment .

Fairy said " Congratulations to VIP1 for winning the bid".

Rudra was very pleased with himself , and Karna was shaking his head .... ' he's a teenage kid , the leaders mental age is not more than 13 '.

Scorpio had a vein bulging on his forehead , as he was extremely pissed at Rudra.

Ilovesmashing cursed out loud " That cheeky ba*****, always a thorn in our side ".

They had no choice but to move on.?The mood had worsened though , everyone in the room was a little angry.

The potion recipes 8 , 9 ,10 were pretty much useless as the market aldready had those circulating , hence after the intense bidding for item 7 , they went for the low prices of 30 K , 35K and 37 K .

The potion segment came to a close with that , and the next segment of the incomplete recipes started.

/// Shoutout to Raging_silver for the 1000 coin gift! , Appreciate that brother ///

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