Medical Sovereign

Chapter 156 The Wolf Kid

The childes were cheered up and shouted. Some wanted to bet and some wanted membership cards. All of them were in high spirits.

Ding Ning couldn’t help but secretly be shocked. The underground boxing house of over tens of thousands square meters was decorated resplendently and magnificently. These decorations could not be done without tens of millions of Yuan.

A boxing ring surrounded by wire entanglements was set up in the middle, just like the wrestling ring in the U.S. There were hundreds of seats all around, which were prepared for those rich people and influential officials who came to watch the boxing match.

On the south wall, there was a huge LCD. Except for the boxing ring, which was like a beast-fighting cage, everything was like a regular boxing match.

Dozens of sexy bunny girls were carrying a tray of red wine to shuttle among guests. They would not be angry even their chests and butts were touched. Instead, they flirtingly smiled and showed a look of that they were willing to be touched.

On the boxing ring, a black boxer with shiny muscle was vehemently fighting a white boxer.

The men and women who were either rich or noble were crazily screaming with no image at the moment. Each of the cheers, roars, and shouts, which were enough to wake the dead, was louder than the others.

The white boxer strongly hit the black boxer’s face with a left hook. The black boxer had a strong strike-resistance. When his body was beaten to turn sideways, he took advantage of this and elbowed the white’s chin with his right elbow.

The white boxer was elbowed to go backward and stumbled. The black boxer spun around and waved his left fist slam against the other’s eye socket. Then a set of combination attack continually hit the white boxer and made him have no power to fight back.

"Why is there even no referee?" Ding Ning was a little surprised and whispered.

Childe Bai smiled softly and explained, "There is no referee in this kind of boxing match. Unless you give up and surrender, you won’t be held responsible for either life or death."

Ding Ning’s look became serious and said, "Is killing people not liable?"

"Come on bro, here is the underground black boxing house. These boxers are all coming for the huge amount of appearance fees. They will sign a life and death contract before the game. Even if they are killed or disabled, they will be willing to do so."

Childe Bai suddenly felt that Ding Ning was a little naive. He could not see the dark side of the world. He felt funny and patiently explained.

Ding Ning became thoughtful. Perhaps he never felt before how important the money was, so he would think it would be ridiculous to play black boxing for money or sacrifice something that was precious to him

After experiencing the things of Bai Qinglian, Ye Huan and her younger sister and Xiaoniu’s comrades-in-arms, he realized that he was really naive before.

He imagined the world so well that he did not know how some people living in the bottom of society painfully struggled in the cruel reality.

He lazily and leisurely spent five years of dull college life and did not really contact with the dark side of this society.

Only after experiencing, he could realize that it was not easy to survive. He could not change the reality but could only do his own little part to help some people he could help.

It was this kind of inspiration that made him suddenly enlightened. He realized that it was wrong to buy a house and cars for Ye Huan and her younger sister before. The method of helping them was very problematic.

If you gave a man a fish, he would only eat it. If you taught him to fish, he would never go hungry. What he should do was to give them a platform to work hard to achieve success, instead of giving them a large sum of money to let them squander.

In this way, for a long time, they would develop a bad habit of eating their heads off and even become borers that had no contribution to society. This was definitely not his original intention.

It seemed that he needed to take time to talk to them and to see what ideals and aspirations they had. He would provide them with a platform for their development, and let them work hard to fulfill their dreams.

"Childe Bai is coming to support, Canglan hasn’t welcomed you well. I’m really sorry."

A slightly magnetic sound interrupted Ding Ning’s reverie.

Hearing the voice, he saw a tall and strong man was walking towards here surrounded by a group of muscle men.

The man looked quite handsome. He was at the age of 30. His upward eyebrows and the hooknose were showing extremely obstinate and unruly.

"Look at what you said, I just came to casually play. Don’t be so polite."

Childe Bai seemed to be very familiar with this man. There was a sincere smile on his face.

"Haha, Childe Bai came to support me. Even if I, Qin Canglan, am ignorant, I should come to greet you. These seats are not the place where Childe Bai should sit. Come with me, let’s go to the VIP area."

Qin Canglan chipperly smiled and held Bai Qing’s arm to walk.

Ding Ning keenly found that this Qin Canglan’s aura was very strong and he was indeed very conceited. So many people followed Bai Qing, but he did not even look at them. It seemed that those people were not worthy of his attention.

Those playboys who followed Bai Qing to come here seemed to be a little afraid of him. They did not continue to follow Bai Qing but were looking for positions to bet respectively.

"Come, bro!"

Bai Qing did not say greet anyone but only called Ding Ning, which made a surprise flash in Qin Canglan’s eyes and those playboys were more certain that Ding Ning’s background must be extraordinary.

"You can go. I’m not going. I will just walk around."

Ding Ning did not have a good impression of Qin Canglan. He didn’t want to have anything to do with him. After hearing that, he shook his head and refused his good intentions.

Bai Qing did not force and said with a smile, "Then you can just walk around. You can also bet if think highly of some boxers."

Ding Ning nodded and no longer responded to him. He turned to look at the boxing ring. He couldn’t raise any interest in this level of the boxing match. He planned to leave in advance after watching two games.

"Childe Bai, your friend really has a great personality."

In the VIP seats, Qin Canglan looked at Ding Ning with interest, who was walking around, and asked tentatively.

Childe Bai showed a meaningful smile and said, "He is a very interesting friend."

"Interesting? There are not many people who can get such an evaluation from Childe Bai."


Bai Qing was perfunctory and said no more.

Qin Canglan knew that Bai Qing was perfunctory to him, which meant he refused to introduce him to him. So he cleverly changed the topic of the conversation and said, "Come, I’ll introduce a few friends from Yan Jing to you."

"Friends from Yan Jing?"

Childe Bai was obviously a little surprised. He knew the character and identity of Qin Canglan. He was definitely not the same kind of person with the childes from Yan Jing. Who could make him seriously introduce were definitely not ordinary people.

Qin Canglan smiled and said, "I also just knew them through Qian Laosan, They play in the same circle with his cousin and seem to have extraordinary backgrounds."

"The cousin of Lao San from Qian Family?"

Bai Qing was thoughtful and said, "Then they must have extraordinary backgrounds. The uncle-in-law of Qian Laosan is a leader at ministerial and provincial-level. It is very good."

"Exactly. But she is obviously not the protagonist. It seems that there is a man with a more powerful background. His surname is Dai. I think they all place emphasis on him."

Qin Canglan was also a little surprised. He didn’t expect that gentle guy would have such a powerful background.

"Surname is Dai? I know who he is. One of the Eight Childes in Yan Jing. I have known him long since but never have a chance to meet him. I don’t know if we can play together."

Bai Qing seemed to match the name with the person. He said lightly.

Qin Canglan’s eyebrows raised up and showed a disdainful sneer in the corner of his mouth and said, "Eight Childes in Yan Jing? Just a group of playboys who rely on the dignity of their families to domineer."

"You can’t say that. Although not all of Eight Childes in Yan Jing are outstanding and there are some people who pretend to be excellent, there are really a few people who are worthy of the name."

Bai Qing said very truthfully.

"Humph, even if they are worthy of the name, they cannot compare with you, the Best Childe in Ninghai."

Qin Canglan undisputably complimented him.

"Alright, don’t make fun with me. What the Best Childe in Ninghai. Aren’t you afraid that people will laugh at it if it is spread around?"

Bai Qing shook his head and modestly smiled. Qin Canglan smiled and said no more. Although Bai Qing was low-key, everyone who knew him knew how powerful his background was. The deputy national level really could not scare him.

Ding Ning boringly watched two games. While he was trying to leave in advance, he was attracted by a boxer who had just appeared, and immediately stopped.

It was a 17 or 18-year-old boy. His upper body was naked, and he only wore a hide on his waist. He was tied by a thick iron chain on his neck, like tying the dog, which limited his range of actions.

The boy’s long hairs were hanging down on the shoulder. His face was as pretty as a woman. His body was very thin and weak. It was not too much to say that he was skinny. His face looked not good and he seemed to have malnutrition. But the eyes were full of fierceness like a wolf.

It was the fierceness in his eyes that attracted Ding Ning, which reminded him of the days when he was hunting alone in the Luochuan Mountains when he was 15 or 16 years old. This gave him a sense of freemasonry, just like watching his own shadow.

His opponent was a Muay Thai master. His muscles were like a calf. His footsteps were calm and steady. He went forward or retreated following some rules. He had a huge contrast between the thin figures of the boy.

This made the audience hiss and cursed that the organizers of the boxing match acted up. This was not a game at the same heavyweight at all. There was no suspense of the success and failure at all.

But Ding Ning knew that this boy had extraordinary skills and a terrible wolf nature. The Muay Thai player was definitely not his opponent.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the game, the boy showed his white teeth and had a roar to demonstrate in the throat. His figure was like lightning. Just a face-to-face, the Muay Thai player’s throat was bitten off by the boy. He covered his neck and died with tic.

The entire boxing house was as silent as the grave. People were stunned by this bloody scene. Three minutes later, they cheered, and even the gamblers who lost the money madly cheered him.

Seckilling in one round plus blood stimulated their adrenaline, which made them selflessly yell and roar. Such a wonderful game was enough worth the fares.

Unlike the previous winners, who could have a rest, the boy who had won did not exit. He was like the king on the boxing ring and provocatively gave a middle finger to a VIP room.

Qin Canglan’s face was livid and he said coldly in his earphones, "Since he wants to release the wildness, give him some tricks. Let four people on."

"What’s the matter, Brother Qin? Who is this boy? Why is he tied by an iron chain on his neck?"

Xiaoyao looked at the boy with some pity. If it wasn’t that the boy’s previous performance was too bloody and violent, she would like to beg Qin Canglan to let him go.

"Sister Xiaoyao, although this guy looks pretty, he is actually a beast. He is a wolf kid. He was raised by wolves. It is unknown how he came to human society later. He was adopted by an old man. The old man was old and not healthy. He did not have money to see a doctor. This wolf kid was very filial to the old man. In order to raise money for the old man to see the doctor, he came to us to play black boxing to make money."

Qin Canglan reluctantly smiled and had to patiently explain, "Who knows that the wild nature of this guy is difficult to tame. We’ve talked well in advance. But after he entered the field, he killed a few boxers who have been carefully trained by us to make money. I was not here at that time. The manager did not deal with it well. He secretly attacked him with an anesthetic rifle and locked him up. But it had delayed the old man’s condition. After the old man died, the boy went mad and killed several of my people even if he was tied by the iron chain.

"So you’ve tied him like a dog as a money-making tool?"

Xiaoyao said with dissatisfaction, which made Qin Canglan’s face become cold.

"Well, cousin. Boss Qin also has no option but to do it. You don’t know how much it costs to train a boxer. So many people are killed by that boy, he has to earn it back."

Qian Laosan quietly glared at Xiaoyao, lest she annoyed Qin Canglan, who did not fear anything, then he couldn’t protect Xiaoyao. So he quickly mediated.

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