MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 108 - Crisis At The Alliance

Chapter 108 - Crisis At The Alliance

" Congratulations sir , the final amount comes to 2.471 million gold coins ". Kalash smiled a sinister smile.

INeedToSmash ' s world just collapsed at this number , he felt like the Earth was spinning under his feet.

"I Am sorry , i think i misheard the number , will you please repeat it for me? ". INeedToSmash was loosing his damn mind.

" 2.471 million gold coins sire, but as you are purchasing at such a large bulk i will wave off the .001 fees and make it a round number of 2.47 million ". Kalash smiled amiably.

" .....". INeedToSmash wanted to speak. However nomatter what he thought off , words did not come out of his mouth .

Just what could he say ? He had aldready signed a legally binding contract twice with the system .

Upon Kalash's provocation he talked to his guild master who talked to other alliance members and signed a document saying that he was responsible for the negotiations on behalf of the alliance here.

Then without inquiring about the stock that the guild had , relying on his information from superiors and wanting to look extremely cool on the livestream he went with the flow to sign another document saying he will purchase all stock at double the price.

Who knew that the guild did not have 50 , did not have 100 , not 1,000 not 10,000?but 12, 358 bottles of advanced mana potion !!!!!!

His information was not slightly wrong it was an estimation error of over 2000% it was not even in the ballpark.

His guild did not have this kind of money , hell not even the alliance could fork such a huge sum like that , it would seriously affect the guilds day to day working cycle.

He being the one responsible will be forced to take brunt of the blame , his career as vice guild master was over.

All the fame , all the glory , all the power that came with being the vice guild master of such a prominent first rate guild. All would be gone here.

He looked at Kalash full of hatred he screamed " YOU CHEATED ME? ".

Fatty Kalash was a lot of things , he was fat , loyal to a fault to his friends , a bit of a nerd when it came to blacksmithing and buisness , however what he was not was someone who could be intimidatede easily. He was a sly and cutthroat Buisnessman who had no remorse for those he stepped over.

He was not Rude like Rudra , or dominating , yet in his own polite way , he would give his enemies nightmares for life.

Kalash said calmly " I told you dear customer , your guild is not qualified enough to purchase our whole stock of materials , yet you insisted on buying them , that two at double the price , even signed an agreement , are you going to blame me now? ".

The chat that was silent since the figure was announced was now suddenly in a burst

' HOLY MOTHER OF COWS , THEY HAVE OVER 12 K advanced mana potions in stock ... Too strong'

' The demolitionboys are done for now , who asked them to show off soo much ' .

' Hahahahahaha , this is too funny , suits you right you showoff'.

' RIP alliance '

'RIP alliance '






' RIP alliance '.

Even the alliance members watching the stream were now hounding the Demolitionboys like mad hounds , they wanted absoluteley no part in paying off the mad debt , the entire guilds capital system would collapse if they wanted to pay off the debt at a one and done type payment.

The value of gold to USD currently was at

1 gold =423.6 USD

It was a commodity under constant fluctuation , it was at a crazy high at 1 gold = 5000 USD at start of the game , however with more gold flowing into the game through mining the commodity value stabilized at 420 dollars and was at an increase since the announcement of the auction .

Currently at 423.6 the debt in USD that the alliance owed the Elites was 1,046,969,760 USD

Meaning over a billion dollars total!

Every member though backed by billionares themselves would feel the pinch of this buy.

The stated time limit for payment in the contract was a pathetically low 1 hour. Hence?INeedToSmash needed to act quick.

He rushed out of the store as Kalash said

" We will deliver the product to your guild warehouse , Thankyou for your patronage".

INeedToSmash wanted to vomit blood at the last line..... But he persevered as he ran like a madman towards the guild headquarters , but in his run of madness he forgot an extremely important point , that his stream was still on!

The guildmaster of Demolitionboys Ilovesmashing was in a never before experienced peril . The alliance members shrugged off responsibility and had asked Demolitionboys to pay up themselves.

He was in deep heat with the construction company behind the guild for this stupid decision.

The alliance was based on a mutual exchange of shares , and the other 6 members promised to dump the 21% shares they controlled on the open market making the company price to go down a freefall , should they not bare responsibility themselves. Also a threat to kick them out of the Alliance ensued.

Ilovesmashing contacted the Ambani corporation , however at this critical moment the Ambani corporation executives were unexpectedly out of reach.

INeedToSmash barged into the office panting , as Ilovesmashing lost his damn mind , he shouted at INeedToSmash " YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE ".

As he threw a vicious punch on the man .

All the while , the livestream was on , the antics being watched by over 20 million people live!

/// Guys we just hit 1 million views! I am absolutely overwhelmed as i feel like this is a dream come true. My first novel did not even have 30 K views when i started my writing journey and it has truly been a wild ride. Thankyou all who pushed me past this mark , those who supported the Novel when it was nothing , now that we are in the million club , naturally i as the author promise to deliver that kind of content level . This is just one of my happiest days you all , Thankyou again from the bottom of my heart .

Also again a shoutout to Leo_Crispii for the 500 coin gift , these things really get me going! ///

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