Malevolent Warlock: Sin Of Eternity

Chapter 61 Faceless Mercenary-4

61  Faceless Mercenary-4

In the sky's of Duan city, a small tempest of uncontrollable wind raged.....



"Are we really going to sit and watch this happen?"  In the sky, four figures could be observed, 2 of which were engaging in a brutal battle.

The first was a lady in a red devil face mask and the second was a male with a blue oval mask.

"Storm area: Sword Rain"

The lady had lightening and wind revolving around her. She Kind of looked like a storm god with the lightening crackling all over her body.

This spell was a level 3 spell. Normally, level 3 spells were kept from markets and only sufficiently powerful forces would have them but, Arian had been in possession of this spell since she was a level 2 Mage, now that she was in level 3. It was now very powerful.

the problem with her opponent was that he didn't have a level 3 spell, abet being in level 3. He was meant to get one as a gift for passing the test but, They didn't know their decision would bring this much trouble.

"He needs to take the initiative to run away. If not, there's nothing we can do to help him"

Arian swung her sword forward and a barrage of ethereal sword lined with crackling lightening flew towards her opponent like a thunderbolt.

"Shit, I can't let myself be shown up by this young lady…" Arian opponent gashed his teeth and tried to block the attack coming at him with his halberd.


And of course, he was sent flying by this attack, he was just too weak. However, he didn't stay down, as soon as he could, he pulled himself together, and he flew back.

There was a large gash of blackened flesh on his body, and he was bleeding from several Cuts all over his body. But he kept coming back.

If his master were here to see this scene, he would be astonished. Most of his disciples could only be described in a few words.

They were cowards.

He never trained them to stand and fight until the last breath, he made sure to hammer it into their minds that life was better than glory.

This was why he only let them join the faceless mercenary company when they got to level 3. He didn't want them dying off.

"What's wrong with me?" He knew this wasn't his usual behavior, so what was this? They were all confused. At least most of them were, but not Arian.

"The power of pride, a blessing, and a curse"

Arian shook her head. The strange behavior of her opponent was due to her new "passive skill"

Prideful heart.

This was from the seed of pride given to her by Leon. It caused the tiniest amounts of pride in the heart of her opponents to grow. It made them act irrationally, giving her the upper hand.

This person would not give up this fight unless he died, this was the cruel reality of pride.


Meanwhile, inside the local restaurant where Leon was taking his test.




Leon's feet struck the floor as he rushed towards the four remaining fighters in front.

"Three of you face him, I'll flank him from behind" the bald - headed young man commanded. These guys weren't really his comrades, they were only working together out of necessity because they all agreed that letting Leon continue his rampage would ultimately lead to their death.

That, they were sure of.

"Hmm!!" The three men nodded simultaneously and rushed out to meet Leon.

"Here they come" Leon put strength into his legs and threw the table forward, striking about two of them and forcing them back.

With that small distraction, he planted his feet on the floor and stretched out the spear and impaled the third assailant.

This time though, he missed and only successfully impaled his shoulder and drove the spear into the wooden pillar holding up the canopy.

Coincidentally, this was right next to where the faceless waiter was standing.

"Hehe, the kid likes to toy with people, huh?"

Leon could have easily slashed with his dagger and ended this life, but he decided to keep the guy for later.

"Die!!!" Seeing Leon dash towards them, the two whom he had distracted with a chair raised their weapons and struck at him.

Whilst these three were going at it, the bald-headed youth made a circle round the restaurant until he was right behind Leon.


Leon had just stabbed one in the throat and was readying himself to attack the other when.


A gentle breeze blew from behind him, causing him to tense up. He forgot about the fourth guy.


The attack connected and left a long cut on Leon's back that immediately started bleeding.

"Ahhh," Leon touched the blood coming from his back and shook his head in annoyance.

"I'm getting rusty" Leon smiled bitterly, he had indeed been cut severally in this fight, but none were this deep.

"The next spill will come from your neck" the bald youth announced and immediately dashed toward Leon.

"Flame work: Boa blaze"

The young man activated a spell that saw his weapon light up.

"Ah?" Leon saw this from his crouched position and sighed. It took a lot to use fire energy.

The truth was most mages and warlocks wouldn't use fire energy in full-blown attacks until they got to level 2. It was, simply because, fire energy was too dangerous.

For example,


Leon sent several wind arrows towards the kids' sword, causing it to lose control.

"Arggg" the youth immediately let go of the sword and stepped to the side.

Fire and wind were a bad mixture. If Leon were more powerful, he would just put out the fire. But what he did was much better. He fired his wind arrows in such a way that they caused the fire to increase and go out of control.

Basically, fanning the flames.

. Using fire energy increased damage, but it was also stupid to use it while being a level 1 mage.

"Shit!!" Staring at his sword on the floor, the bald-headed youth's heart couldn't help but skip a beat. Leon had completely disarmed him.

(I need to protect myself!!)

He screamed in his mind before proceeding to jump to the side in hopes to dodge Leon's next attack. But Leon didn't target him.


Leon's sights were set on his comrade. He threw is remaining dagger and successfully caught him off guard, effectively killing him.

"That's 13" Leon grinned. Only two people remained, the one he pinned to the wall and the kid with the Boa sword. Both of which were severely disabled.

One was stuck to the wall and the other had been disarmed.

"Huuuu" Leon blew out a breath of air and stood up. He then raised his fists up.

"You.....' the bald kid froze, Leon wanted to go hand to hand? That was...unusual.

For killers like them, fighting was only a means to an end, so they used the most effective killing methods, weapons. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Fighting with your bare fists was not efficient. And yet, this was what Leon was proposing.

He didn't pay any mind to Leon, he rolled forward in an attempt to grab his sword, but Leon, who was already in a kickboxing stance, simply leapt forward and struck his head with the back of his feet.

"Argg!" The bald-headed youth screamed in pain, but he had his Boa sword now. It was done for Leon. Or so he thought.



Leon didn't leave even a meter of space between himself and the bald kid. Every strike was followed up with another.

This was no fight. Leon was simply beating him up with his bare hands.

It was an embarrassment.

(Looks like I was wrong, what are they teaching these kids nowadays)

The faceless waiter looked annoyed underneath his mask. The kun boy was a late comrades' trainee, seeing him getting flattened was humiliating.

"Nothing I can do"

Leon beat the living snout out of the bald youth. It was embarrassing to watch. At least that was until.

"Fuck you, If I'm going to die, I'll take you along with me" with rage in his eyes, the bald you threw a pill into his mouth and all of a sudden.

Hair, he started growing hair from his scalp.

"Hm? Wrong pill?" Leon mocked, did this guy mistakenly take a hair loss remedy pill or something? What was the hair about?

"Fucking die!!!" The bald-headed youth exploded with speed. He turned into a blur and began circling Leon....




With his Boa in hand, he delivered several more slashes, tearing up Leon's clothes and skin. Each cut was extremely painful.

Surprisingly, Leon didn't seem moved. He only maintained a serious expression on his face while stretching forward in a claw.

"BloodSerpent work: Anaconda Grip"

All of a sudden, the bald kid felt his rib cage tighten hard and snap, causing him to fall to the floor. And begin squirming in pain.

As soon as this happened, the faceless waiter looked over at Leon, but he couldn't tell what just happened. It was a split - second move, just like a causal grab, and the kid was on the floor.

"Hmm, strange" the faceless waiter mused. He didn't think too much of it though, there were spells that even he, a level 2 mage, couldn't see through immediately.

"Die!!" Leon walked over to the bald youth and smirked. Then he raised his leg up and


He was dead.

Now all that remained was the guy he left for later, however, before Leon could look over to him.

"Hmm, Winner, 14 kills" a faceless waiter stepped forward and announced, stunning Leon.

That was when he realized that the person he kept for later had bled to death

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